Venue: Court Room at Eastbourne Town Hall, Grove Road, BN21 4UG
Contact: Committee Services on 01323 410000
No. | Item |
Introductions Minutes: Members of the Committee and Officers introduced themselves to those present. |
Apologies for absence and notification of substitute members Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Murdoch and Vaughan. |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPIs) by members as required under Section 31 of the Localism Act and of other interests as required by the Code of Conduct. Minutes: No declarations of interest were made at the meeting. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2023 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 23 January were approved and signed as a correct record. |
Urgent items of business. The Chair to notify the Committee of any items of urgent business to be added to the agenda.
Minutes: There were no urgent matters for discussion. |
Where additional information has been received by Planning Officers subsequent to the publication of the agenda, a supplementary report will be added to this item and published on the Council’s website the day before the meeting to update the main reports with any late information.
Additional documents: Minutes: An officer addendum was circulated to the Committee prior to the start of the meeting, updating the report on the agenda with any late information (a copy of which was published on the Council’s website). |
2 Denton Road. ID 220626 Minutes: Conversion of existing loft space to form 1no. three bed dwelling with installation of single storey infill extension to the western pitch roof, 6no dormers and 8no sky lights (amended description) – Meads
The Senior Specialist Advisor (Planning) presented the report.
The Committee was advised by way of an addendum of two further representations which had been received. The Senior Specialist Advisor (Planning) highlighted a minor alteration to the second part of the officer recommendation on the addendum to allow for the imposition of any additional conditions recommended by the Council’s Ecologist following conclusion of the bat surveys.
Miss Kate Barella (owner/occupier of a flat within 2 Denton Road) and Mr Dennis Scard (Chair of the MCA) spoke in objection to the application. Mr Huw James (Agent) spoke in favour of the application. Councillor Smart, Ward Councillor, addressed the Committee in relation to the application.
The Committee sought clarification on various points: protection of trees, parking standards, the height of the development within the current roofline, the effect on the street scene if the lantern skylight or similar design was added to the proposed roof, the impact of granting planning permission upon any separate Mitigation License required from Natural England, and the weight of the extension and soundproofing controlled under building regulations. The Lawyer advised the Committee that the right of a resident to respect for their home under the Human Rights Act 1998 Article 8 was not an absolute right but a qualified right, it was a material consideration but should be balanced against all other material considerations, it was a matter of planning judgement for the Members.
Councillor Morris proposed the officer’s recommendation as amended in the addendum, and this was seconded by Councillor Miah. This was put to a vote and declared carried.
RESOLVED (by 4 votes for, 2 against, with 0 abstentions):
1. To delegate to the Head of Planning to liaise with Eastbourne Borough Council Specialist Advisor (Ecology and Biodiversity) on receipt of further information relating to protected species, and on conclusion of this consultation process: 2. To approve subject to conditions, including any additional conditions recommended by the Council’s Ecologist to accord with any requisite Mitigation License from Natural England. |
Date of next meeting To note the next meeting of the Planning Committee is scheduled to be held on Monday, 20 March 2023.
Minutes: |