This Group meets as an informal advisory body and has up to 5 Councillors who are not on the pool of Councillors for the Planning Committee, plus co-opted advisors.
Co-opted advisors to include the Council’s Heritage Champion (or nominee if Heritage Champion is appointed to Planning Committee or otherwise unable to act in this capacity) and up to 3 others of which at least two must be external, this to be determined by the Head of Planning in liaison with the Chair of CAAG on an annual basis, usually at the start of each municipal year.
Quorum is 3 Councillors and 1 co-opted advisor.
Elected members only have voting rights and the Chair and Vice Chair are appointed by Full Council.
To advise the Planning Committee and the South Downs National Park Authority in regard to planning applications in Conservation Areas where there is a material effect on the Conservation Area and applications affecting Listed Buildings.
To comment and advise, with regards to planning applications and scheduled works, affecting heritage assets.
To comment and advise on any matter under consideration by Cabinet or the Planning Committee that has a significant material effect (as deemed by Cabinet or Planning Committee) on the Conservation Area and/or listed buildings and/or heritage assets.
This Group became an Informal Forum (described above) with effect from November 2020. For further information contact Committee Services.
Public Attendance:
Please note that this meeting is normally run remotely via Microsoft Teams. Any member of the public wishing to observe the meeting, is requested to contact Committee Services. to request a link to join the meeting.
Support officer: Committee Services on 01323 410000.