Agenda item

Appointments Report

a)    To note the Leader of the Council’s appointments to Cabinet, the individual areas of responsibility allocated to the Cabinet and the allocation of those areas of responsibility to the members of the Cabinet (to be reported verbally by the Leader at the meeting); and

b)    To consider and determine proposals set out in the report of the Head of Democratic Services.



The Chair advised that the appointments report had been tabled as an agenda supplement.


At the Chair’s invitation, the Leader of the Council, Councillor Nicholson, advised that the following would be appointed to the Cabinet and on their areas of responsibilities for information:


Cabinet Member


Councillor Zoe Nicholson

Leader of the Council, Chair of Cabinet and Cabinet member for finance, assets and community wealth building

Councillor Christine Robinson

Deputy Leader of the Council and Cabinet member for community wellbeing

Councillor Chris Collier

Cabinet member for innovation, delivery and people

Councillor Johnny Denis

Cabinet member for arts, culture and tourism and leisure

Councillor Wendy Maples

Cabinet member for neighbourhood wellbeing

Councillor Emily O'Brien


Cabinet member for climate, nature and food systems

Councillor Laurence O'Connor

Cabinet member for planning and infrastructure

Councillor Mark Slater

Cabinet member for tenants and those in housing need


Councillor Nicholson moved and Councillor MacCleary seconded the recommendations set out in the appointments report.  


The Chair of the Council then drew the Councillors’ attention to the list of nominations set out in Appendix 1 to the report and advised that there were two outside bodies where there were more nominations than places (in respect of Impact Seaford and Local Government Association – Coastal Issues Special Interest Group).  In addition, where no nominations had been received, it was proposed the Head of Democratic Services be authorised to appoint to vacancies in consultation with Group Leaders in accordance with political balance rules, or in relation to Deputy Chair appointments these be put to a vote at the first meeting of the relevant Committee.


The Chair put to a vote first all the appointments where there were no contested seats, and all other report recommendations, and these were carried unanimously.


The Chair then put to a vote the nominations received for Impact Seaford; Councillor Meek received 26 votes, Councillor Boniface 15 votes, and there were no abstentions.  Councillor Meek was declared to be the Council’s representative for Impact Seaford.


The Chair then put to a vote the nominations received for Local Government Association – Coastal Issues Special Interest Group; Councillor O’Brien received 26 votes, Councillor Bristow received 15 votes, and there were no abstentions.  Councillor O’Brien was declared to be the Council’s representative for the Local Government Association – Coastal Issues Special Interest Group.



1.    To approve the proposed number and allocation of seats and nominations to Committees, Other Bodies and Outside Bodies, and to Chairs and Deputy Chairs as set out in Appendix 1;

2.    To approve the increase in the size of the Licensing Committee to 11 members;

3.    To rename the Audit and Standards Committee as the Audit and Governance Committee and to delegate the Monitoring Officer to make the relevant changes to the Council’s constitution.

4.    To appoint all members of the Council to the ‘approved list’ of members appointed as substitute members in accordance with Council’s Rules of Procedure, except where prohibited by those rules such as for Licensing Committee and Cabinet;

5.    To note the Leader of the Council’s appointments to Cabinet, the individual areas of responsibility allocated to the Cabinet and the allocation of those areas of responsibility to the members of the Cabinet, as reported at the meeting;

6.    That Neal Robinson and Graham Branton be re-confirmed as the Council’s Standards Independent Persons until their tenure ends on 31 July 2023, and to note that the Monitoring Officer will undertake a new recruitment process for the positions, to be reported back to the next meeting of the Full Council;

7.    To approve the establishment of a Constitution Working Group and its proposed terms of reference as set out at Appendix 2 of the report, and membership as set out at Appendix 1 of the report, and to delegate the Monitoring Officer to incorporate its formation into the relevant sections of the Council’s constitution; and

8.    To delegate to the Head of Democratic Services to resolve in consultation with Group Leaders any vacant appointments.

Supporting documents: