Decision details

Re-imagining Newhaven

Decision Maker: Lewes District Council Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Update on Future High Streets Fund project, including:

            Confirmation of funding award

            Programme progress and anticipated timescales


(Non-key decision):


(1) To note the Future High Streets Fund capital grant award from MHCLG and that this represents a considerable achievement for the Council.


(2) To note the timescales to deliver the Re-imagining Newhaven programme.


(3) To delegate authority to the Director of Regeneration and Planning, in consultation with the Lead Member for Regeneration and Prosperity, to:


(a) enter, or authorise entry into, all necessary documentation with MHCLG to receive the Future High Street Fund grant;


(b) carry out all necessary actions to deliver the Re-imagining Newhaven programme including undertaking feasibility work, procurement and appointment of the professional team, development and determining the terms of, and authorising the execution of, all necessary documentation, including the procurement and appointment of an operator.


(4) To delegate authority to the Director of Regeneration and Planning, in consultation with the Lead Member for Finance and Chief Finance Officer, to make an allocation within the General Fund Capital Programme for the co-funding part of the Re-imagining Newhaven programme, subject to further finance and legal advice, also subject to a sound business case.


(5) To write a letter of thanks to the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government, for the Future High Streets Fund grant and thank those officers at the Council who have worked towards the Re-imagining Newhaven programme.


Report author: Peter Sharp

Publication date: 09/07/2021

Date of decision: 08/07/2021

Decided at meeting: 08/07/2021 - Lewes District Council Cabinet

Effective from: 14/07/2021

Accompanying Documents: