Issue - decisions

Investment strategy

13/02/2019 - Treasury management and prudential indicators 2019/20, capital strategy & investment strategy

(Non-key decision):


(1) To note the extended role of the Chief Finance Officer as set out at appendix 7 to the report.


Recommended to Council (Budget and policy framework):


(2) To approve the treasury management strategy and annual investment strategy as set out in the report and at appendix 5 to the report.


(3) To approve the methodology for calculating the minimum revenue provision as set out at paragraph 2.3 of the report and at appendix 2 to the report


(4) To approve the prudential and treasury indicators as set out in the report.


(5) To approve the investment categories, limits and creditworthiness policy, set out at appendix 6 to the report.


(6) To approve the Capital Strategy as set out at appendix 1 to the report.