Issue - meetings

Portfolio progress and performance report quarter 1 - 2024-2025

Meeting: 26/09/2024 - Lewes District Council Cabinet (Item 21)

21 Portfolio progress and performance report quarter 1 - 2024-2025 pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Report of Director of Finance and Performance

Lead Cabinet member: Councillor Chris Collier

Additional documents:


(Non-key decision):


To note progress and performance for quarter 1 2024/25.


The Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Finance and Performance, regarding the council’s progress and performance in respect of service areas for the first quarter of the year (April-June 2024). Further details were detailed at Appendix 1 to the report.


Policy and Performance Advisory Committee (PPAC), held on 19 September 2024 considered the report and were supportive of the officer recommendation in full.


In referencing the key performance indicator in relation to average time taken to answer calls, Councillor Robinson advised that performance for quarter 2 was currently at 5 minutes, which indicated an improvement on quarter 1.


Cabinet also commended the work undertaken by officers in significantly reducing the number of households living in emergency accommodation.


Resolved (Non-key decision):


To note progress and performance for quarter 1 2024/25.


Reason for decision:


To enable Cabinet members to consider specific aspects of the council’s progress and performance.