Issue - decisions

Wave Leisure Services

07/02/2019 - Wave Leisure services

(Key decision):


(1) To approve measures to create new agreements with Wave Leisure to operate the four Leisure Centres (Eastbourne Sports Park, Hampden Park, Shinewater, Cavendish), Regency Community Centre and Motcombe Pool and now to include: a) Sovereign Harbour Community Centre, b) Use of seasonal football pitches across the following sites – Old Town Rec. Princes Park, c) Tennis courts at Hampden Park and Old Town Rec, as of 1st April 2019. To delegate authority to the Director of Tourism and Enterprise, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Tourism and Enterprise, to negotiate and conclude any lease, contract, grant and other arrangements to allow for the operation of these Centres in the most efficient structure to achieve this outcome ensuring compliance with all legal requirements.


(2) To approve future monitoring of the agreement provided by Wave in the form of an annual report to Cabinet.


(3) To agree that the delegations at (1) and (3) above include authorisation not to dispose by auction or invitation of tenders following public advertisement (sought under Contract Procedure Rule 18.1).


(4) To resolve that any leases to be granted to Wave Leisure, to allow them to occupy premises outlined in the report would help the Council to secure the promotion or improvement of the social well-being of the Council’s area.