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Eastbourne Borough Council Scrutiny Committee

This page lists the meetings for Eastbourne Borough Council Scrutiny Committee.


Information about Eastbourne Borough Council Scrutiny Committee

The Council will have one Scrutiny Committee which will perform all Overview and Scrutiny functions on behalf of the Council.


Consisting of eleven councillors who are not Cabinet members and chaired by a member of the main opposition group, the Scrutiny Committee has the responsibility to maintain an overview of the discharge of the Council’s executive (Cabinet) functions, scrutinise decisions, and make reports and recommendations thereon. The Committee is not confined to looking only at Council services; it can investigate the actions of other companies and organisations whose actions affect Eastbourne residents.


Meetings of the Scrutiny Committee are open to the public, unless exempt or confidential information is being considered.


The Scrutiny Committee may appoint Task Groups as appropriate to undertake any of its activities and investigations; these Task Groups should normally consist of two councillors (one from each of the controlling group and the main opposition group). The Task Groups will report their conclusions direct to Cabinet/Council as appropriate. The Task Groups will not have decision making powers.

·        Attending and speaking at public meetings