Issue - meetings

Bedfordwell Road Update

Meeting: 17/07/2024 - Eastbourne Borough Council Cabinet (Item 19)

19 Bedfordwell Road Project Update pdf icon PDF 144 KB

Report of Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Regeneration and Planning

Lead Cabinet member: Councillor Peter Diplock


(This report contains an exempt appendix. Any discussion of these must take place at item 17 following exclusion of the public.)

Additional documents:


(Key decision):


(1) To approve the updated Bedfordwell Road business case in accordance with Appendix 1 (Exempt) to the report, subject to securing the necessary funding to meet the remaining financial viability gap and the capacity of the 30-Year HRA Business Plan.


(2) To approve a pre-contract capital budget allocation within the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) of up to £100k to allow limited enabling works and surveys to be undertaken, mitigating the risk of delays to programme as/when full funding has been secured.


(3) To delegate authority to the Assistant Director – Property and Development, in consultation with the Director of Finance and Performance (S151 Officer) and the Lead Member for Housing and Homelessness, to make the necessary allocations within the HRA Capital Programme, and to take all necessary actions to deliver the project, including development, lettings, and sales, as well as determining and executing all leases, contracts, funding agreements and other related documentation.


The Cabinet considered the report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Regeneration and Planning, updating it on the Bedfordwell Road Project and to seek its approval to progress delivery.


The Assistant Director for Property and Development presented the open report. Cabinet commended the work of officers in bringing the proposals together.


Following presentation and initial discussions, Cabinet resolved to exclude the public whilst discussing the exempt appendix, as otherwise there was a likelihood of disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, paragraph 3 – Information relating to the financial and business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).


Visiting member, Councillor Smart addressed the Cabinet whilst the meeting was in exempt session, as his comments referenced the exempt appendix.


Following the exempt discussion, the public meeting resumed and Cabinet resolved to unanimously approve the officer recommendations, as set out in the report.


Resolved (Key decision):


(1) To approve the updated Bedfordwell Road business case in accordance at Appendix 1 (Exempt) to the report, subject to securing the necessary funding to meet the remaining financial viability gap and the capacity of the 30-Year HRA Business Plan.


(2) To approve a pre-contract capital budget allocation within the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) of up to £100k to allow limited enabling works and surveys to be undertaken, mitigating the risk of delays to programme as/when full funding has been secured.


(3) To delegate authority to the Assistant Director – Property and Development, in consultation with the Director of Finance and Performance (S151 Officer) and the Lead Member for Housing and Homelessness, to make the necessary allocations within the HRA Capital Programme, and to take all necessary actions to deliver the project, including development, lettings, and sales, as well as determining and executing all leases, contracts, funding agreements and other related documentation.


Reason for decisions:


To provide the required approvals toward the delivery of the Bedfordwell Road housing development project in readiness for future government grant funding announcements.


Notes: (1) The appendix remained exempt. (2) Exempt information reason 3 – information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).