Decision Maker: Lewes District Council Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
(Key decision):
(1) That Cabinet approves the strategic approach presented and agrees as follows:
a. To purchase the Land at Landport Brooks to put Lewes District Council in a position to deliver a range of environmental, ecological, flood mitigation and health and wellbeing outcomes subject to valuation, legal advice and the usual due diligence.
b. To develop the business case to reflect that this is a long-term investment with environmental and potential commercial opportunities for LDC.
(2) That officers work with stakeholders and the community to deliver the best outcomes for the site, to achieve biodiversity gains, improving floodplain storage capacity and other environmental benefits.
(3) To authorise the Director of Service Delivery, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Sustainability to carry out all necessary actions to facilitate the project including negotiating the purchase of the land and determining the terms of, and authorising the execution of, all necessary documentation.
Report author: Jane Goodall
Publication date: 02/02/2023
Date of decision: 02/02/2023
Decided at meeting: 02/02/2023 - Lewes District Council Cabinet
Effective from: 08/02/2023
Accompanying Documents: