Venue: Shackleton Hall in the Welcome Building, Devonshire Quarter, Compton Street, Eastbourne BN21 4BP
Contact: Committee Services on 01323 415023
Note: This meeting will be available to view on the Council's YouTube pages. There are a limited number of public seats in the meeting itself. Please email in advance if you would like to attend to confirm a space. If you are attending the meeting and viewing from the public gallery you will need to wear a mask throughout and observe social distancing requirements. Please also email if you need to use the hearing loop at the meeting.
No. | Item |
Election of Mayor. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Maxted and seconded by Councillor Shuttleworth that Councillor Pat Rodohan be elected as Mayor for the municipal year 2021/22.
It was accordingly:-
RESOLVED (unanimously) – That Councillor Pat Rodohan be elected Mayor for the 2021/22 municipal year and until the election of the Mayor at the next Annual Meeting of the Council. Councillor Rodohan then signed his statutory declaration of acceptance of office as Mayor and took the chair. In his speech of acceptance, the Mayor advised that he would be raising money for three charities in 2021/22 which would be Amaze (a charity for families with disabled children and young people in Sussex), Community Wise (a busy local community centre) and Holding Space (a charity supporting parents, carers, children and young people who are struggling with their mental health). Councillor Rodohan thanked Councillor Wallis for his excellent work as Mayor during the last two years and also thanked the outgoing deputy mayor, Councillor Sammy Choudhury, and his consort for all their work.
Councillor Wallis responded with his thanks to his consorts for their support during the last two years, the mayoral support team and other officers, the deputy mayor and fundraising committee and residents of Eastbourne and Councillors and stated how much he had enjoyed serving as the Mayor. |
Notification of apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Rebecca Whippy. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: No declarations of interest were made. |
Minutes of the last meeting PDF 386 KB To consider the minutes of the last meeting of the Full Council held on 24 February 2021, and resolve whether to accept them as a correct record. Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 24 February 2021 were confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Appointment of Deputy Mayor. Minutes: It was proposed by Councillor Tutt and seconded by Councillor Babarinde that Councillor Burton be appointed as Deputy Mayor for the municipal year 2021/22.
It was accordingly:
RESOLVED (unanimously) – That Councillor Helen Burton be appointed as Deputy Mayor for the 2021/22 municipal year.
Councillor Burton then signed the statutory declaration of acceptance of office as Deputy Mayor. In her speech of acceptance, the Deputy Mayor advised that her mother, Daphne Burton would act as her consort for the year, and looked forward to supporting those making a difference in the local community. |
Investiture of Mayor's Consort. Minutes: The Mayor announced that Barbara Rodohan, Jan Rodohan and Val Rodohan would act as Mayor’s Consorts for the municipal year 2021/22.
Mayor's Chaplain - Notification of Appointment. Minutes: The Mayor reported that Reverend Mike Blanch would serve as the Mayor’s Chaplain for the municipal year 2021/22, and pass on his apologies that he was unable to attend this meeting. |
Results of the Borough By-Elections 2021 To receive the following results of the Borough By-Elections held on 6 May 2021 and welcome the new Members to the Council:
Hampden Park Ward – Councillor Josh Babarinde (Liberal Democrat) Sovereign Ward – Councillor Kshama Shore (Conservative) Minutes: Councillor Tutt moved the recommendation and Councillor Smart seconded the recommendation to receive the results of the by-elections held on 6 May 2021 and congratulate Councillor Babarinde and Councillor Shore on their election and to welcome them to the Council.
In addition, tribute was paid to Councillor Ansell who had stood down since the last Council meeting for her work on the Borough Council and her contribution to the lives of residents in the borough and her ward and her continued work as the local MP.
RESOLVED (unanimously):
1. To receive the results of the By-Elections for Hampden Park and Sovereign Wards, held on 6 May 2021; and
2. That the new members, Councillor Josh Babarinde and Councillor Kshama Shore be congratulated and welcomed onto the Council. |
Executive Arrangements (Note: The election of Leader of the Council took place at the Annual Meeting on 21 May 2019. The Leader was appointed to a 4-year term of office in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007.)
Leader of the Council to report:
(a) Any changes in respect to the names of those Councillors serving on the Cabinet and the Councillor appointed as Deputy Leader of the Council (and Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet) and the respective areas of responsibility for each member of the Cabinet.
(b) That the terms of reference and constitution of the Cabinet be as set out in the Council’s Constitution.
(c) That delegations to individual Cabinet members in respect of executive functions have not been made at this time.
Minutes: Councillor Tutt as Leader of the Council advised that the Councillors appointed to the Cabinet for 2021/22 remained unchanged and were as follows:
Councillor Tutt – Leader and Portfolio Holder for Economic Development and Local Strategic Partnership. Councillor Holt – Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Financial Services Councillor Bannister – Portfolio Holder for Tourism and Leisure Services Councillor Dow – Portfolio Holder for Climate Change Councillor Shuttleworth – Portfolio Holder for Direct Assistant Services Councillor Swansborough – Portfolio Holder for Place Services and Special Projects Councillor Whippy – Portfolio Holder for Disabilities and Community Safety
In addition, Councillor Tutt confirmed that the terms of reference and constitution of the Cabinet were as set out in the Council’s Constitution and were unchanged, and that delegations to individual Cabinet members in respect of executive functions had not been made at this time.
1. To approve the proposed number and allocation of seats and nominations to Committees, Other Bodies and Boards. 2. To approve the appointment of Chairs and Deputy Chairs 3. To approve the appointments of Members to serve on Outside Bodies. 4. To agree that the following bodies be confirmed with terms of reference as set out in the Council’s Constitution, and that they have a fixed membership or to which members are appointed by the Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive or relevant Director as the need arises: Equality Steering Group, Council Panels, Recruitment Panels, Task Groups and Project Boards. Additional documents: Minutes: The Council noted the report of the Head of Democratic Services the political balance and the allocation of seats prepared in consultation with Group Leaders.
Councillor Tutt proposed and Councillor Smart seconded the proposals for allocations to Committees, other bodies, boards and appointment of Chairs and Deputy Chairs as set out in the Appendix 1 set out in the supplement to the agenda, subject to a correction to the membership to the Audit and Governance Committee to include Councillor Diplock as a member of the Committee and Councillor Babarinde as a substitute.
RESOLVED (unanimous): 1. To approve the proposed number and allocation of seats and nominations as set out in Supplement to the Report - Appendix 1. 2. That the continuation of the following bodies be confirmed with terms of reference as set out in the Council’s Constitution, and that they have a fixed membership or to which members are appointed by the Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive or relevant Director as the need arises: Equality Steering Group, Council Panels, Recruitment Panels, Task Groups and Project Boards. 3. To approve the appointments of Members to serve on Outside Bodies in accordance with the names listed in Supplement to the Report - Appendix 1. |
Confirmation of the Calendar of Meetings for 2021/22 PDF 141 KB To approve the calendar of meetings for 2021/22 as amended.
Amendments are highlighted and include: · Licensing Committee to move to 24th May (from 28th June to receive the results of a consultation) · Audit and Governance Committee to move to 29th September (from 1st September to accord with the revised national statement of account timescales). · Cabinet to move to 21st March 2022 (from 16th March 2022 due to member availability). Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Tutt moved and Councillor Smart seconded the revised Calendar of Meetings for 2021/22 (as set out in a supplement to the agenda) to include the following amendments since considered at the last meeting: - Planning Committee to be moved to 26 May from 25 May to allow for use of a larger venue and moved to 29 June from 22 June. - Licensing Committee to be moved to 24 May from 28 June to receive the results of a consultation. - Audit and Governance Committee to be moved to 29 September from 1 September to accord with national statement of account timescales. - Cabinet to move to 21st March 2022 from 16th March 2022 due to member availability.
Councillor Smart advised that he was supporting the calendar as he had been given assurances that an additional meeting of Full Council would be called if needed in the autumn to consider any revisions to the Council’s budget arising from the completion of the external assurance review. In addition, Officers had confirmed that in future the minutes of the Cabinet and Scrutiny Committee held each February would be reported to the February Full Council meeting.
RESOLVED (unanimously) – That the programme of meetings for all bodies in the municipal year 2019/20 be confirmed in accordance with the schedule circulated as an agenda supplement to the meeting.
Annual Pay Policy Statement PDF 278 KB To consider the report of the Assistant Director of Human Resources and Transformation and to approve the Annual Pay Policy Statement.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Tutt moved and Councillor Lamb seconded the approval of the Annual Pay Policy Statement, and thanked the Assistant Director for HR and Transformation for the report.
RESOLVED (unanimously) – That the Annual Pay Policy Statement be approved, and be published on the Council’s website.
Special Urgency Decisions by Cabinet Members. PDF 135 KB Report of the Leader on a Cabinet Member decision made under special urgency powers since the last meeting and reported in accordance with Section 17.3 of the Council’s Access to Information Procedures Rules. A copy of the decision notice is attached for information:
Restart Grants Scheme (26 March 2021)
Minutes: The Council formally noted the decision made by the Leader under special urgency powers since the last meeting in relation to the Restart Grants Scheme (made on 26 March 2021). This was reported to the Council in accordance with the Council’s Procedure Rules.
Discussion on minutes of council bodies. PDF 139 KB Members of the Council who wish to raise items for discussion (council procedure rule 14) on any of the minutes of the meetings of formal council bodies listed below must submit their request to the Head of Democratic Services no later than 10.00 am on the day of the meeting. A list of such items (if any) will be circulated prior to the start of the meeting.
The following are appended to this agenda:- Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes of the following Council bodies were submitted to the meeting for information:
Cabinet – 10 February and 22 March 2021. Scrutiny Committee – 8 February and 24 March 2021 Planning Committee – 23 February, 23 March and 20 April 2021 Audit and Governance Committee – 3 March 2021
Councillor Smart spoke in respect of the following minutes under Council Procedure Rule 14: - Scrutiny Committee (8 February) – Minute 32 – Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators 2021/22, Capital Strategy and Investment Strategy, and Minute 34 – Response to the public Consultation on Waste Collections. - Audit and Governance Committee (3 March) – Minute 32 – External Audit 2018/19, Minute 33 - External Audit 2019/20) and Minute 34 – External Audit Draft Plan 2020/21. |
Date of next meeting The next meeting of Full Council is scheduled to take place at 6 pm on 21 July 2021. Minutes: It was noted that the next meeting of Full Council was scheduled to take place on Wednesday 21 July 2021 at 6 pm. |