Agenda and minutes

Eastbourne Borough Council Planning Committee - Tuesday, 25th January, 2022 6.00 pm

Venue: The Welcome Building, Devonshire Quarter, Compton Street, Eastbourne, BN21 4BP.

Contact: Committee Services on 01323 410000 

Note: This meeting is open to the public to attend. Whilst seating is currently limited due to social distancing guidelines, we ask that if you are planning to attend and observe the meeting, please let us know by emailing and let us know if you need to use the hearing loop unit at the meeting. We will also require that you wear a face covering (unless medically exempt), observe social distancing and check in at the meeting using the OR codes provided. Priority seating will be given to speakers. All attendees are also requested to take a lateral flow test before attending a meeting. 

No. Item




Members of the Committee and Officers present introduced themselves to all those who were present during the meeting.



Apologies for absence and notification of substitute members


Apologies had been received from Councillor Taylor. Councillor Metcalfe MBE confirmed that he was acting as substitute for Councillor Taylor.



Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPIs) by members as required under Section 31 of the Localism Act and of other interests as required by the Code of Conduct.


There were none.



Minutes of the meeting held on 14 December 2021 pdf icon PDF 168 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 14 December 2021 were submitted and approved as a correct record, and the Chair was authorised to sign them.



Urgent items of business. pdf icon PDF 9 KB

The Chairman to notify the Committee of any items of urgent business to be added to the agenda.



There were no urgent items.  An officer addendum, however, was circulated to the Committee prior to the start of the meeting, updating the main reports on the agenda with any late information (a copy of which was published on the Council’s website).



17 Old Camp Road. ID: 210536 pdf icon PDF 231 KB


Erection of 3no dwellings consisting of 1no 4X bedroom two storey dwelling with detached double garage. 2no 3X bedroom bungalow with detached garage. Formation of parking, landscaping and vehicle entrance new vehicular access. AMENDED DESCRIPTION/PLANS - 1 x bungalow removed, and width of Plot 1 dwelling reduced – OLD TOWN


The Specialist Advisor (Planning) presented the report. 


The Committee was advised by way of an Addendum of no further updates following competition of the officer’s report.


The Chair exercised his discretion in allowing additional speakers to speak for and against the application, whilst giving equal speaking time to both sides to ensure natural justice.


Sara Spratt (resident) addressed the Committee in objection to the application. Mr Mike Farrell (Architect) spoke in support of the application.  Mr Paul Muir (Applicant) also spoke in support of the application.   A written representation was read aloud by the Head of Planning First on behalf of Councillor Dow (Ward Councillor) in objection to the application.


Members discussed the proposal and expressed strong concerns regarding the clearance works, biodiversity impact, loss of garden space, vehicular access, overdevelopment and precedent for applications.


The Committee sought clarification on various points: garden grabbing, precedent for other applications and access for refuse and emergency service vehicles. 


The Specialist Advisor (Planning) referred to the NPPF and informed the Committee that the development of garden land was not prohibited but was stringently controlled. A significant amount of garden space could be retained to ensure biodiversity gain was delivered.  The application was considered on its own merits.  Refuse lorries would remain on Old Camp Road whilst personnel would collect the bins.  Access by East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service would be addressed at the Building Regulation stage.


Councillor Diplock proposed a motion to refuse the application against the Officers’ recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor Lamb and was carried. 


RESOLVED: by (7 votes to 1 against) that Planning Permission be refused for the following reasons:

1.    The proposed development would be unsympathetic towards the established character of the surrounding area; particularly as a consequence of the backland positioning of the bungalows which result in the loss of green space towards the rear of the site.  It is therefore in conflict with saved policies UHT1, UHT4, UHT5 and UHT7 of the Eastbourne Borough Plan, policies B2, D1 and D9 of the Eastbourne Borough Plan and paragraphs 124 and 130 of the NPPF.


2.    The submitted scheme fails to demonstrate that biodiversity net gain can be achieved within the site and is therefore in conflict with saved policies NE22 and NE28 of the Eastbourne Borough Plan, policies B2, D1 and D9 of the Eastbourne Core Strategy and paragraphs 174 and 180 of the NPPF.



Langney Shopping Centre Market, Langney Shopping Centre, 64 Kingfisher Drive. ID: 210303 and 210304 pdf icon PDF 203 KB


210303 - Retrospective Installation of modular retail windscreen fitting and repair kiosk to existing retail car park. 


210304 - Retrospective application for display of eight non-illuminated adverts



The Senior Specialist Advisor (Planning) presented the report. 


The Committee was advised by way of an Addendum of no further updates following completion of the officer’s report.


The Committee was advised that noise from plant being used at the site has now ceased following mains power connection and that a condition of permission would require the prior consent of the details of any plant and/or machinery introduced to the site at a later date.


The Committee’s attention was drawn to an extant permission for a tyre fitting use (including land within the application site), which was granted at appeal following the Council’s refusal. If approved, this application could not be implemented alongside the extant without revision to one/both scheme/s.


The Committee raised some concerns regarding the retrospective application, loss of car parking spaces and excessive number of illuminated adverts, but welcomed the business into the area.


210303 – Full Planning Permission

Councillor Vaughan proposed a motion to approve the application in line with the officer’s recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor Miah and was carried. 


RESOLVED: (unanimously) that Planning permission be approved subject to the conditions set out in the officer’s report.


210304 – Advertisement Consent

Councillor Vaughan proposed a motion to approve the application in line with the Officers’ recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor Miah and was carried. 


RESOLVED: (unanimously) that Advertisement Consent be approved subject to the conditions set out in the officer’s report.



Date of next meeting

To note the next meeting of the Planning Committee is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, 22 February 2022.


It was noted that the next meeting of the Planning Committee was scheduled to commence at 6:00pm on Tuesday, 22 February 2022.