Venue: Court Room at Eastbourne Town Hall, Grove Road, BN21 4UG
Contact: Committee Services on 01323 410000
No. | Item |
Minutes of the meeting held on 13 November 2024 PDF 124 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 13 November 2024 were submitted and approved and the Chair was authorised to sign them as a correct record. |
Apologies for absence Additional documents: Minutes: An apology for absence was reported from Councillor Murray. |
Declaration of members' interests Additional documents: Minutes: None were declared. |
Questions by members of the public On matters not already included on the agenda and for which prior notice has been given (total time allowed 15 minutes). Additional documents: Minutes: The Cabinet received a written question from Rob Sier, in relation to internal catering at the council and transition to plant-based food. The written question was verbally responded to at the meeting by Councillor Holt, in the absence of Councillor Murray. |
Urgent items of business PDF 81 KB The Chairman to notify the Cabinet of any items of urgent business to be added to the agenda. Additional documents: Decision: (Non-key decision):
To accept the approved recommendations from Scrutiny Committee, at its meeting on 9 December 2024. Minutes: The Cabinet considered the recommendations from the Scrutiny Committee, following its meeting on 9 December 2024. The Chair of Cabinet was of the opinion this should be considered as a matter of urgency by reason of special circumstances as defined in Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972.
The Cabinet, at its meeting on 13 November 2024, made decisions under the Strategic Finance Programme agenda item, in relation to the Sovereign Centre.
Following debate on a motion at a Full Council meeting on 20 November 2024, Scrutiny Committee, in its advisory capacity, were asked to explore all further options to keep the existing facilities of the Sovereign Leisure Centre open.
Following the meeting of the Scrutiny Committee, Cabinet were asked to consider the following recommendations:
1) The Scrutiny Committee recognises the strength of feeling and support of the Sovereign Centre and thanks the public for their support and contributions.
2) The Scrutiny Committee recognises that the Council is fully committed to keeping the Sovereign Centre open and this commitment is supported.
3) The Scrutiny Committee understands the financial challenges facing the Council, due to a combination of the condition of an aging building, which will continue to require significant maintenance costs, coupled with the wider financial pressures which are faced by some councils.
4) The Scrutiny Committee recognises the opportunity to work with the wider community to explore new options to promote swimming, health and leisure across Eastbourne and recommends the formation of an Eastbourne Strategic Health and Leisure Advisory Group, to consult widely and explore new ideas and potential funding opportunities to invest in the Centre and in leisure across the town.
5) The Scrutiny Committee recognises that the Council has continued to spend significantly on necessary works at the Sovereign Centre and is committed to spending on further priority works at the Centre.
6) The Scrutiny Committee supports the modernisation of the Sovereign Centre to provide a wider range of activities and additional income streams.
Visiting member, Councillor Smart addressed the Cabinet on this item. He referenced discussions made at the Scrutiny Committee, including comments made by external public speakers. He enquired as to the business plan for the current arrangements with Wave Leisure and queried why the financial position of the Centre had deteriorated since July 2023, where a nil net cost position was reported. He concluded by stating that there was a lack of clear financial information to justify the measures taken. He recommended that all pools should be kept open, and advice should be taken from an independent advisor and potential market testing take place whilst medium and long term solutions were developed.
Visiting member, Councillor Small addressed the Cabinet on this item and commented on the negative impact on the town of the Cabinet’s decision on the Sovereign Centre. He referenced discussions at the Scrutiny Committee and lack of clarity and analysis of the financial figures and savings target concerning the Centre. He then enquired on action taken by the Council to address ... view the full minutes text for item 37. |
Order of business Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair agreed to alter the order of business to consider agenda item 8 (Eastbourne Carbon Neutral 2030: Annual Progress Report) first, due to a request to speak on the item by a member of the public. |
Eastbourne Carbon Neutral 2030: Annual Progress Report PDF 166 KB Report of Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Regeneration and Planning Lead Cabinet member: Councillor Jim Murray Additional documents:
Decision: (Key decision):
(1) To approve the Eastbourne Carbon Neutral 2030 Annual update as attached at Appendix 1 to the report, for publication on the council’s website
(2) To note progress to date on the strategy and action plan as contained within Appendix 1 to the report. Minutes: The Cabinet considered the report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Regeneration and Planning, noting progress to date and seek approval to publish the annual update, detailed at Appendix 1 to the report.
Serena Stallard, member of the public, addressed the Cabinet on this item. She commented on the scrutiny of the paper and referenced the climate effect of manufacturing and transporting electric vehicles and solar panels and sustainability of using HVO generators, particularly in its reference to Airbourne. She concluded by asking why the Council’s support for the Climate and Nature Bill was not consulted on. In response, Councillor Holt advised that a written response to the question would be provided after the meeting.
Resolved (Key decision):
(1) To approve the Eastbourne Carbon Neutral 2030 Annual update as attached at Appendix 1 to the report, for publication on the council’s website
(2) To note progress to date on the strategy and action plan as contained within Appendix 1 to the report.
Reason for decisions:
To progress towards the aim of achieving Eastbourne Carbon Neutral 2030 as resolved in July 2019. |
Recommendations for spending of the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) PDF 129 KB Report of Chief Executive Lead Cabinet member: Councillor Colin Swansborough Additional documents:
Decision: (Key decision):
To agree the release of funds from the NCIL pot, as recommended by the CIL Advisory Board. Minutes: The Cabinet considered the report of the Chief Executive, seeking its approval to release Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) funds, as recommended by the CIL Advisory Board, to help deliver infrastructure projects in the borough.
Among the projects proposed for the awarding of funds were three community centres which would benefit from renovations, the creation of an access ramp and installation of a new boiler, alongside the refurbishment of two public toilets.
Resolved (Key decision):
To agree the release of funds from the NCIL pot, as recommended by the CIL Advisory Board.
Reason for decision:
To help deliver the right level of infrastructure to support the delivery of community infrastructure. |
Corporate performance - quarter 2 - 2024/25 PDF 71 KB Report of Director of Finance and Performance Lead Cabinet member: Councillor Stephen Holt
Additional documents:
Decision: (Non-key decision):
To note progress and performance for quarter 2, 2024/25. Minutes: The Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Finance and Performance, considering the council’s progress and performance in respect of service areas for the second quarter of the year (July-September 2024), as detailed at Appendix 1 to the report.
For the quarter, of the Council’s 32 performance indicators: 11 achieved its target, 3 were slightly below target, 6 were below target, 9 were data only points and 3 had data unavailable. 15 positive trends and 13 negative trends were detailed from Quarter 1 to Quarter 2.
Visiting member, Councillor Shore, addressed the Cabinet on this item. She thanked officers for their work on developing benchmarking data and commented on performance during the quarter. In particular, she enquired on the council’s current arrears position associated with council tax/business rate/overpaid housing benefit and steps taken by the Council to address it. Councillor Holt in response, advised that Audit & Governance Committee, at its meeting on 12 December 2024, would be considering a report around debt collection and the current position. Information on the time to pay arrangements would also be provided to Councillor Shore.
Resolved (Non-key decision):
To note progress and performance for quarter 2, 2024/25.
Reason for decision:
To enable Cabinet members to consider specific aspects of the Council’s progress and performance. |
Report of Director of Finance and Performance Lead Cabinet member: Councillor Daniel Butcher Additional documents:
Decision: (Key decision):
(1) To agree the revised budget for 2024/25 and associated risks.
(2) To note the revised forecast outturn position for 2024/25 and associated risks.
(3) To delegate authority to the Director of Finance and Performance and the portfolio holder for finance to apply the required budget virements to support effective management of the overall budget.
(4) To note the 2024/25 Capital Programme and forecasts
(5) To note Appendix 1 and 2 to the report. Minutes: The Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Finance and Performance, resetting the budget for 2024/25 at the midpoint of the year, incorporating key financial risks, issues and opportunities for the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and setting the basis for preparing a balanced General Fund budget for 2025/26.
Section 1.7 of the report detailed the significant action taken by the Council to tackle the challenging financial situation confirmed at Quarter 1. A budget reset was proposed, which drew upon agreements made at previous Cabinet meetings and within the original budget envelope of £20.319 million agreed by Full Council in February 2024.
Resolved (Key decision):
(1) To agree the revised budget for 2024/25 and associated risks.
(2) To note the revised forecast outturn position for 2024/25 and associated risks.
(3) To delegate authority to the Director of Finance and Performance and the portfolio holder for finance to apply the required budget virements to support effective management of the overall budget.
(4) To note the 2024/25 Capital Programme and forecasts.
(5) To note Appendix 1 and 2 to the report.
Reason for decisions:
To enable Cabinet members to consider the Council’s financial performance for 2024/25. |
Interim Medium Term Financial Strategy 2025/26 to 2028/29 PDF 400 KB Report of Director of Finance and Performance Lead Cabinet member: Councillor Daniel Butcher Additional documents:
Decision: (Non-key decision):
(1) To note the updated MTFS forecasts and the requirement to identify additional savings for the period 2025/26 to 2028/29.
(2) To note that this forecast could change based upon government funding settlement announcements and demand for services and pressures upon the council.
(3) To note that at this stage and considering the assumptions for contingencies a forecast £2.06m of savings are required to balance the 2025/26 budget; and
(4) To note the planned annual review of earmarked reserves which aims to reallocate them in line with the emerging risks. Minutes: The Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Finance and Performance, noting the interim medium term financial strategy (MTFS) for 2025/26 to 2026/27, together with the updated Capital Programme position.
The draft MTFS indicated that without intervention, a funding gap/savings requirement of £2.06m would be required to balance the budget during the period, with this figure being required by 2025/26.
Resolved (Non-key decision):
(1) To note the updated MTFS forecasts and the requirement to identify additional savings for the period 2025/26 to 2028/29.
(2) To note that this forecast could change based upon government funding settlement announcements and demand for services and pressures upon the council.
(3) To note that at this stage and considering the assumptions for contingencies a forecast £2.06m of savings are required to balance the 2025/26 budget; and
(4) To note the planned annual review of earmarked reserves which aims to reallocate them in line with the emerging risks.
Reason for decisions:
To provide Cabinet with an update and early sighting of key MTFS and budgetary implications in preparation for the setting of a revenue budget and associated Council tax for the forthcoming financial year by law. |
Council Tax Base and Non-Domestic Rates Income for 2025/26 PDF 177 KB Report of Director of Finance and Performance Lead Cabinet member: Councillor Daniel Butcher Additional documents: Decision: (Key decision):
(1) To agree the provisional Council Tax Base for 2025/26 of 36,019.8 based on the councils existing Council Tax Reduction Scheme.
(2) To agree the provisional Council Tax Base for 2025/26 of 35,581.3 based on the councils proposed 100% Council Tax Reduction Scheme (a reduction equivalent to 438.6 Band D properties compared to 24/25 figures)
(3) To agree that the Chief Finance Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Financial Services, determine the final amounts for the Council Tax Base for 2025/26.
(4) To agree that the Chief Finance Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, determine net yield from Business Rate income for 2025/26. Minutes: The Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Finance and Performance, seeking its approval of the council tax base and net yield from Business Rate Income for 2025/26, in accordance with the Local Government Finance Act 1992.
Given that the council would still need to consider and confirm its 25/25 Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS), scheduled for February 2025, it was agreed by Cabinet to accept the Council Tax Base based on the current CTRS scheme, in addition to the proposed 100% CTRS scheme. Conversations were ongoing between the Council and other stakeholders, as part of the process.
Resolved (Key decision):
(1) To agree the provisional Council Tax Base for 2025/26 of 36,019.8 based on the councils existing Council Tax Reduction Scheme.
(2) To agree the provisional Council Tax Base for 2025/26 of 35,581.3 based on the councils proposed 100% Council Tax Reduction Scheme (a reduction equivalent to 438.6 Band D properties compared to 24/25 figures).
(3) To agree that the Chief Finance Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Financial Services, determine the final amounts for the Council Tax Base for 2025/26.
(4) To agree that the Chief Finance Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance, determine net yield from Business Rate income for 2025/26.
Reason for decisions:
Cabinet is required to approve the tax base which will be used for the purposes of calculating the 2025/26 Council Tax. |