Agenda and minutes

3 pm meeting, Lewes District Council Licensing Sub-Committee - Friday, 14th August, 2020 3.00 pm

Venue: via Microsoft Teams. View directions

Contact: Committee Services on 01273 471600 

Note: This meeting will be held remotely using Microsoft Teams. Use the link below to view the meeting. Alternatively to listen in ring: +44 20 3855 5316. Enter Conference ID: 884 598 716# (You will be muted when you join to watch the live event and must remain so for the duration of the meeting.)  


No. Item


Election of chair of the sub-committee for this meeting


Councillor Liz Boorman proposed Councillor Isabelle Linington as Chair and this was seconded by Councillor Sean Macleod.


Councillor Isabelle Linington was elected Chair for the duration of the meeting.


Apologies for absence/declaration of substitute members


There were none.


Declarations of interest

Disclosure by councillors of personal interests in matters on the agenda, the nature of any interest and whether the councillor regards the interest as prejudicial under the terms of the Code of Conduct.


There were none.


Determination of a Premises Licence Application - Artelium Wine Estate pdf icon PDF 320 KB

Additional documents:


The Chair of the Licensing Sub Committee welcomed all parties to the

hearing. Those attending introduced themselves and the procedure for the hearing was explained


The Licensing Officer presented the Report to the committee and summarised

the Report as follows:


·       The Sub Committee had been convened to determine the review of a Premises Licence at Artelium Wines Estate, Streat Lane, Streat. The applicants were Julie Bretland and Mark Collins.


·       Following the initial application, the applicants submitted a new Plan and a revised application had been submitted on the morning of the meeting in relation to the hours of opening.


·       When submitting an application for a new premises licence the applicant is required to describe any steps they intend to take to promote the four licensing objectives, as defined by the Licensing Act 2003.


·       The original application submitted was to run a wine tasting house to include events in the garden and vineyard, appealing to small groups. Tea, coffee and food would be served in addition to the wines.


·       A number of points were included in the operating schedule:


o   No open containers would be taken from premises.


o   There would be no irresponsible promotions.


o   Staff training would be undertaken.


o   Safe capacity limits would be set and maintained.


o   Pre booked visits and tours would be undertaken to manage visitor

o   Numbers.


o   Visitors would be encouraged to leave quietly and quickly


o   Customers would need to provide proof of age for buy onsite purchases and online tour bookings.


o   Staff would be trained in Over 25 policy.


·       The applicants were seeking a Premises Licence to sell alcohol from an on-site shop, internet sales and through fine dining events taking place in the grounds.


·       The applicant intended to sell wine from their own and other vineyards, with an onsite bar facility, tours of the vineyard and wine tasting events.


·        No Responsible Authorities made representations however Sussex Police had agreed with the applicants that specific conditions would be added to the licence if it were granted including the Challenge 25 age verification policy, documented staff training and the provision of an incident and refusals register.


·       One representation, from Mr Nicholas Perkin, the owner of a neighbouring property, had been received objecting to the application on the grounds of the four licensing objectives and was detailed in appendix 4 to the report.


·       Mediation between the applicants and the representor had taken place, with willing participation, but had not been successful.


·       In determining the application, the Sub Committee was asked to give weight to the representations made, Home Office guidance, the Licensing Policy for Lewes District Council and to address the four licensing objectives


o   Prevention of crime and disorder

o   Public safety

o   Prevention of public nuisance

  • Protection of children from harm


·       A representation was a ‘relevant representation’ if it was about the likely effect of the grant of the licence on the promotion of the licensing objectives. The objector would need to establish that such a consequence was a likely  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.