Declarations of interest
Declarations of interest for agenda item 'Motion - Health Services at the Eastbourne District General Hospital (DGH).'
- Councillor Alan Shuttleworth - Personal - Councillor Shuttleworth declared a personal interest on agenda item 11e, Motion – Health Services at the Eastbourne DGH, as he was a member of the East Sussex Health Overview Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) and on the HOSC review panel looking at the paediatric provision. He advised that he would leave the room to avoid any conflict of interest when considering the matter at HOSC in the future.
- Councillor Colin Belsey - Personal - Councillor Belsey declared a personal interest on agenda item 11e, Motion – Health Services at the Eastbourne DGH, as he was a member of the East Sussex Health Overview Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) and also on the HOSC review panel looking at the paediatric provision.
He advised that he would leave the room to avoid any conflict of interest when considering the matter at HOSC in the future.
- Councillor Kathy Ballard - Personal - Councillor Ballard declared a personal interest on agenda item 11e, Motion – Health Services at the Eastbourne DGH, as she was a member of the East Sussex Health Overview Scrutiny Committee (HOSC). She left the room to avoid any conflict of interest when considering the matter at HOSC in the future.
- Councillor Penny di Cara - Personal - Councillor di Cara declared a personal interest on agenda item 11e, Motion – Health Services at the Eastbourne DGH, as she was a member of the East Sussex Health Overview Scrutiny Committee (HOSC). She left the room to avoid any conflict of interest when considering the matter at HOSC in the future.