Issue - decisions

General fund budget 2023/24 and capital programme

09/02/2023 - General Fund Revenue Budget 2023/24 and Capital Programme

Recommended to Full Council (Budget and policy framework)


(1) The General Fund Budget 2023/24 (original) and projected MTFS as set out at Appendix 1 to the report.


(2) The General Fund Budget 2022/23 (revised) as set out at Appendix 2 to the report.


(3) An increase in the Council Tax for Eastbourne Borough Council of 2.99% (per annum) resulting in a Band D charge for general expenses of £269.68 (per annum) for 2023/24.


(4) The revised General Fund Capital Programme 2023/24 as set out at Appendix 6 to the report.


(5) The Council introduce from 1 April 2024 a new discretionary Council Tax premium on second homes of up to 100% and apply a premium of up to 100% on homes which have been empty for longer than 1 year following the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill becoming law.


(6) To note the Section 151 Officer’s sign off as outlined in the report.


(7) To approve flexible use of capital receipts to fund its transformation and improvement plans, as included in its Recovery and Stabilisation phase 2 programme.


(Key decision):


(8) To give delegated authority to the Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Cabinet member for finance to make any late adjustments necessary following the announcement of final financial settlement, prior to Full Council submission.