Agenda and minutes

Eastbourne Borough Council Council Panel - Monday, 23rd September, 2013 1.00 pm

Venue: Town Hall, Eastbourne

Contact: David Robinson on on 01323 415022  Email:

No. Item


Election of Chairman.


Councillor Tutt was elected Chairman.


Declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests (DPIs) by members as required under Section 31 of the Localism Act and of other interests as required by the Code of Conduct (please see note at end of agenda).


No declarations were made.


Confirmation of minutes.

To authorise the procedure for confirming and signing the minutes of this meeting. It is recommended that the minutes be circulated to members of the panel and be signed by the Chairman in the light of any comments on their accuracy received within 7 days of their circulation.


Resolved:  That the minutes be circulated to members of the panel and be signed by the Chairman in the light of any comments on their accuracy received within 7 days of their circulation.


Exclusion of the public.

The Chief Executive considers that discussion of the following item is likely to disclose exempt information as defined in Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 and may therefore need to take place in private session.  The exempt information reasons are shown beneath the items listed below.  Furthermore, in relation to paragraph 10 of Schedule 12A, it is considered that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.


Resolved:  That the public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting as otherwise there was a likelihood of disclosure to them of exempt information as defined in schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.  The relevant paragraphs of schedule 12A and descriptions of the exempt information are shown beneath the item below.  


Secondments of Chief Officers.

To consider proposals for the secondment of the Deputy Chief Executive to Lewes District Council and the secondment of the Chief Finance Officer to Eastbourne Homes Ltd. Members will be asked to agree that the Chief Executive be given delegated authority to agree the terms of the secondments and any variations to the employment contracts of the secondees, including any uplifts in their remuneration which seem to him appropriate, provided the net cost to Eastbourne Borough Council does not increase.


Report of the Chief Executive to follow.


Exempt information reason 1. Information relating to an individual (terms and conditions of employment).


The Panel had been constituted in accordance with the Council’s constitutional arrangements for decision making in respect of the conditions of service of chief officers (Part 3, Section B, para. 12).


The Chief Executive submitted a report in which he outlined proposals for the secondment of the Deputy Chief Executive to Lewes District Council and the Chief Finance Officer to Eastbourne Homes Ltd.  It was also reported that the Human Resources Manager would be seconded to Lewes District Council under arrangements approved by the Chief Executive under his delegated powers.  All three secondments would enable the two councils to consider whether there were opportunities for working more closely together and explore whether there were common goals and objectives for the future.  In the case of Lewes District Council, these secondments would support their transition journey and enable Eastbourne Borough Council (EBC) to share its experience of DRIVE, Agile and Future Model programmes.


All three secondments would be carried out by the officers in addition to their current roles at EBC.  The secondments were initially for a period of 18 months. 


Resolved: (1) That the Deputy Chief Executive be seconded to Lewes District Council.


(2) That the Chief Finance Officer be seconded to Eastbourne Homes Limited as Director of Finance and Corporate Services.


(3) That the Chief Executive be given delegated authority to agree the terms of the secondments and any variations to the employment contracts of the secondees as outlined in the report and it was noted that the net cost to Eastbourne Borough Council will reduce.


(Note:  It was agreed that the above minute be made public, however, the report and the Panel’s deliberations thereon should remain confidential.  Exempt information reason – paragraph 1 – information relating to individual members of staff and their terms and conditions of service.)