Venue: Court Room at Eastbourne Town Hall, Grove Road, BN21 4UG
Contact: Committee Services on 01323 410000
No. | Item |
Minutes of the meeting held on 18 May 2022 PDF 575 KB Minutes: RESOLVED (unanimously) – That the minutes of the meeting of the Full Council held on 18 May 2022 be approved as an accurate record.
Declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests (DPIs) by members as required under Section 31 of the Localism Act and of other interests as required by the Code of Conduct . Minutes: Councillor Holt declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in Item 9a – ‘Motion – Support for Gatwick Airport’s Northern Runway’, as he understood that the Eastbourne Chamber of Commerce had submitted a statement in relation to the Motion. Councillor Holt advised that he worked for Eastbourne Bid which had close ties to the Chamber of Commerce and was also a non-remunerated Director of the Chamber of Commerce.
Mayor's announcements. PDF 256 KB A list of the Mayor’s announcements in respect of his activities since the last meeting is attached for information. Minutes: The Mayor drew members’ attention to the list of his and the Deputy Mayor’s activities from May to July 2022, that were set out on the agenda.
The Mayor drew attention in particular to the following:
Notification of apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Diplock, Dow, Maxted, Miah, Morris and Murray.
Public right of address. The Mayor to report any requests received from a member of the public under council procedure rule 11 in respect of any referred item or motion listed below. Minutes: There were no requests for the public to address the meeting.
Order of business. The Council may vary the order of business if, in the opinion of the Mayor, a matter should be given precedence by reason of special urgency. Minutes: The Mayor confirmed the order of business would be as set down on the agenda. |
Conservation Area Advisory Group (CAAG) - Proposed changes to Terms of Reference PDF 291 KB Report of the Head of Democratic Services. Additional documents: Minutes: The Council considered the report of the Head of Democratic Services, recommending an expansion to the remit of the Conservation Area Advisory Group to enable discussion and a broader input into the decision-making process in respect of matters affecting Conservation Areas, Listed Buildings and Heritage Assets, and an increase in its membership to 5 Councillors and for it to be politically balanced. As part of this proposal the name of the Group would change to the Conservation Advisory Group.
The recommendations were moved by Councillor Wallis and seconded by Councillor Tutt.
Councillor Taylor moved and Councillor Belsey seconded an amendment to the recommendations to retain the current numbers of Councillors on the Group of four Councillors, two from each Political Group.
The amendment was put to a vote and declared lost by 8 votes to 12 with 1 abstention.
The original recommendations were then put to a vote and declared carried by 12 votes to 6 with 3 abstentions.
RESOLVED: (By 12 votes to 6 with 3 abstentions) 1. To agree the revised Terms of Reference in respect of remit and membership, set out at Appendix 1 to the report; 2. To authorise the Head of Democratic Services and Deputy Monitoring Officer to make the necessary changes to the Council’s Constitution in order to give effect to these changes; and 3. To authorise the Head of Democratic Services and Deputy Monitoring Officer to appoint to any outstanding vacancies (including that of Vice-Chair), in consultation with the relevant Group Leader, for the remaining municipal year.
Matters referred from Cabinet or other council bodies. The following matters are submitted to the Council for decision (council procedure rule 12 refers):- |
Approval of additional licensing fees 2022-23 PDF 270 KB Report of Councillor Maxted on behalf of the Licensing Committee. Referred from the meeting of Licensing Committee held on 7 July 2022.
Minutes: Councillor Vaughan moved and Councillor Tutt seconded the recommendation to Full Council made by the Licensing Committee on 7 July 2022 to approve the additional licensing fee proposed for the English Proficiency Test, Safeguarding and Disability Awareness training, and 6 monthly DBS check.
A question was raised as to whether the safeguarding and disability training should be carried out on a regular basis by taxi drivers, at a minimum of every two years, rather than as one of training. It was confirmed that this could be relayed to licensing officers outside the meeting to consider building into future budgets.
RESOLVED (unanimously): To approve the Licensing Fee, as set out in the report to the Licensing Committee, for the English Proficiency Test, Safeguarding and Disability Awareness training, and 6 monthly DBS check.
Annual treasury management report PDF 268 KB Report of Councillor Holt on behalf of the Cabinet. Referred from the meeting of Cabinet held on 13 July 2022.
Minutes: Councillor Holt (as Cabinet Member for Finance) moved and Councillor Tutt seconded the recommendation made by Cabinet on 13 July 2022 to approve the annual Treasury Management Report for 2021/22 and the 2021/22 prudential and treasury indicators included in the Cabinet Report.
A question was raised by the Leader of the Opposition on whether the level of debt reported in paragraph 4.3 of the Cabinet report was correctly listed as £5m, on the rollover of debt, and on the papers available to the meeting. The Leader responded by confirming that the full list of temporary loans taken out was set out in Appendix 2 to the Cabinet Report. He congratulated the treasury management team that all loans were below 1%. Councillor Holt offered to go through the debt position with the Leader of the Opposition as part of the recovery and stabilisation programme. He confirmed that the Council was approving the Cabinet report, and he advised that the Council had a diverse portfolio of debt and he was comfortable with the level of debt held and how it was being managed.
RESOLVED (by 20 votes to 0 with 1 abstention): 1. To approve the annual Treasury Management Report for 2021/22; and 2. To approve the 2021/22 prudential and treasury indicators included in the Cabinet Report.
Motions. The following motion has submitted under council procedure rule 13:- |
Motion - Support for Gatwick Airport's Northern Runway Councillor Smart has submitted the following motion:
“Eastbourne Borough Council expresses its support for the proposal by Gatwick Airport to bring the existing Northern Runway into regular use:
· To deliver employment opportunities and careers now and in the future · To energise our visitor economy · To support our existing businesses and attract new businesses to our area
This Council recognises that:
· Transport links are vital to our local economy and a major regional driver of economic growth and prosperity. · That Gatwick’s plans represent a vitally important financial boost of an estimated additional £1.5 billion p.a. to our regional economy with 18,400 new jobs. · That a successful business sector funds our public services including the NHS and schools. · As the busiest single runway operation in the world, additional capacity has long been needed. · There have been significant developments in the aviation sector on sustainability, including Gatwick becoming the first carbon neutral London airport in 2017 and the second busiest carbon neutral airport in Europe. “
Minutes: Councillor Smart moved and Councillor di Cara seconded the following motion as set out in the agenda papers:
“Eastbourne Borough Council expresses its support for the proposal by Gatwick Airport to bring the existing Northern Runway into regular use: - To deliver employment opportunities and careers now and in the future - To energise our visitor economy - To support our existing businesses and attract new businesses to our area
This Council recognises that: - Transport links are vital to our local economy and a major regional driver of economic growth and prosperity. - That Gatwick’s plans represent a vitally important financial boost of an estimated additional £1.5 billion p.a. to our regional economy with 18,400 new jobs. - That a successful business sector funds our public services including the NHS and schools. - As the busiest single runway operation in the world, additional capacity has long been needed. - There have been significant developments in the aviation sector on sustainability, including Gatwick becoming the first carbon neutral London airport in 2017 and the second busiest carbon neutral airport in Europe. “
In moving the recommendation, Councillor Smart read out a statement from the Chamber of Commerce in support of the extra runway at Gatwick Airport.
Councillor Swansborough moved and Councillor Holt seconded an alternative proposal to the motion as follows:
“Eastbourne Borough Council notes its previous support for a second runway for Gatwick Airport in 2013.
Since then, Eastbourne Borough Council has pledged to be Carbon Neutral by 2030.
Eastbourne Borough Council further notes the UK Government has committed to increase airplane capacity and a new runway located at either Heathrow or Gatwick.
Eastbourne Borough Council understands that Gatwick Airport has claimed to be the first carbon neutral London airport in 2017 and states on their website that they are committed to net zero direct emissions by 2040
Eastbourne Borough Council asks Scrutiny Committee to consider these claims and the carbon neutrality pledge of Gatwick airport and the impact on this Council's carbon neutrality pledge - before considering further its support for a second runway. This should include both passenger journeys to and from the airport and fuel emissions.“
The Council debated the motion and the alternative proposal together.
A question was raised as to whether this was a valid amendment, and the Head of Democratic Services confirmed that the constitution allowed for an alternative proposal to be submitted.
The alternative proposal was put to a vote by a show of hands and declared carried by 13 votes to 0 with 8 abstentions.
RESOLVED (13 votes to 0 with 8 abstentions):
Eastbourne Borough Council notes its previous support for a second runway for Gatwick Airport in 2013. Since then, Eastbourne Borough Council has pledged to be Carbon Neutral by 2030.
Eastbourne Borough Council further notes the UK Government has committed to increase airplane capacity and a new runway located at either Heathrow or Gatwick.
Eastbourne Borough Council understands that Gatwick Airport has claimed to be the first carbon ... view the full minutes text for item 29a |
Special Urgency Decisions by Cabinet Members Report of the Leader on a Cabinet Member decision made under special urgency powers since the last meeting and reported in accordance with Section 17.3 of the Council’s Access to Information Procedures Rules. A copy of the decision notice is attached for information:
Decision of Leader on 13 May 2022:
Minutes: The Council formally noted the decision made by the Leader under special urgency powers on 13 May 2022 in relation to the Council Tax Rebate Scheme and Discretionary Rebate Scheme urgency powers, in accordance with the Council’s Procedure Rules.
Updates to Appointments To note that since the last meeting the following appointments have been made under delegated authority by Group Leaders:
· Councillor Burton has been appointed to a new role as Cabinet Member for property assets, heritage assets and communications. · Councillor Babarinde has been appointed to a new post of Cost of Living Champion. · Councillor Shore has replaced Councillor Freebody on the Scrutiny Committee. · Councillor Burton has replaced Councillor Shuttleworth on the Conservation Area Advisory Group · Councillor Burton has replaced Councillor Bannister on the Strategic Property Board.
Minutes: The Council formally noted the appointments made by Group Leaders under delegated authority since the last meeting including:
· Councillor Burton’s appointment to a new role as Cabinet Member for property assets, heritage assets and communications. · Councillor Babarinde’s appointment to a new post of Cost of Living Champion. · Councillor Shore having replaced Councillor Freebody on the Scrutiny Committee. · Councillor Burton having replaced Councillor Shuttleworth on the Conservation Area Advisory Group. · Councillor Burton having replaced Councillor Bannister on the Strategic Property Board.
Discussion on minutes of council bodies. PDF 270 KB Members of the Council who wish to raise items for discussion (council procedure rule 14) on any of the minutes of the meetings of formal council bodies listed below must submit their request to the Head of Democratic Services no later than 10.00 am on the day of the meeting. A list of such items (if any) will be circulated prior to the start of the meeting.
The following are appended to this agenda:- Additional documents:
Minutes: The minutes of the following Council bodies were submitted to the meeting for information as part of the agenda and agenda supplement:
Requests to speak on specific minutes have been made by Councillors Wallis, Holt, Shuttleworth and Shore, as follows:
1. Councillor Wallis spoke in respect of Item 12f, Cabinet Minutes of 13 July 2022, Minute 14 ‘The Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy’. In response to a concern raised, Councillor Shuttleworth agreed to raise with the Government the need for national targets around the speed of which people are housed in permanent as opposed to temporary accommodation.
2. Councillor Holt spoke in respect of Item 12f, Cabinet Minutes of 13 July 2022, Minute 15 ‘Review of Planning Policy and Licensing of HMOs’.
3. Councillor Shuttleworth spoke in respect of Item 12f, Cabinet Minutes of 13 July 2022, Minute 18 ‘Housing Development Update’.
4. Councillor Shore spoke in respect of Item 12e, Audit and Governance Minutes of 12 July 2022, Minute 7 ‘External Audits Update’.
5. Councillor Shore spoke in respect of Item 12e, Audit and Governance Minutes of 12 July 2022, Minute 8 ‘Strategic Risk Register Quarterly Review’. In response, Councillor Holt offered to meet with Councillor Shore and the Audit Independent Member to discuss the risk register.
6. Councillor Shore spoke in respect of Item 12e, Audit and Governance Minutes of 12 July 2022, Minute 9 ‘Arrears Collection Update’.
7. Councillor Shore spoke in respect of Item 12f, Cabinet Minutes of 13 July 2022, Minute 9 ‘Recovery and Stabilisation Programme’.
8. Councillor Shore spoken in respect of Item 12f, Cabinet Minutes of 13 July 2022, Minute 10 ‘Cost of Living Crisis’.
Councillor Tutt moved and Councillor Holt seconded acceptance of the minutes.
RESOLVED – That the minutes be accepted.
Date of Next Meeting Minutes: It was noted that the date of the next scheduled meeting was 16 November 2022 at 6 pm.