Venue: Court Room at Eastbourne Town Hall, Grove Road, BN21 4UG
Contact: Committee Services on 01323 415021
No. | Item |
Minutes of the meeting held on 2 June 2021 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 2 June 2021 were submitted and approved and the Chair was authorised to sign them as a correct record. |
Apologies for absence Minutes: An apology for absence was reported from Councillor Shuttleworth. |
Declaration of members' interests Minutes: Councillors Bannister declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest in agenda item 10 (Provisional Revenue and Capital Outturn 2020/21) as a Non-Executive Director of Eastbourne Housing Investment Company Limited. She remained in the room and voted on the item.
Councillors Tutt declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest in agenda item 10 (Provisional Revenue and Capital Outturn 2020/21)as a Non-Executive Director of Eastbourne Housing Investment Company Limited and member of the Aspiration Homes LLP Executive Committee. He remained in the room and voted on the item.
Recovery and reset programme Report of Chief Executive Lead Cabinet member: Councillor David Tutt Decision: (Key decision):
(1) To note the progress made with the Recovery and Reset Programme.
(2) To agree the Priority Based Budget proposals, set out at Appendix A to the report. Minutes: The Cabinet considered the report of the Chief Executive, updating them on progress of the Recovery and Reset Programme.
Visiting member, Councillor Smart, addressed the Cabinet on this item.
The purpose of the Recovery and Reset programme was to tackle the financial, organisational and borough-wide challenges as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, resultant economic climate and the changing needs and demands of the Council’s services. The proposed savings, set out at Appendix A to the report would ensure a balanced budget for 2021/22 and would also go a considerable way to delivering the reductions needed for 2022/23. The intention was that the budget reductions would not be permanent, and it was hoped that the Council would be able to re-invest in services and reverse the unavoidable service reductions that had been made for this year and next.
Cabinet paid tribute to officers for their response to the challenges, already achieving many of the savings set out in the report.
Resolved (Key decision):
(1) To note the progress made with the Recovery and Reset Programme.
(2) To agree the Priority Based Budget proposals, set out at Appendix A to the report.
Reason for decisions:
The Recovery and Reset Programme provides a structured and accountable approach for delivering the level of significant organisational change needed to respond to current and future challenges. |
Corporate Plan- Year 1 Review Report of Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Regeneration and Planning Lead Cabinet Member: Councillor David Tutt Additional documents: Decision: (Non-key decision):
To note progress with the Corporate Plan aspirations. Minutes: The Cabinet considered the report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Regeneration and Planning, asking them to consider the Council’s progress with the Corporate Plan 2020-2024 aspirations.
Key achievements during this extremely challenging year were set out in section 2.4 of the report and officers were commended for these. The cross-party input into discussions that led to the production of the Carbon Neutral plan for action and strategy was also recognised.
Resolved (Non-key decision):
To note progress with the Corporate Plan aspirations.
Reason for decision:
To enable Cabinet members to consider specific aspects of the Council’s progress and performance. |
Corporate performance - quarter 4 - 2020/21 Report of Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Regeneration and Planning Lead Cabinet member: Councillor Colin Swansborough Additional documents:
Decision: (Non-key decision):
To note progress and performance for Quarter 4. Minutes: The Cabinet considered the report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Regeneration and Planning, asking them to consider the Council’s progress and performance in respect of key projects and targets for the fourth quarter of the year (January – March 2021), as shown as Appendix 1 to the report.
Performance targets for 2020/21 had all been met wherever possible. The few areas which had not met their targets had been unable to do so due to pandemic related factors.
Visiting member, Councillor Shore, addressed the Cabinet on this item. In response to comments raised on the quantity of key performance indicators (KPIs), it was agreed that a discussion of these would take place outside the meeting, however it was clarified that many were areas that central government expected the Council to report on.
Further to points raised, Cabinet clarified that a report on fraud cases would be presented to the next meeting of the Audit and Governance Committee.
Visiting member, Councillor di Cara, also addressed the Cabinet on this item. Cabinet confirmed that quarter 4 data for the percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting would be circulated once received from the third party that provided the data.
Resolved (Non-key decision):
To note progress and performance for Quarter 4.
Reason for decision: To enable Cabinet members to consider specific aspects of the Council’s progress and performance. |
Provisional revenue and capital outturn 2020/21
Report of Chief Finance Officer Lead Cabinet member: Councillor Stephen Holt Additional documents:
Decision: (Key decision):
(1) To endorse the provisional outturn for 2020/21.
(2) To approve the transfers from/to reserves as set out in section 2.2 of the report. Minutes: The Cabinet considered the report of the Chief Finance Officer, updating them on the provisional outturn for 2020/21. The Council had responded to the financial and operational challenges caused by the pandemic with great focus and commitment. This had enabled the authority to reduce its capitalisation requirement by some £3.250M and put in place a strong programme of transformation and savings to ensure a financially sustainable future.
Visiting member, Councillor Smart, addressed the Cabinet on this item.
Councillors Bannister and Tutt declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest in this item. They remained in the room and voted on the item.
Resolved (Key decision):
(1) To endorse the provisional outturn for 2020/21.
(2) To approve the transfers from/to reserves as set out in section 2.2 of the report.
Reason for decisions:
To enable Cabinet members to consider specific aspects of the Council’s financial performance for 2020/21. |
Treasury management annual report 2020/21 Report of Chief Finance Officer Lead Cabinet member: Councillor Stephen Holt Decision: Recommended to Full Council (Budget and policy framework):
(1) To agree the annual Treasury Management report for 2020/21.
(2) To approve the 2020/21 prudential and treasury indicators included. Minutes: The Cabinet considered the report of the Chief Finance Officer, reporting on activities and performance of the treasury management service during 2020/21.
Visiting member, Councillor Smart, addressed the Cabinet on this item.
Recommended to Full Council (Budget and policy framework):
(1) To agree the annual Treasury Management report for 2020/21.
(2) To approve the 2020/21 prudential and treasury indicators included.
Reason for decisions:
Requirement of CIPFA Treasury Management in the Public Sector Code of Practice (the Code) and this has to be reported to Full Council. |
Housing development update Report of Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Regeneration and Planning Lead Cabinet member: Councillor Alan Shuttleworth
(This report contains an exempt appendix. Any discussion of this must take place at item 14 following exclusion of the public.)
Additional documents: Decision: (Key decision):
(1) To note the progress of the project including the appropriation of the proposed development site from the General Fund into the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) on 31st March 2021. This is set out at the Exempt Appendix 1 to the report.
(2) To authorise entering into a construction contract to bring forward the development of the Southfields Road Car Park site, including formalising the appointments of the project professional team, in accordance with the Contract Procedure Rules, subject to ensuring a sound and financially viable business case and to let the homes to new tenants.
(3) To authorise the Director of Regeneration and Planning, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, to carry out all necessary actions to deliver the project and these recommendations including determining the terms of, and authorising the execution of, all necessary documentation, subject to further legal, finance, and market advice.
(4) To delegate authority to the Director of Regeneration and Planning, in consultation with the Lead Member for Finance and Chief Finance Officer, to make an allocation within the Capital Programme of up to £6m and within the tolerances of the HRA Business Plan. Minutes: The Cabinet considered the report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Regeneration and Planning, providing an update on the Southfields Road Car Park redevelopment project and to progress all matters, including matter of contract, towards the construction and delivery phase.
Scrutiny Committee, at its meeting on 12 July 2021 considered the report and made the following recommendation.
To request that the Cabinet consider a review of the scheme within the current commercial/supply context, including consideration of the business case for the scheme.
The Cabinet confirmed that they were satisfied that Scrutiny Committee’s recommendation was already met within the existing officer recommendations.
Resolved (Key decision):
(1) To note the progress of the project including the appropriation of the proposed development site from the General Fund into the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) on 31st March 2021. This is set out at the Exempt Appendix 1 to the report.
(2) To authorise entering into a construction contract to bring forward the development of the Southfields Road Car Park site, including formalising the appointments of the project professional team, in accordance with the Contract Procedure Rules, subject to ensuring a sound and financially viable business case and to let the homes to new tenants.
(3) To authorise the Director of Regeneration and Planning, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, to carry out all necessary actions to deliver the project and these recommendations including determining the terms of, and authorising the execution of, all necessary documentation, subject to further legal, finance, and market advice.
(4) To delegate authority to the Director of Regeneration and Planning, in consultation with the Lead Member for Finance and Chief Finance Officer, to make an allocation within the Capital Programme of up to £6m and within the tolerances of the HRA Business Plan.
Reason for decisions:
To enable the progress and development of the Southfields Road Car Park site to provide 19 new affordable homes. |
Exclusion of the public The Chief Executive considers that discussion of the following items is likely to disclose exempt information as defined in Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and may therefore need to take place in private session. The exempt information reasons are shown beneath the items listed below. Furthermore, in relation to paragraph 10 of Schedule 12A, it is considered that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. (The requisite notices having been given under regulation 5 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.)
(Note: Exempt papers are printed on pink paper).
Minutes: Resolved:
That the public be excluded from the remainder of the remote meeting as otherwise there was a likelihood of disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. The relevant paragraph of schedule 12A and a description of the exempt information was shown below. (The requisite notice having been given under regulation 5 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.) |
Housing development update - Exempt Appendix 1 Report of Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Regeneration and Planning Lead Cabinet member: Councillor Alan Shuttleworth
Exempt information reasons 3 – Information relating to the financial and business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) Minutes: The Cabinet considered the exempt appendix in relation to agenda item 12 (Housing development update).
Resolved (Non-key decision):
That the exempt appendix be noted.
Reason for decision:
As detailed in minute 17.
Notes: (1) The appendix remained exempt. (2) Exempt information reasons 3 - Information relating to the financial and business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information. |