Those attending were introduced, and the Chair of the Licensing Sub-Committee welcomed all parties to the hearing and detailed the procedure for the hearing.
The Specialist Advisor for Licensing, Jade Marshall, presented the report to the Sub-Committee and summarised the details.
The Agent, Delta Tech Ltd, addressed the Sub-Committee and responded to questions.
The Agent summed up.
Following all the evidence presented, the Sub-Committee retired to consider and determine the application. Michele Wilkinson, Housing and Regulatory Lawyer was in attendance to assist with any legal queries. The Sub-Committee provided the following decision:
Resolved: The Sub-Committee resolved to grant the licence with the modification of conditions as appropriate for the promotion of the licensing conditions. The licensing conditions to be those as agreed between the Applicant and the Police, as set out in Appendix 4 on pages 33 -36 of the Report, with the exception of conditions (d) and (e) on page 36. In addition, the licence conditions will include those appropriate conditions offered in the application, as set on in page 20 of the Report. For the sake of complete clarity those conditions shall be;
There should be a personal licence holder on duty on the premises at all times when the premises are authorised to sell alcohol.
The supply of alcohol on the premises shall only be to persons seated taking a table meal and for consumption by such persons as ancillary to their meal.
No high strength beers, lagers and ciders above 5.5% ABV shall be stocked or sold at the premises.
An electronic till prompt should be used for all alcohol sales.
All deliveries to the site shall take place during the normal working day i.e., 09:00 to 18:00 daily.
A minimum of two members of staff shall be present throughout the permitted hours for the sale of alcohol.
Outside of the hours authorised for the sale of alcohol, all alcohol within the trading areas is to be secured behind locked grills, locked screens or locked cabinet doors so as to prevent access to the alcohol by customers or staff.
Reasons for the decision
The Sub Committee carefully considered the written representations from the member of the public. However, the Sub Committee were content that the licensable hours were reasonable, in all the circumstances. In addition, it considered that the conditions, as referred to above, would reasonably address those concerns.
The Members also noted the reassurances provided that should any concerns arise, the Applicant would address those forthwith.
The Sub Committee in making its decision took into account the premises would be focussed on the supply of food and that the provision of alcohol was ancillary to that.
It was noted that no Responsible Authority had made a representation.
The Sub Committee was content that the granting of the premises licence would not undermine the relevant licensing objectives.
The Sub Committee considered that the conditions (d) and (e) on page 36 of the Report should not be added to the licence as there was a lack of clarity as to the meaning of “the outside area.”
Supporting documents: