Venue: Council Chamber, County Hall, St Anne's Crescent, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1UE.
Contact: Committee Services on 01273 471600.
No. | Item |
To confirm and sign the minutes of the previous meeting held on 14 February 2024 (attached herewith). Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on the 14 February 2024 were submitted and approved, and the Chair was authorised to sign them as an accurate record. |
Apologies for absence/Declaration of substitute members Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Paul Keene and Christoph von Kurthy. It was declared that Councillor Charlotte Keenan would be acting as Substitute for Councillor Keene and that Councillor Julie Carr would be acting as Substitute for Councillor von Kurthy for the duration of the meeting. |
Declarations of interest Disclosure by councillors of personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any interest and whether the councillor regards the interest as prejudicial under the terms of the Code of Conduct. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Sean MacLeod declared that he was predetermined in respect of Agenda Item 9 (planning application LW/23/0750). He later spoke on the application in his capacity as the Lewes District Ward Councillor from the public gallery, then left the room and did not participate in the consideration, discussion or voting thereon. |
Urgent items Items not on the agenda which the Chair of the meeting is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency by reason of special circumstances as defined in Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. Additional documents: Minutes: There were none. |
Petitions To receive petitions from councillors or members of the public in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 13 (Page D10 of the Constitution).
An e-petition with a total of 187 signatures (77 digital and 110 physical) has been received in objection to Agenda Item 8 - Planning Application LW/23/0304 (Land between Beach Road and Transit Road, Newhaven). Additional documents: Minutes: An e-petition with a total of 187 signatures (77 digital and 110 physical) was received in objection to Agenda Item 8 - Planning Application LW/23/0304 (Land between Beach Road and Transit Road, Newhaven).
The Council’s Principal Planning Solicitor acknowledged receipt of the petition, noting that the updated Officer recommendation to defer Agenda Item 8 would result in the petition being adjourned to the next meeting when planning application LW/23/0304 would be considered by the Committee. |
Written questions from councillors To deal with written questions from members pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 12.3 (page D9 of the Constitution). Additional documents: Minutes: There were none. |
Where additional information has been received by Planning Officers subsequent to the publication of the agenda, a supplementary report will be added to this item and published on the Council’s website the day before the meeting to update the main reports with any late information. Additional documents:
Minutes: Two supplementary reports were circulated to the Committee before the meeting, updating the main reports on the agenda with any late information (copies of which were published on the Council’s website). |
LW/23/0304 - Land between Beach Road and Transit Road, Newhaven PDF 427 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved:
That planning application LW/23/0304 for demolition of existing former Port Office building and the erection of 126 dwellings including 18 storey building with Class E commercial uses (154m2) at ground floor level, associated ground level parking, landscaping and access arrangements - be deferred to a future meeting of the Committee.
Reason: The absence of full and final highways comments on the application may prejudice the consideration of the item, as set out in Officers’ recommendation in the second supplementary report.
LW/23/0750 - Former Newhaven Household Waste Recycling Site, Lewes Road, Newhaven PDF 599 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Planning Officers highlighted the initial supplementary report, noting that a significant number of late letters of objection to the proposal had been received subsequent to publication of the Officer’s report.
Officers confirmed that all late consultation letters would be considered and should the Committee be minded to approve the application, the Officer recommendation would be amended to delegate a decision to Officers (in consultation with the Chair, and subject to no material planning matters being raised by later consultation letters). Should late letters raise new material factors in the opinion of the Council Planning Solicitor, then the application would be brought back to Committee for further consideration.
Councillor Sean MacLeod spoke in his capacity as the Lewes District Ward Councillor.
That planning application LW/23/0750 for change of use of the site to a food waste collection and transfer site (no public access), including the creation of 16 parking spaces for electric vehicles; the location of two mobile compactors; the creation of a fixed vehicular ramp for waste tipping; the replacement of the boundary fence; the creation of a footpath to the southern side of the entrance road and soft landscaping - be delegated to the Head of Development Management to approve, subject to:
a) No new substantive material planning considerations being raised within late consultation letters that would require the Committee’s further consideration, (checked by the Council Planning Solicitor) and in consultation with the Committee Chair; b) The conditions set out in the report; c) The conditions set out in the supplementary report; and d) Subject to the following additional conditions to be captured by conditions:
1. Further regarding the control of vermin. 2. Noise – reversing vehicles / compactor. 3. Compactor technology / methodology. 4. Further details on the management of liquid waste and watertightness of skips. 5. The potential for acoustic fencing. 6. Hours of operation – including the potential for a later start daily.
Date of next meeting To note that the next meeting of the Planning Applications Committee is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, 12 June 2024 in the Council Chamber, County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1UE, commencing at 5:00pm. Additional documents: Minutes: It was noted that the next meeting of the Planning Applications Committee was scheduled to be held on Wednesday, 12 June 2024, in the Council Chamber, County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1UE, commencing at 5:00pm. |