Agenda and minutes

Eastbourne Borough Council Full Council - Wednesday, 17th November, 2021 6.00 pm

Venue: Court Room at Eastbourne Town Hall, Grove Road, BN21 4UG

Contact: Committee Services on 01323 410000 

Note: This is a public meeting, but space is restricted. We would therefore request that any member of the public wishing to attend the meeting registers for a seat in advance of the meeting, by emailing All attendees are asked to wear a face mask to enter the building and continue to wear one in the meeting unless seated 1+ metre from others.  

No. Item


Minutes of the meeting held on 21 July 2021 pdf icon PDF 256 KB


The minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 21 July 2021 were confirmed and signed as a correct record.



Declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests (DPIs) by members as required under Section 31 of the Localism Act and of other interests as required by the Code of Conduct (please see note at end of agenda).


Councillor Babarinde declared a personal interest in Item 8 (c) – Motion on The Centenary of Eastbourne’s Royal British Legion, as a member of the Royal British Legion.


Mayor's announcements. pdf icon PDF 254 KB

A list of the Mayor’s announcements in respect of his activities since the last meeting is enclosed.


The Mayor drew Council’s attention to the list of activities undertaken by him and the Deputy Mayor since the last meeting in July 2021.


The Mayor congratulated two local charities supporting women who had been presented with the Queen’s award, Bramber Bake House and Wayfarer Women.


The Mayor advised he had attended the recent event at Bonner’s and was pleased to see this successful business continuing in Eastbourne.


The Mayor advised he had attended the Remembrance Service on Sunday, and a ceremony at Butt’s Brow on the same day to commemorate the American Crew who lost their lives in the aircraft which crashed on 2 February 1944.



Notification of apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Burton, Metcalfe, Miah, Morris and Murdoch.



Public right of address.

The Mayor to report any requests received from a member of the public under council procedure rule 11 in respect of any referred item or motion listed below.


The Mayor advised that there were two public speakers:

-       Barbara Granger (a local resident) had registered to speak on Item 8(b) Motion on Anti-Social Driving.

-       Allan Leith (Chair of the Royal British Legion branch) had registered to speak on Item 8(c) Motion on the centenary of Eastbourne's Royal British Legion Branch.


Each would be called be called on to speak at the start of the relevant item.



Order of business.

The Council may vary the order of business if, in the opinion of the Mayor, a matter should be given precedence by reason of special urgency.


The Mayor advised that the motions at items 8 a-c would be considered in the order 8c (Motion on the centenary of Eastbourne’s Royal British Legion), 8b (Motion on anti-social driving) and then 8a (Motion on Ecological Emergency), due to the number of public present for each item. 



Review of the Eastbourne Borough Council Gambling Act Statement of Principles pdf icon PDF 272 KB

Report of the Director of Service Delivery

Additional documents:


Councillor Maxted (as Chair of the Licensing Committee) moved and Councillor Diplock (as Deputy Chair of the Licensing Committee) seconded the recommendations set out in the report to adopt the ‘Eastbourne Borough Council Gambling Act Statement of Principles’.


It was noted that the proposed minor amendments to the Statement of Principles had been considered by the Licensing Committee on 27 July and then put out to public consultation.  As the changes had received support in the consultation, these were referred directly to Full Council for approval in accordance with the Committee’s resolution.


Resolved (unanimously) – That the Council approves the Gambling Statement of Principles made under S349 of the Gambling Act 2005 for 2022-2025.




The following motions have been submitted by members under council procedure rule 13:-


Motion - The centenary of Eastbourne's Royal British Legion Branch

Motion submitted by Councillor Babarinde:


“Eastbourne Borough Council pays tribute to the Eastbourne branch of the Royal British Legion in recognition of its 100th Year Anniversary in 2021, and to honour the outstanding work the organisation does to support the Armed Forces community in Eastbourne.


Eastbourne Borough Council supports the branch’s efforts to provide lifelong support to service and ex-serving personal and their families as it moves into its second century of existence.”


Councillor Babarinde moved and Councillor Belsey seconded the following motion, as set out on the agenda paper, subject to the replacement of the “to honours’ with ‘honours’.


“Eastbourne Borough Council pays tribute to the Eastbourne branch of the Royal British Legion in recognition of its 100th Year Anniversary in 2021, and honours the outstanding work the organisation does to support the Armed Forces community in Eastbourne. Eastbourne Borough Council supports the branch’s efforts to provide lifelong support to service and ex-serving personal and their families as it moves into its second century of existence.”


Mr Allan Leith (the new Chair of the Royal British Legion) spoke as a member of the public, in support of the motion.


The motion was debated and supported across the Council.


Resolved (unanimously) – That the Eastbourne Borough Council pays tribute to the Eastbourne branch of the Royal British Legion in recognition of its 100th Year Anniversary in 2021, and honours the outstanding work the organisation does to support the Armed Forces community in Eastbourne. Eastbourne Borough Council supports the branch’s efforts to provide lifelong support to service and ex-serving personal and their families as it moves into its second century of existence.



Motion - Anti-social driving

Motion submitted by Councillor Lamb:


“This Council, working in liaison with Sussex Police and other relevant authorities, is committed to reducing the amount of anti-social driving (including noisy vehicles) in the Borough, and will explore all preventative measures including PSPO’s.”



Councillor Lamb moved and Councillor Smart seconded the following motion, as set out on the agenda paper:


“This Council, working in liaison with Sussex Police and other relevant authorities, is committed to reducing the amount of anti-social driving(including noisy vehicles) in the Borough, and will explore all preventative measures including PSPO’s.”


Mrs Barbara Granger spoke as a member of the public in support of the motion.


The motion was debated and supported across the Council.


Resolved (unanimously) – That this Council, working in liaison with Sussex Police and other relevant authorities, is committed to reducing the amount of anti-social driving (including noisy vehicles) in the Borough, and will explore all preventative measures including PSPO’s (Public Spaces Protection Orders).



Motion - Ecological Emergency

Motion submitted by Councillor Dow:


The Council resolves:


1)    To note that:

               i.         Many local authorities are playing an important role in the UK taking action to achieve net zero carbon emissions, and to protect and revitalise local wildlife and natural habitats.

              ii.         Parliament in May 2019 declared an Environment and Climate Emergency and this Council has  already declared a Climate Emergency.

             iii.         There is a Bill before Parliament—the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill (published as the “Climate and Ecology Bill”), which, if it became law, would require the Government to develop a strategy to address the emergency that would ensure:


A.                the ecological emergency is tackled shoulder to shoulder with the climate crisis in a joined-up approach;

B.                the Paris Agreement is enshrined into law to ensure that UK does its real fair share to limit global temperature rise to the most stringent end of the Paris agreement -1.5°C. 

C.                the Leaders Pledge for Nature is enshrined into law to ensure that the UK’s ecosystems are protected and restored with a focus on biodiversity, soils and natural carbon sinks;

D.                the UK takes full responsibility for our entire greenhouse gas footprint (ie consumption emissions plus shipping, flights and land-based transport) by accounting for all of the emissions that take place overseas to manufacture, transport and dispose of the goods and services we import and consume;

E.                the UK takes full responsibility for our ecological footprint so that we protect health and resilience of ecosystems along both domestic and our global supply chains;


2)    To declare an ecological emergency;

3)    To support the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill,

4)    To inform the local media of this decision;

5)    To write an open letter to Caroline Ansell MP (shared with our residents through local and social media) urging them to sign up to support the Bill, or thanking them for doing so; and

6)    To write to the CEE Bill Alliance, the organisers of the campaign for the Bill, expressing its support (”



Councillor Dow moved and Councillor Swansborough seconded the following motion, as set out in the agenda:


“The Council resolves:


1)    To note that:

i.           Many local authorities are playing an important role in the UK taking action to achieve net zero carbon emissions, and to protect and revitalise local wildlife and natural habitats.

ii.          Parliament in May 2019 declared an Environment and Climate Emergency and this Council has already declared a Climate Emergency.

iii.        There is a Bill before Parliament—the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill (published as the “Climate and Ecology Bill”), which, if it became law, would require the Government to develop a strategy to address the emergency that would ensure:

A.    the ecological emergency is tackled shoulder to shoulder with the climate crisis in a joined-up approach;

B.    the Paris Agreement is enshrined into law to ensure that UK does its real fair share to limit global temperature rise to the most stringent end of the Paris agreement -1.5°C;

C.   the Leaders Pledge for Nature is enshrined into law to ensure that the UK’s ecosystems are protected and restored with a focus on biodiversity, soils and natural carbon sinks;

D.   the UK takes full responsibility for our entire green house gas footprint (i.e. consumption emissions plus shipping, flights and land-based transport) by accounting for all of the emissions that take place overseas to manufacture, transport and dispose of the goods and services we import and consume;

E.    the UK takes full responsibility for our ecological footprint so that we protect health and resilience of ecosystems along both domestic and our global supply chains;


2)    To declare an ecological emergency;

3)    To support the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill,

4)    To inform the local media of this decision;

5)    To write an open letter to Caroline Ansell MP (shared with our residents through local and social media) urging them to sign up to support the Bill, or thanking them for doing so; and

6)    To write to the CEE Bill Alliance, the organisers of the campaign for the Bill, expressing its support (


The motion was debated by the Council.  There was a shared support across the Council on the need to declare an ecological emergency and for local action.  However, opposition Councillors indicated they could not support the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill as the method to achieve this.


Resolved (By 15 votes to 7):

1)    To note that:

i.           Many local authorities are playing an important role in the UK taking action to achieve net zero carbon emissions, and to protect and revitalise local wildlife and natural habitats.

ii.          Parliament in May 2019 declared an Environment and Climate Emergency and this Council has already declared a Climate Emergency.

iii.        There is a Bill before Parliament—the Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill (published as the “Climate and Ecology Bill”),which, if it became law, would require the Government to develop a strategy to address the emergency that would ensure:

F.    the ecological emergency is tackled shoulder to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 47c


Discussion on minutes of council bodies. pdf icon PDF 141 KB

Members of the Council who wish to raise items for discussion (council procedure rule 14) on any of the minutes of the meetings of formal council bodies listed below must submit their request to the Head of Democratic Services no later than 10.00 am on the day of the meeting. A list of such items (if any) will be circulated prior to the start of the meeting.


The following are appended to this agenda:-

Additional documents:


The minutes of the following Council bodies were submitted to the meeting for information:


·        Licensing Committee – 27 July 2021

·        Audit and Governance Committee – 28 July 2021 and 29 September 2021

·        Planning Committee – 24 August 2021, 21 September 2021 and 19 October 2021

·        Cabinet – 15 September 2021 and 3 November 2021

·        Scrutiny Committee – 13 September 2021


Councillor Smart raised for discussion, Minute 12 ‘Reset and Recovery Programme’ from Cabinet on 14 July, and asked questions in relation to the certainty of the shortfall. Councillor Tutt gave assurance of the figures and offered to answer any detailed questions outside the meeting.


Councillor Smart raised for discussion, Minute 26, ‘Medium Term Financial Strategy’ from the Scrutiny Committee of 13 September 2021 and scrutiny of finance, and Councillors Swansborough, Tutt, Freebody and Holt responded to the matters raised.


Councillor Shore raised for discussion, Minute 12, ‘Internal Audit and Counter Fraud Report for the financial year 2020-2021’ from the Audit and Governance Committee of 28 July 2021 on the audit record, and Councillor Maxted responded.


Councillor Shore raised for discussion, Minute 16, ‘Minutes’ from the Audit and Governance Committee of 29 September 2021 and for discussion, Minute 22, ‘Internal Audit and Counter Fraud Quarterly Report’.  Councillor Tutt and Councillor Holt responded on the points made and offered to meet with Councillor Shore outside the meeting to provide additional clarification.


The minutes were noted.



Date of Next Meeting

The next scheduled meeting of Full Council is 23 February 2022 at 6 pm.


The Mayor advised that the next scheduled meeting of the Council would be held on 23 February 2022 at 6 pm.


In addition, he advised that a Special Full Council meeting would be held in January at the Welcome Building in relation to the conferring of Alderman, as approved at the last meeting.