Venue: Court Room at Eastbourne Town Hall, Grove Road, BN21 4UG
Contact: Committee Services on 01323 410000
No. | Item | |
Introductions Minutes: Members of the Committee and Officers present introduced themselves to all those who were present during the meeting.
Apologies for absence and notification of substitute members Minutes: The Chair advised that there had been a change in membership of the Committee since the agenda was published, with Councillor Hugh Parker replacing Councillor Peter Diplock (former Deputy Chair). Apologies had been received for this meeting from Councillor Hugh Parker. Councillor Sammy Choudhury confirmed he was acting as substitute for Councillor Parker.
Appointment of Deputy Chair Minutes: The Chair invited nominations from Councillors for Deputy Chair of the Planning Committee.
Councillor Vaughan proposed Councillor Hugh Parker be appointed as Deputy Chair of the Planning Committee. This was seconded by Councillor Morris and was carried.
RESOLVED: by (5 votes to 0 against and 3 abstentions) that Councillor Hugh Parker be appointed as Deputy Chair of the Planning Committee.
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPIs) by members as required under Section 31 of the Localism Act and of other interests as required by the Code of Conduct. Minutes: None.
Minutes of the meeting held on 3 October 2022 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 3 October 2022 would be submitted for approval to the next meeting.
Urgent items of business. PDF 111 KB The Chairman to notify the Committee of any items of urgent business to be added to the agenda.
Minutes: There were no urgent items. An officer addendum, however, was circulated to the Committee prior to the start of the meeting, updating the main reports on the agenda with any late information (a copy of which was published on the Council’s website).
177-187 Terminus Road (Former TJ Hughes). ID 220633 PDF 251 KB Minutes: Retention of original building façade (on Terminus and Seaside Roads), demolition of remaining building and redevelopment of the site for a mixed-use development comprising 710 sqm (GIA) of commercial space (Class E) on the ground floor with 65 residential units (Class C3) on part ground and up to six upper floors with associated communal amenity space, cycle and car parking, refuse, recycling and servicing facilities – TOWN CENTRE.
The Senior Specialist Advisor (Planning) presented the report.
The Committee was advised by way of an Addendum that no further representations had been received since the publication of the report. Amended drawings had been received for an additional window on the North Street elevation. Discussions had taken place regarding the S106 contributions. Although discussions were ongoing, the scheme was not viable for financial contributions outlined in the Financial Viability Statement, and through delegated authority, Officers would resolve the servicing arrangements with East Sussex County Council Highways (ESCC) relating to contributions; highways matters, and the legal position concerning the removal of parking permits.
Ms Wilson (resident) spoke in objection to the application. Mr Chris Leach (Chair of the Eastbourne Society) spoke in support of the application. Councillor Holt, Ward Councillor, addressed the Committee in support of the application.
The Committee welcomed the proposal and the collaborative approach between the developer, residents and the Eastbourne Society. The Committee sought clarification on various points: emissions; density, total number of units, scales, roof materials, disabled parking, staircases, practicality of the amenity space, enforcement of parking permits and provision of exterior railings. Officers responded to the matters raised.
Councillor Taylor proposed a motion to approve the application in line with the officer’s recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor Miah and was carried.
RESOLVED: (Unanimously) 1. To delegate to the Head of Planning: · to clarify the servicing arrangements and agree them with East Sussex County Council Highways; · on the provision that these issues are concluded favourably, to approve planning permission subject to conditions, taking account of any revisions required following consultation, and a negotiated S106 legal agreement to include: · a) any contributions that the scheme can financially sustain; and · b) a review mechanism to ensure any market changes affecting the scheme’s viability will capture any contributions that become viable.
2. If no meaningful progress is made in the S106 within 6 months of the date of this approval, then the Head of Planning be authorised to refuse the application given that the development has failed to deliver sufficient infrastructure to mitigate the impacts of the development.
Hadleigh Hotel, 14-22 Burlington Place. ID: 220579 PDF 306 KB Minutes: Various extensions and alterations to rear up to fifth-storey level, alterations and opening up of lower ground floor to front elevation and change of use from hotel (C1) to 16 x residential flats (C3) and 12 x holiday let flats (C3) – MEADS.
A typographical error was noted at paragraph 8.4.3 the word ‘moo-pitch’ was corrected to read ‘mono-pitch’.
The Committee was advised by way of an Addendum that there were no further updates following completion of the officer’s report.
Mr Chris Sampson (Agent), spoke in support of the application.
The Committee welcomed the restoration of the building, but raised concerns regarding access for disability scooters, charging points, loss of hotel, the potential for holiday flats to be turned into residential use, the railings and parking. Officers responded in relation to the matters raised.
Councillor Miah proposed a motion to approve the application in line with the officer’s recommendation and the additional condition for charging points for electric wheelchairs and e-bikes. This was seconded by Councillor Vaughan and was carried.
RESOLVED: (by 7 votes to 0 against, and 1 abstention)that Planning permission be approved subject to a S106 Agreement to secure affordable housing and a local labour agreement; submission of acceptable landscaping details as reserved matters, the conditions set out the officer’s report and an additional condition to secure charging points for electric wheelchair and e-bikes.
(The Committee paused for a 5 minute comfort break at the end of this item). |
Wood Winton, 63a Silverdale Road. ID: 220535 PDF 120 KB Minutes: Section 73A retrospective application for the Installation of doors and windows to all elevations to house 1 (following the approval of planning application 190861) - MEADS.
The Senior Specialist Advisor (Planning) presented the report.
The Committee was advised by way of an Addendum that there were no further updates following completion of the officer’s report.
Mr Dennis Scard (Chair of Meads Community Association) spoke in objection to the application.
The Committee raised strong concerns regarding overlooking, potential for the glazing of the obscure windows to be a covering and not fixed shut as requested.
The Lawyer advised the Committee that the retrospective application must be considered on its own merits and any refusal must have robust reasons.
The Senior Specialist Advisor recommended an additional condition prior to the grant of any permission for delegated authority to oversee the installation of obscure glazing to be retained for the lifetime of the development. The Committee further requested the opening sash windows be replaced with fixed sash windows, and not screwed shut.
Councillor Taylor proposed a motion to refuse the application against the officer’s recommendation. This was not seconded and the motion was lost.
Councillor Taylor requested a named vote and this was agreed.
Councillor Miah proposed a motion to approve the application in line with the officer’s recommendation and the additional condition for delegated authority to oversee the installation of obscure glazing and opening sash windows to be fixed, before the grant of consent. This was seconded by Councillor Vaughan andwas carried.
RESOLVED (by 7 votes to 1 against): that planning permission be approved subject to the conditions set out in the officer’s report and to delegate the Head of Planning to oversee the installation of the obscure glazing and the sash windows to be fixed shutprior to the grant of consent, for the lifetime of the development.
(For: Councillors Murray, Choudhury, Lamb, Miah, Morris, Murdoch and Vaughan. Against: Councillor Taylor. No abstentions).
Devonshire Park, College Road. ID: 220671 PDF 181 KB Minutes: Reconstruction of miniature temple in a new location - MEADS.
The Senior Specialist Advisor (Planning) presented the report.
The Committee was advised by way of an Addendum that there were no further updates following completion of the officer’s report.
Mr Chris Leach (Chair of the Eastbourne Society) spoke in support of the application.
The Committee welcomed the proposal.
Councillor Miah proposed a motion to approve the application in line with the officer’s recommendation. This was seconded by Councillor Lamb and was carried.
RESOLVED (unanimously): that Planning permission be approved subject to the conditions set out in the officer’s report.
Date of next meeting
Minutes: It was noted that the next meeting of the Planning Committee was scheduled to commence at 6:00pm on Monday, 14 November 2022.