Agenda item

Planning Applications for Consideration.

Specialist Advisor (Conservation) to report on applications.


1)  180351, (PP), The Big Sleep, 1-3 Lansdowne Terrace, King Edwards Parade, Eastbourne

Cons Area:  Town Centre and Seafront.

Proposal: 1 x internally illuminated fascia sign. 2 x external pole mounted internally illuminated signs. Amended from orginal submission.


CAAG Comments:  The Group agreed that the design was as yet not appropriate in such a prominent location and agreed that the scheme would detract from the character and appearance of the conservation area and objected.


2) 180752, (PP), Flats 1 and 2, 189 Terminus Road, Eastbourne

Cons Area: Town Centre and Seafront

Proposal: to replace windows by the insertion of uPVC insets into timber frames


CAAG Comments:  The Group agreed that there was insufficient information to make an informed decision and wished to see further detail.


3) 180649, (LBC), Eastbourne Railway Station, Terminus Road, Eastbourne

Cons Area: Town Centre and Seafront, Grade 2 Listed

Proposal: Application for Listed Building Consent for internal alterations involving the removal of partition walls, windows and doors within the existing ticket office and staff office/mess room to allow conversion to 2 x retail units and removal of partition walls and reinstatement of openings within curved former booking hall extension the western elevation to allow the creation of a single retail unit.  Provision of new signage to serve retail units within the station building.


CAAG Comments:  The Group agreed that the scheme would have no adverse impact on the significance of the listed building and would enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area.


4) 180610, (PP), Kent House, 7 Staveley Road, Eastbourne

Cons Area: Meads

Proposal: To replace existing window sashes with wooden like-for-like slim double glazed replacements fitting within the original frame. Non-sash style windows to be replaced with wooden like-for-like replacements. 2.) Complete replacement of the windows with a quality uPVC double glazed unit.


CAAG Comments: This item was withdrawn by the applicant prior to the meeting.


5) 180632, (PP), 7-8 Carlisle Buildings, Carlisle Road, BN21 4DB (amended)

Cons Area: Town Centre and Seafront

Proposal: Proposed removal of existing windows, door and plinth and installation of new timber framed bi-fold shop front and windows.       


CAAG Comments:  The Group agreed that the scheme would enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area.


NB: Councillor Swansborough withdrew from the room whilst the item was considered.


6) 180723, (PP), 63 Seaside, Eastbourne, BN22 7NE

Cons Area: Town Centre and Seafront

Proposal: Change of use of the existing retail ground floor unit to a 1 bedroom residential unit and associated alterations to the front elevation.


CAAG Comments: The Group agreed that the scheme would enhance the conservation area.


NB: Mr Crook withdrew from the room whilst the item was considered due to a commercial interest in the application.


7) 180619, (PP), 40-48 Seaside Road, Eastbourne.

Cons Area: Town Centre and Seafront

Proposal: Proposed replacement of timber framed windows with heritage style uPVC replacements to the first second and third floors on the front elevation of 40-48 Seaside Road


CAAG Comments:  The Group agreed that the scheme would detract from the character and appearance of the conservation area and objected to the scheme.


8) 180614, (PP) 36-38 Seaside, Eastbourne, BN22 7QJ

Cons Area: Town Centre and Seafront

Proposal: Proposed two storey extension (second and Third Floor) and rear extension (First and Second Floor) to create two additional flats.


CAAG Comments:  The Group agreed that the scheme would enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area.


9) 180673, (PP), Congress Hotel, 31-41 Congress Road, Eastbourne BN21 4JS.

Cons Area: College.

Proposal: Proposed single-storey hotel outbuilding to provide exercise room.


CAAG Comments:  The Group agreed that the scheme had a neutral impact on the character and appearance of the conservation area and did not wish to register an objection.


10) 180694, (LBC), 11 The Goffs, Eastbourne, BN21 1HA.

Cons Area: N/A, Grade 2 Listed

Proposal: Proposed single storey side extension with internal alterations (part retrospective - marked (R) on plans), together with amendments to front boundary. Listed Building consent under p/c 180695.


CAAG Comments:  The Group agreed that the scheme would enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area.


NB: Councillor Swansborough withdrew from the room whilst the item was considered.


11) 180727 (PP), Alexandra Hotel, King Edwards Parade, Eastbourne, BN21 4DR

Cons Area: Town Centre and Seafront

Proposal: Removal of eastern top floor roof and extend approved top floor extension, extension of approved Bistro, provision of new windows and doors, provision of external open lift including remodelling of main entrance steps, remove planters box with new paving slabs to courtyards and new stone balustrade to eastern side including filling up of disused steps, external lighting.   


CAAG Comments: The Group agreed that the scheme would enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area.


NB: Mr Crook withdrew from the room whilst the item was considered due to a commercial interest in the application


Members raised serious concerns with the lack of information provided with some applications presented to the Group.  The Group agreed that the lack of detail provided made it difficult for them to make an informed decision. 


To this end, the Group wished to make a formal statement to applicants, on behalf of and though the Officers processing applications, that the Group would be unable to offer a considered opinion of an application unless they had sufficient detail to allow for proper discussion and  deliberation without the necessary information.


Resolved: That future applicants be advised that the Group would be unable to offer an informed decision on applications, should the information be considered to be lacking in appropriate detail.  Further, the Group requested that in their pre-committee deliberations with applicants, Officers convey this advice at the earliest opportunity.


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