Issue - meetings

War Pensions and Armed Forces Compensation Policy

Meeting: 09/11/2023 - Lewes District Council Cabinet (Item 30)

30 Housing Benefit War Pension and Armed Forces Compensation Policy pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Report of Director of Service Delivery

Lead Cabinet member: Councillor Zoe Nicholson


Recommended to Full Council (Budget and policy framework):


To recommend the disregarding in full of War Pensions income and the Armed Forces Compensation income in the assessment of Housing Benefit.


The Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Service Delivery, seeking their recommendation to Full Council for the disregarding, in the assessment of Housing Benefit, War Pension and Armed Forces Compensation income above the statutory disregard.


For several years, Lewes District Council has used its discretion to fully disregard any income that residents receive from War Widow's (Widower's) Pension, War Disablement Pension and the Armed Forces Compensation Schemes if they claim housing benefit. The report recommended that the council continue its support.


Policy and Performance Advisory Committee (PPAC), held on 7 November 2023 considered the report and were supportive of the officer recommendations in full.


Recommended to Full Council (Budget and policy framework):


To recommend the disregarding in full of War Pensions income and the Armed Forces Compensation income in the assessment of Housing Benefit.


Reason for decision:


As set out in the report.