Agenda and minutes

Eastbourne Borough Council Full Council - Wednesday, 18th July, 2018 6.00 pm

Venue: Court Room at Eastbourne Town Hall, Grove Road, BN21 4UG

Contact: Committee Services on 01323 410000 

No. Item


Minute's silence


The Council observed a minute’s silence in memory of former Mayor and Councillor, Honorary Alderman Ron Parsons, who sadly passed away on 25June.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 140 KB

Additional documents:


An amendment to minute 20 of the ordinary meeting, held on 9 May 2018 was proposed by Councillor Taylor and seconded by Councillor Belsey. The amendment was lost by 14 votes to 8.


Subject to a technical addition to the resolution of minute 19 of the ordinary meeting, to include “with 7 abstentions”, the minutes of the annual and ordinary meetings held on 9 May 2018 were approved by 13 votes to 8, and the Mayor was authorised to sign them as a correct record.


Declarations of members' interests


There were none.


Vote of thanks


As this would likely be their last full Council meeting, a vote of thanks was extended to Alan Osborne, Deputy Chief Executive. The Mayor and members of the Council expressed their sincere thanks and wished him a long and happy retirement. The Deputy Chief Executive expressed thanks to all the members and staff during his time at the Council, who had contributed to its corporate success.


Mayor's announcements


Cllr Mattock dived straight into her Mayoral year the morning after Annual Council, when she was formally presented to HRH Princess Alexandra, who was in Eastbourne to mark 70 years of the Friends of Eastbourne Hospitals. Cllr Ballard took up the Deputy Mayoral reigns later in the afternoon, as she was also honoured to attend an event at which Her Royal Highness was present.


The Mayor has completed 58 engagements since then and is enjoying meeting the many dedicated volunteers who work behind the scenes to support Eastbourne’s diverse community during which she was persuaded to cycle a marathon, play drums, play bowls and more worryingly get on a high speed motor bike.  She is looking forward to more similar personal challenges.


She particularly wishes to mention Eastbourne Business Partnership, who nurtures young peoples’ interests in science, technology and engineering with the Junior Engineers Challenge. She was delighted to meet some very young and very talented children at their recent event, and was impressed by their invention and enthusiasm.


Cllr Ballard has also deputised for the Mayor at a number of engagements, and has been similarly struck by the work of local groups. She was delighted to attend a Project Search event, where young people with learning difficulties celebrated their graduation from a supported work scheme. She also applauds a Band Of Brothers, another local group who mentor former offenders and help them rehabilitate into the community.


In June, the Mayor was delighted to welcome a group of visitors from Fort Mahon Plage, the home of the five brave young Frenchman who made a perilous channel crossing on canoes in 1941, fleeing Nazi occupation to join General de Gaulle in London. After landing at Beachy Head, the young men were cared for by the people of Eastbourne, and so began a long lasting entente cordiale between the two towns. A ceremony of remembrance was held at Beachy Head, followed by a reception at the Belgian Café, and a local history presentation at the Town Hall – where the Mayor was unexpectedly thrust into the role of translator, and quickly learned some useful new French vocabulary.


The Mayor’s Charity Committee are putting together a programme of events to raise funds for her two charities, Memory Lane and Wayfinder Woman. They have already held two enjoyable and successful Inspirational Women Cream Teas, and have several intriguing guests lined up for future events, notably Margaret Paren OBE on 3rd August, and Sian Williams on 1st September. She hopes to see you there.


Necessity being the mother of invention, and with the usual venues closed at present, the Committee are also working on a rebranded Mayor’s Ball event, and details will be circulated soon. For information about these and any other Mayoral events, please contact the Mayor’s Office.


Notification of apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Miah, Murray and Tester.


Treasury management annual report 2017-18 pdf icon PDF 64 KB

Report of Councillor Stephen Holt on behalf of the Cabinet (to follow).


This matter was reported and proposed by Councillor Holt on behalf of the Cabinet and seconded by Councillor Tutt.


Resolved: (By 21 votes to none)


(1) To agree the annual Treasury Management report for 2017/18.

(2) To approve the 2017/18 prudential and treasury indicators included in the report.

(3) To approve the re-profiling of the Authorised Limit and Operational Boundary.


Corporate plan refresh pdf icon PDF 63 KB

Report of Councillor David Tutt on behalf of the Cabinet (to follow).


This matter was proposed by Councillor Tutt on behalf of the Cabinet and seconded by Councillor Shuttleworth.


Resolved: (By 14 votes to none)


To agree the Council plan contents.


Minutes of council bodies and items for discussion. pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Members of the Council who wish to raise items for discussion (council procedure rule 14) on any of the minutes of the meetings of formal council bodies listed below must submit their request to the Committee Services Lead no later than 10.00 am on the day of the meeting. A list of such items (if any) will be circulated prior to the start of the meeting.


The following are appended to this agenda:-

Additional documents:


The minutes of the following Council bodies were submitted to the meeting.




Planning Committee

24 April 2018, 29 May 2018, 26 June 2018

Conservation Area Advisory Group

22 May 2018, 3 July 2018


23 May 2018, 11 July 2018

Scrutiny Committee

11 June 2018


In accordance with Council procedure rule 14, the following items were raised for discussion:


Conservation Area Advisory Group – 22 May 2018 and 3 July 2018 (Minute 1 – Minutes of the meeting held on 3 April 2018 and Minute 6 – Minutes of the meeting held on 22 May 2018) – raised by Councillor Smart.


Following the points raised, Councillor Tutt agreed that progress on the review of College Road conservation area be added as an agenda item to a future meeting of the Local Plan Steering Group. Councillor Rodohan, Chair of Conservation Area Advisory Group agreed to discuss with Councillor Murray, Chair of Planning Committee about bringing future appraisals to the Group, prior to being considered by Planning Committee.


Planning Committee – 26 June 2018 (Minute 16/17 – Lanark Court/Lanark Close 1/2, Hamsey Close. Application ID: 180439/180440) – raised by Councillor Taylor.


Cabinet – 11 July 2018 (Minute 16 – Construction of a new Sovereign Centre) – raised by Councillor di Cara.


Resolved (By 14 votes to none):


That the minutes of the above council bodies be accepted.