Agenda and minutes

Eastbourne Borough Council Full Council - Wednesday, 10th July, 2019 6.00 pm

Venue: Court Room at Eastbourne Town Hall, Grove Road, BN21 4UG

Contact: Committee Services on 01323 410000 

No. Item


Minutes Silence


The Mayor invited the Council to join him in holding a minute’s silence in tribute to former Councillor Norman Marsh who had died in February, and sending condolences to his friends and family. 


The Mayor advised that Norman Marsh was first elected on 4 May 2000 for the Langney Ward as a Liberal Democrat.  Following boundary changes in 2003 he was elected to represent the St. Anthony’s Ward and continued to serve the ward until the election in May 2007.  In addition, he served the Council as Deputy Mayor from 2003 to 2004.


The Council then held a minute’s silence.


Minutes of the meeting held on 21 May 2019 pdf icon PDF 125 KB

Additional documents:


The minutes of the Annual Council meeting held on 21 May 2019 were presented and the Mayor was authorised to sign them as a correct record.


Declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests (DPIs) by members as required under Section 31 of the Localism Act and of other interests as required by the Code of Conduct (please see note at end of agenda).


There were none.




Mayor's announcements. pdf icon PDF 151 KB


The Mayor drew the Council’s attention to the tabled list of the thirty events that he or the Deputy Mayor had attended since their election at the Annual Council meeting, and thanked the Deputy Mayor for his support.


Notification of apologies for absence.


Apologies had been received from Councillors Miah and Shuttleworth.


Public right of address.

The Mayor to report any requests received from a member of the public under council procedure rule 11 in respect of any referred item or motion listed below.


The Mayor advised that Rose Norris and Anya Sier (Youth for Action Network), Miles Berkley (Eastbourne Eco Action Network) and Alex Hough had registered to address the meeting in relation to item 9 (a), motion on Carbon Neutral in accordance with Council procedure rule 11.


Order of business.

The Council may vary the order of business if, in the opinion of the Mayor, a matter should be given precedence by reason of special urgency.


Business proceeded in accordance with the Summons.




Standards - Appointment of Independent Persons pdf icon PDF 67 KB


Council considered the report of the Monitoring Officer which sought Council’s approval for the appointment of two Standards Independent Persons for a four year term.  This would also be recommended to Lewes District Council Full Council on 15 July 2019.

It was proposed by Councillor Maxted, seconded by Councillor Tutt and accordingly:

RESOLVED: (unanimously):

1)        That the Council approves the appointment of Neal Robinson and Graham Branton as Independent Persons for Eastbourne Borough Council and Lewes District Council for a term of four years, commencing on 1 August 2019, subject to re-confirmation at Annual Council in 2020, 2021 and 2022; and

2)        That the Council record its thanks to Vic Kempner for his service as outgoing Independent Person.


Matters referred from Cabinet or other council bodies.

The following matters are submitted to the Council for decision (council procedure rule 12 refers):-


Treasury Management Annual Report pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Report of Councillor Holt on behalf of the Cabinet (meeting on 9th July 2019).  


Council considered the minute and resolution of the Cabinet meeting held on 9 July 2019, tabled at the meeting recommending approval of the Treasury Management report and prudential and treasury indicators.

It was proposed by Councillor Holt, seconded by Councillor Tutt and accordingly:

RESOLVED: (unanimously):

(1)       To agree the annual Treasury Management report for 2018/19; and

(2)       To approve the 2018/19 prudential and treasury indicators detailed in the report.


Eastbourne Borough Council Draft Statement of Licensing Policy 2019-2024 pdf icon PDF 113 KB

Report of Councillor Rodohan on behalf of the Licensing Committee (meeting on 27 June 2019). 


Additional documents:


Members considered the minute and resolution of the Licensing Committee held on 27 June 2019, recommending approval of the Eastbourne Borough Council Statement of Licensing Policy 2019/2024.

It was proposed by Councillor Rodohan, seconded by Councillor Bannister and accordingly:

RESOLVED: (unanimously):

(1)       To agree the final Statement of Licensing Policy, attached at Appendix A to the report; and

(2)       To agree that further minor amendments during the period of the recommended Policy be made by the Functional Lead Quality Environment with the agreement of the Chair of the Licensing Committee.



The following motions have been submitted by members under council procedure rule 13:-


Carbon Neutral

Motion submitted by Councillor Dow:-


“Eastbourne Borough Council acknowledges the work achieved by this administration since 2007 to offset the negative effects of climate change.


In keeping with our ambitious programme to date, Eastbourne Borough Council will deliver a carbon neutral town by 2030.”


The following motion was proposed by Councillor Dow and seconded by Councillor Murray:

Eastbourne Borough Council recognises there is a Climate Change Emergency and fully supports the Government and the Council’s initiatives in fighting Climate Change.


Eastbourne Borough Council acknowledges the work achieved by this administration since 2007 to offset the negative effects of climate change.


In keeping with our ambitious programme to date, Eastbourne Borough Council commits to working in close partnership with local groups and stakeholders to deliver a carbon neutral town by 2030.”


Councillor Ansell proposed and Councillor Freebody seconded an amendment to the motion, so that the amended motion would read as follows:


Eastbourne Borough Council recognises there is a Climate Change Emergency and an imperative for all levels of government to show leadership to protect the future for the next generation.


As Eastbourne is a low-lying coastal community on the edge of a large flood plan, we have a particular responsibility to be a leader on environmental issues in East Sussex and the UK.


To aspire to be a carbon neutral town by 2030, Eastbourne Borough Council will:


- Lead by example, becoming a carbon neutral organisation before 2030;


- Pledge to bring together expert voices with our residents, partners and key stakeholders, to develop a clear strategy and a shared vision that takes into account both our ambition for growth and challenge of decarbonisation;


- Work with the County Council and Central Government to make low carbon living easier and the new norm; and


- Commit to reporting back at the next meeting of the Full Council in November on initial steps taken and in February 2020, to bring forward a collaborative roadmap towards achieving a Carbon Neutral Eastbourne by 2030.”


Rose Norris and Anya Sier (Youth for Action Network), Miles Berkley (Eastbourne Eco Action Network) and Alex Hough addressed the Council on the motion.

The Council then thanked the speakers, and debated the motion and the amendment.

The amendment was put to the vote and declared lost by 14 votes to 9.

The original motion was then put to the vote and declared carried unanimously.

RESOLVED: (Unanimously) that the original motion be approved.


Mental Health Challenge

Motion submitted by Councillor Holt –


“1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem in any given year.  The World Health Organisation predicts that depression will be the second most common health condition worldwide by 2020.  Mental ill health costs some £105 billion each year in England alone.  People with a severe mental illness die up to 20 years younger than their peers in the UK.


This Council believes:

As a local authority we have a crucial role to play in improving the mental health of everyone in our community and tackling some of the widest and most entrenched inequalities in health.

Mental health should be a priority across all the local authority’s areas of responsibility, including housing, community safety and planning.

All councillors, whether members of the Executive or Scrutiny and in our community and casework roles, can play a positive role in championing mental health on an individual and strategic basis.


This Council resolves:

To sign the Local Authorities’ Mental Health Challenge run by Centre for Mental Health, Mental Health Foundation, AMHP, Mind, Rethink Mental Illness, Royal College of Psychiatrists and YoungMinds.

We commit to appoint an elected member as ‘mental health champion’ across the council.

We will seek to identify a member of staff within the council to act as ‘lead officer’ for mental health.


The Council will also:

Support positive mental health in our community, including in local schools, neighbourhoods and workplaces.

Work to reduce inequalities in mental health in our community.

Work with local partners to offer effective support for people with mental health needs.

Tackle discrimination on the grounds of mental health in our community.

Proactively listen to people of all ages and backgrounds about what they need for better mental health.”


The following motion was proposed by Councillor Holt and seconded by Councillor Freebody:

1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem in any given year.  The World Health Organisation predicts that depression will be the second most common health condition worldwide by 2020.  Mental ill health costs some £105 billion each year in England alone.  People with a severe mental illness die up to 20 years younger than their peers in the UK.


This Council believes:

As a local authority we have a crucial role to play in improving the mental health of everyone in our community and tackling some of the widest and most entrenched inequalities in health.


Mental health should be a priority across all the local authority’s areas of responsibility, including housing, community safety and planning.

All councillors, whether members of the Executive or Scrutiny and in our community and casework roles, can play a positive role in championing mental health on an individual and strategic basis.


This Council resolves:

To sign the Local Authorities’ Mental Health Challenge run by Centre for Mental Health, Mental Health Foundation, AMHP, Mind, Rethink Mental Illness, Royal College of Psychiatrists and YoungMinds.


We commit to appoint an elected member as ‘mental health champion’ across the council.


We will seek to identify a member of staff within the council to act as ‘lead officer’ for mental health.


The Council will also:

Support positive mental health in our community, including in local schools, neighbourhoods and workplaces.


Work to reduce inequalities in mental health in our community.


Work with local partners to offer effective support for people with mental health needs.


Tackle discrimination on the grounds of mental health in our community.

Proactively listen to people of all ages and backgrounds about what they need for better mental health.”


The Council then discussed the motion and it was put to the vote, and accordingly:


RESOLVED:(Unanimously) That the motion be approved.


Discussion on minutes of council bodies. pdf icon PDF 118 KB

Members of the Council who wish to raise items for discussion (council procedure rule 14) on any of the minutes of the meetings of formal council bodies listed below must submit their request to the Head of Democratic Services no later than 10.00 am on the day of the meeting. A list of such items (if any) will be circulated prior to the start of the meeting.


The following are appended to this agenda:-

Additional documents:


The minutes of the following Council bodies were submitted to this meeting:



Conservation Area Advisory Group

19 February 2019, 2 April 2019

Planning Committee

26 February 2019, 26 March 2019, 23 April 2019, 28 May 2019, 25 June 2019

Audit and Governance Committee

6 March 2019

General Licensing Committee

11 March 2019, 4 April 2019

Licensing Act Committee

11 March 2019

Licensing Committee

27 June 2019


20 March 2019, 5 June 2019

Scrutiny Committee

10 June 2019,


In accordance with Council procedure rule 14, the following items were raised for discussion:


Minute 99 of the Planning Committee on 26 February 2019 (Kempston, 3 Granville Road, Application ID: 190103) was raised by Councillor Murray, who provided an update on the site and advised that the decision of the planning inspector was due shortly.


Minute 1 of the Scrutiny Committee on 10 June 2019 (Minutes of the meeting held on 4 February 2019) was raised by Councillor Smart, who drew attention to the delay in the publication of the budget book and to the section that advised on staffing costs.


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the above Council bodies be noted.