Venue: Court Room at Eastbourne Town Hall, Grove Road, BN21 4UG
Contact: Committee Services on 01323 410000
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||
Minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2019. PDF 152 KB Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 10 July 2019 were presented and the Mayor was authorised to sign them as a correct record.
Declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests (DPIs) by members as required under Section 31 of the Localism Act and of other interests as required by the Code of Conduct (please see note at end of agenda). Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Mayor's announcements. PDF 182 KB A list of the Mayor’s announcements in respect of his activities since the last meeting is attached for information. Minutes: The Mayor drew attention to the list of the mayoral engagements attended since the last meeting set out in the agenda. He thanked Councillor Choudhury for his support and for his attendance at many events.
The Mayor extended his congratulations to Councillor Ansell who had been elected as the MP for the Eastbourne Constituency in the General Election on 12 December.
The Mayor invited all members to attend a reception for the Claremont Hotel on 29February 2020, 6 pm at the Town Hall. The event would raise funds for local residents affected by the fire and for the fire authority.
Councillors were advised that tickets for the Mayor’s Charity Event on 28 March 2020, which was being held in aid of People Matter, were sold out. However, anyone wishing to contribute to the charity could still do so.
Finally, the Mayor advised that the Council had won the national Re:generate Revo Gold Award, which recognises the best examples of development and investment in the UK. In addition, Legal and General had been shortlisted in the Re:new category for its £85 million investment in The Beacon Centre in Eastbourne. Councillor Tutt thanked all those who had contributed to winning the prestigious national retail award, and recognised, in particular, Lisa Rawlinson (Strategy and Partnership Lead - Growth and Prosperity) for her work. The award trophy was displayed during the meeting. |
Notification of apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were reported from Councillor di Cara. |
Public right of address. The Mayor to report any requests received from a member of the public under Council Procedure Rule 11 in respect of any referred item or motion listed below. Minutes: No public speakers had been registered. |
Order of Business. The Council may vary the order of business if, in the opinion of the Mayor, a matter should be given precedence by reason of special urgency. Minutes: Business proceeded in accordance with the summons. |
Council Budget and Setting of the Council Tax for 2020/21 PDF 77 KB Report of Councillor Holt on behalf of the Cabinet. Referred from Cabinet on 5 February 2020.
Please note that the Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 require named votes to be taken and recorded when setting the annual budget and council tax, this to include substantive motions and any amendment. Additional documents:
Minutes: The report was received and the recommendations set out in the report moved by Councillor Holt on behalf of the Cabinet and seconded by Councillor Tutt. The Council considered the Section 25 Statement of the Section 151 Officer (Chief Finance Officer), a General Fund Summary and the recommendations from the meeting of Cabinet held on 5 February 2020, in respect of the:
Councillor Holt made his budget speech setting out the proposals, and Councillor Smart responded on behalf of the opposition.
The budget was debated by members from across the Council. As part of this debate, Members thanked the Chief Finance Officer and her team for the preparation of the budget.
The motion was put to a recorded vote, and carried.
RESOLVED (By 17 votes to 8 with 1 abstention) - That approval be given to the following:
1. The recommendations as detailed in the reports from the Chief Finance Officer and the Director of Service Delivery to Cabinet on 5 February 2020:
(i) To agree the General Fund budget for 2019/20 (Revised) and 2020/21 (original) Appendix 1 including growth and savings proposals for 2020/21, as set out in Appendix 2 to the Cabinet Report.
(ii) To agree the charge for Council Tax for Eastbourne Borough Council Band D change to £251.71, an increase of 2% for 2020/21.
(iii) To agree the revised General Fund capital programme 2020/21, as set out in Appendix 3 to the Cabinet Report.
(iv) To approve the Treasury Management Strategy and Annual Investment Strategy for 2020/21 as set out in Appendix A to the Cabinet Report.
(v) To approve the Minimum Revenue Provision Policy Statement 2020/21, as set out at paragraph 8 of the Cabinet Report.
(vi) To approve the Prudential and Treasury Indicators 2020/21 to 2022/23, as set out at paragraph 6 of the Cabinet Report.
(vii) To approve the Capital Strategy, as set out at Appendix E to the Cabinet Report.
(viii) To approve the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) income and expenditure proposals, including revised HRA budget for 2019/20 and the budget for 20/20/21, rents and service charges and the arrangements for finalising Eastbourne Homes’ management fee, including to:
a) Agree the HRA budget for 2020/21 and revised 2019/20 budget as set out at Appendix 1 to the Cabinet report.
b) Agree that social and affordable rents (including Shared Ownership) are increased by 2.7% in line with Government policy.
c) Agree that service charges for general needs properties are increased by 2.7% (CPI +1%).
d) Agree that the service charge for the Older Persons’ Sheltered Accommodations increases by an average of 0.5%.
e) Agree that the support charges for Sheltered Housing Residents are set at £7.70 per unit, per week, an increase of 20p.
f) Agree that heating costs are increased by 2.7% (CPI+1%) in line with estimated ... view the full minutes text for item 31. |
Matters referred from Cabinet or other Council Bodies. The following matters are submitted to the Council for decision (Council Procedure Rule 12 refers):- |
Report of Councillor Holt on behalf of Cabinet. Referred from Cabinet on 5 February 2020. Minutes: The Mayor advised that this item was no longer required, as the recommendations had already been incorporated and voted upon above as part of the ‘Council Budget and Setting of the Council Tax for 2020-21’.
Corporate Plan 2020-24 PDF 111 KB Report of Councillor Tutt on behalf of Cabinet. Referred from Cabinet on 5 February 2020. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Tutt moved and Councillor Shuttleworth seconded the recommendations of the Cabinet to adopt the Corporate Plan 2020-24.
Councillor Tutt thanked all of those who had responded to the draft Plan to date and highlighted that he still wished to reflect in the document some comments received from the Chamber of Commerce. Councillor Freebody advised that if this was not the final version, he would wish to see reference to IT Infrastructure and high speed broadband, and Councillor Ansell advised that she would wish to see reference to Eastbourne as the gateway to the national park, as set out in a Council motion approved in 2014.
On advice of the Monitoring Officer, Councillor Tutt agreed to amend his motion to recommend the adoption of the Plan, subject to delegation to officers in consultation with Group Leaders to make any additional adjustments, taking into account representations at the meeting and from external organisations.
Thanks were extended to Bryn Mabey (Customer Communications and Engagement Lead) who was in the process of developing an ‘easy to read’ version of the Plan, so that it could be accessible to all residents, including those with additional learning needs. RESOLVED(Unanimous) - To adopt the new Corporate Plan for 2020-2024, subject to delegation to the Director of Regeneration and Planning in consultation with Group Leaders to make any additional adjustments needed, taking into account the representations made at this meeting and from external organisations. |
Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme PDF 112 KB Report of Councillor Shuttleworth on behalf of the Cabinet. Referred from Cabinet on 23 October 2019.
Minutes: Councillor Tutt moved and Councillor Shuttleworth seconded the recommendations of the Cabinet. RESOLVED(Unanimous) - (1) To adopt the 2019/20 Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme as the 2020/21 scheme. (2) That the Exceptional Hardship Scheme be continued in 2020/21.
Financial Procedure Rules PDF 80 KB Report of the Chief Finance Officer. Referred from Cabinet on 9 July 2019 and Audit and Governance Committee on 24 July 2019.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Holt moved and Councillor Tutt seconded the recommendations set out in the report of the Chief Finance Officer. Thanks were extended to the Chief Finance Officer and her team on the development of the revised Financial Procedure Rules.
RESOLVED(Unanimous) - That the Council approves the Financial Procedure Rules attached as Appendix 2 to the Council Agenda Report, for inclusion as Part 4 of the Council’s Constitution. |
Amended Code of Conduct for Members PDF 86 KB Report of the Monitoring Officer. Referred from Audit and Governance Committee on 24 July 2019. Additional documents:
Minutes: Councillor Sabri moved and Councillor Freebody seconded the recommendations of the report of the Monitoring Officer.
RESOLVED(Unanimous) - That the Council adopts the amended Code of Conduct for Members, set out at Appendix 3 to the Council agenda report, for inclusion in the Council’s Constitution.
Calendar of Meetings 2020/21 PDF 132 KB To agree the proposed draft calendar of meetings for 2020/21, including an amendment to the date of Annual Council to be 13 May 2020.
Please note: The calendar will be subject to final approval at the annual meeting of the Council. Minutes: Councillor Tutt moved and Councillor Freebody seconded approval of the calendar of meetings for 2020/21. It was noted that the final approval would take place at the annual meeting of Council.
RESOLVED(Unanimous) - That the Council agrees the proposed Calendar of Meetings for 2020/21.
Urgent decisions taken by the Cabinet or Cabinet members In accordance with Scrutiny Procedure Rule 20, to receive details of any urgent decisions taken by the Cabinet or Cabinet members since the previous meeting. |
IT Provisions Decision Notice - Executive decision taken by Leader (16 December 2019) PDF 134 KB Minutes: The Council noted the urgent decision made since the last meeting by the Leader on 16 December 2019 in respect of IT Provisions. |
Discussion on minutes of Council Bodies. PDF 130 KB Members of the Council who wish to raise items for discussion (council procedure rule 14) on any of the minutes of the meetings of formal council bodies listed below must submit their request to the Head of Democratic Services no later than 10.00 am on the day of the meeting. A list of such items (if any) will be circulated prior to the start of the meeting.
The following are appended to this agenda:- Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes of the following Council bodies were submitted to the meeting.
No following items had been raised for discussion in accordance with Council procedure 14.
RESOLVED (Unanimously):
That the minutes of the above council bodies be accepted.
Motions. No motions have been submitted by Members under Council Procedure Rule 13. Minutes: No motions had been submitted. |