Agenda and minutes

Eastbourne Borough Council Full Council - Wednesday, 21st February, 2018 6.00 pm

Venue: Town Hall, Eastbourne

Contact: Local Democracy on 01323 410000 

No. Item


Minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2017. pdf icon PDF 85 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 15 November 2017 were presented and the Mayor was authorised to sign them as a correct record.


Declarations of members' interests.


There were none.


Mayor's announcements.


The Mayor announced the sad news that Mr Allen Gales had passed away, following which a minute’s silence was observed. Mr Gales was well known to longstanding councillor and staff colleagues at Eastbourne Borough Council where he had been Borough Treasurer. He had also served as Board Director of Eastbourne Homes and as an Independent Person for standards matters in recent years.


Since the last Council meeting, the Mayor’s engagements and fundraising events for her two chosen charities, Embrace, and Rebourne Corner, included:


  • An Exhibition and Sale of Paintings by the Society of Eastbourne Artists at the Town Hall in aid of the Mayor’s Charities on 18 and 19 November 2017  The Mayor’s Charity volunteers provided refreshments for exhibitors and visitors, helping to raise extra funds in addition to those donated by the Society.
  • Eastbourne Lions' annual Swimathon on 18 November 2017.  Eastbourne Swimming Club, The Otters and Eastbourne Salvation Army all helped to raise money for the Mayor’s Charities.
  • Don McPhee and the members of the Mayor’s Charity Committee arranged a sell-out evening of Christmas entertainment at Willingdon Golf Club on 23December 2017.
  • A number of Christmas concerts and festive events during December including visiting Eastbourne Rotary's 'Alone at Christmas' lunch on Christmas Day itself with her Consort, Eastbourne DGH, Eastbourne Fire & Rescue and the Police in Hammonds Drive. 
  • The first Mayor’s Charity Quiz Night of the new year on 19 January 2018, which was attended by well over 100 participants. Councillor Swansborough and his team who were the evening's victors.
  • Sussex Schools'  'Rock Challenge' at the Hawth in Crawley on 31 January 2018, as a guest of the local Mayor to support the Eastbourne schools.
  • A reception in the Mayor’s Parlour on 9 February 2018 for the students of the ABF catering school, from Treviglio in northern Italy. The students have recently completed a project on British food and hospitality, and are developing their skills through work experience in many of Eastbourne’s restaurants.

Over the next couple of months, the Mayor’s engagements and fundraising events would include:

  • A bingo night on 23February, an Open Mic Night showcasing local talent on 4 March, the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party at the West Rocks Hotel on 10March, and a Sixties Night at the Underground Theatre on 6 April 2018.
  • The Mayor was conscious of 2018 being the centenary of the Representation of the Peoples' Act, when for the first time working men and the very first women gained the vote. To mark International Women’s Day on 8 March, Eastbourne Soroptimists had organised a Conference taking place at the Town Hall in support of the Mayor’s Charities. The day promised to be an informative event, with a number of high profile speakers tackling issues such as human trafficking, girls’ education and women in leadership.
  • Invitations would soon be sent to Members for the Mayor’s Civic Church Service at St Mary’s Church, Old Town, on Sunday 15 April at 3pm. The Mayor looked forward to welcoming all comers to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 99.


Notification of apologies for absence.


No apologies for absence were received.


Public right of address.

The Mayor to report any requests received from a member of the public under council procedure rule 11 in respect of any referred item or motion listed below.


Mr Oliver Sterno addressed the meeting under Agenda Item 10(a) regarding plastic free coastlines. Mr Denis Scard addressed the meeting under Agenda Item 10(b) regarding speakers at planning committee.



Order of business.

The Council may vary the order of business if, in the opinion of the Mayor, a matter should be given precedence by reason of special urgency.


Business proceeded in accordance with the Summons.


Council budget and setting of the council tax for 2018/19. pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Report of Councillor Mattock on behalf of the Cabinet.


Please note that the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 require named votes to be taken and recorded when setting the annual budget and council tax, this to include substantive motions and any amendments.

Additional documents:


This matter was reported and proposed by Councillor Mattock on behalf of the Cabinet and seconded by Councillor Tutt. The Council considered the reports to Cabinet and also the Cabinet minutes and resolutions from the meeting held on 7 February 2018. The budget proposals were also reported to Scrutiny Committee on 5 February 2018 where no proposals for change were made.


The Council expressed its thanks and appreciation to all officers and in particular the work undertaken by the Chief Finance Officer and his team in the preparation of the draft budget.


Resolved: (By 16 votes to 8 with 3 abstentions) That approval be given to the following:



The recommendations as detailed in the reports from the Chief Finance Officer and the Director of Service Delivery to Cabinet on 7 February 2018:




The General Fund net expenditure for 2018/19 of £13,496,800 and the growth and savings proposals.




The charge for council tax for Eastbourne Borough Council Band D change to £239.67; an increase of 2.90%.




Housing Revenue Account (HRA) income and expenditure proposals, including revised HRA budget for 2017/18 and the budget for 2018/19, rents and service charges and the arrangements for finalising Eastbourne Homes’ management fee.




General Fund capital programme as set out in the report of the Chief Finance Officer.




The Treasury Management Strategy and Prudential Indicators.



That consequent upon a General Fund budget of £13,496,800 and other matters, the basic amount (Band D) of Council Tax for the Borough Council's functions will be £239.67 calculated as follows:





Gross Expenditure:


  General Fund




  Business Rates payable to Government






Less Income:


  Service Income



  Contribution from Reserves



  Government Formula Grant



  Other Government Grants



  Business Rates income



  Collection Fund Surplus (Council Tax)













Band 'D' Council Tax






The statutory resolutions relating to this matter are given at paragraphs 3 and 4 below.



That it be noted that at its meeting on 13 December 2017 the Cabinet (in exercise of powers delegated to them by the Council) delegated the final determination of the Council Tax Base to the Chief Finance Officer. This has been set at an amount of 34,354.40 Band ‘D’ equivalent properties for the year 2018/19 (Item T in the formula in section 31B of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as amended).



Calculate that the Council Tax requirement for the Council’s own purposes for 2018/19 as £8,233,700.



That the following amounts be now calculated by the Council for the year 2018/19 in accordance with Sections 31 to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, as amended:





being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(2) of the Act.





being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the items set out in Section 31A(3) of the Act.





being the amount by which  ...  view the full minutes text for item 103.


Calendar of meetings 2018/2019. pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Council is asked to approve the calendar of meetings for 2018/19 (subject to final ratification at the Council’s next annual meeting).


Council considered the calendar of meetings for 2018/19. It was proposed by Councillor Tutt, seconded by Councillor Freebody and:


Resolved: (Unanimously) That the Calendar of Meetings 2018/19 be approved, subject to final ratification at the Council’s next annual meeting.



Community safety partnership action plan. pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Report of Councillor John Ungar on behalf of the Cabinet.



Councillor Ungar moved and Councillor Bannister seconded that the recommendations of the Cabinet be approved.


Resolved: (Unanimously) That the Community Safety Plan for 2018/19 be approved.


Travel policy. pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Report of Councillor Dean Sabri on behalf of the Cabinet.


Councillor Sabri moved and Councillor Tutt seconded that the recommendations of the Cabinet be approved.


Resolved: (Unanimously) That the implementation of the Staff Travel Policy by approved.


Council licensing policy statement - review of cumulative impact policy, licensing act 2003. pdf icon PDF 71 KB

Report of Councillor Troy Tester on behalf of the Licensing Act Committee.


Councillor Tester moved and Councillor Tutt seconded that the recommendations of the Cabinet be approved.


Resolved: (By 18 votes for, 2 against and 7 abstentions) That the current Cumulative Impact Policy be retained without amendment.


Treasury management and prudential indicators 2018/19. pdf icon PDF 69 KB

Report of Councillor Gill Mattock on behalf of the Cabinet.



Councillor Mattock moved and Councillor Tutt seconded that the recommendations of the Cabinet be approved.

Resolved: (By 17 votes for, 8 against and 2 abstentions)That the Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy; the methodology for calculating the minimum revenue provision; the prudential and treasury indicators; and the specified and non-specified investment categories be approved.


Plastic free coastlines.

Motion submitted by Councillor Ballard:-


That this Council welcomes the objectives of the Plastic Free Coastlines campaign, committing to consider the use of appropriate plastic free alternatives wherever possible, and supporting plastic free initiatives within Eastbourne.


Councillor Ballard moved and Councillor Dow seconded a notice of motion:


“That this Council welcomes the objectives of the Plastic Free Coastlines campaign, committing to consider the use of appropriate plastic free alternatives wherever possible, and supporting plastic free initiatives within Eastbourne”.


Oliver Sterno addressed the Council on the motion.


Resolved: (Unanimously) That this motion be approved.



Speakers at planning committee.

Motion submitted by Councillor Smart:-


We have serious concerns about the undemocratic limitation of speakers at recent planning committee meetings and suggest that procedures are amended accordingly.


Councillor Smart moved and Councillor Freebody seconded a notice of motion:


“We have serious concerns about the undemocratic limitation of speakers at recent planning committee meetings and suggest that procedures are amended accordingly”.


Denis Scard addressed the Council on the motion.


Council was advised that the current rules regarding public speakers were in accordance with good practice guidance and designed to ensure demonstrable balance and fairness in respect of both applicants and objectors in determining planning applications.


Resolved: (By 8 votes for, 18 against and 1 abstention) That this motion be lost.



Minutes of council bodies. pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Members of the Council who wish to raise items for discussion (council procedure rule 14) on any of the minutes of the meetings of formal council bodies listed below must submit their request to Democratic Services no later than 10.00 am on Wednesday 21 February 2018. A list of such items (if any) will be circulated prior to the start of the meeting.


The following are appended to this agenda:-

Additional documents:


The minutes of twelve meetings of council bodies from 21 November 2017 to 7 February 2018, as set out in the Summons, were received. Minute 93 of Planning Committee on 23 January 2018 (Former Police Station, Grove Road, Application ID: 171819) was discussed, and Members noted the high targets on the Council to provide housing balanced with the need for parking and infrastructure to support such levels of housing, particularly in the town.


Further to Council Procedure Rule 14.3 it was:


Resolved: (Unanimously) That the minutes of the council bodies as set out in the Summons be accepted.