The Committee considered the report of the Director of Service Delivery which requested the Committee consider the result of the public consultation regarding the Eastbourne Borough Council Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Guidance and to agree a final Guidance document to be adopted on a date to be agreed.
The Specialist Advisor – Licensing (SAL), Paul Thornton, presented the report and its findings.
Several typographical amendments to the report were noted:
o) Replace the word ‘off’ with ‘of’ the English Language.
y) Delete the word ‘annually’ after ‘annual basic disclosure’.
Members discussed and agreed on the following changes to the Guidance:
(a) Changes in Licensing (Part 1) – Agreed to implement.
(b) Relicensing of vehicles (Part 3, Maximum age of vehicles) – Agreed to implement.
(c) Vehicle Door Signs (Part 3, Livery). In discussion, Members considered the response received from the trade and public and were of a mixed opinion. This was put to a vote and it was agreed to implement, by 9 votes for and 3 votes against.
(d) Insurance Write Offs (Part 3, Vehicle Specification) – Agreed to implement.
(e) Intended work area (Part 3, Intended Use) – Agreed to implement.
(f) In-vehicle visual recording CCTV (Part 3). In discussion, Members felt they needed further details to consider the implications. Councillor Babarinde proposed to agree in principle the implementation of CCTV, subject to receipt of further details to determine the installation date for consideration at a future Licensing Committee meeting. This was seconded by Councillor Diplock. This proposal was put to a vote and it was agreed by 7 votes for and 5 vote against.
(g) Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle Licences (Part 3, Wheelchair Accessible). In discussion, Members questioned enforcement. SAL confirmed it was part of the vehicle inspection check and would be on the suitability test – Agreed to implement.
(h) Plate and Livery exemptions (Part 3, Executive Private Hire Vehicles) – Agreed to implement.
(i) Dual Drivers Licences (Part 4, Licences) – Agreed to implement.
(j) Stretched Limousines (Part 3, Stretched Limousines and Other Specialist Vehicles) – Agreed to implement.
(k) Fit and Proper Test (Part 4, Fit & Proper Test) – Agreed to implement.
(l) Disclosure Barring Service (DBS Update Service (Part 4, DBS and Part 5, Private Hire Operators) – Agreed to implement.
(m) Overseas Applicants (Part 4, DBS) – Agreed to implement.
(n) DVLA Drivers Licence checks (Part 4, DVLA Licence Checking) – Agreed to implement.
(o) Introduction of English Language Proficiency Test for all new applicants (Part 4, English Language Proficiency Test) – Agreed to implement.
(p) Safeguarding Awareness Training (Part 4, Safeguarding Training) – Agreed to implement.
(q) Mandatory Disability Awareness Training (Part 4, Safeguarding Training) – Agreed to implement.
(r) Clarifies process to apply for an exemption certificates from carrying assistance dogs (Part 8) – Agreed to implement.
(s) Card Payments (Part 9) – Agreed to implement.
(t) Vaping (Appendix 3, Paragraph 26) – Agreed to implement.
(u) Criminality Checks on Vehicle Proprietors (Part 3, Vehicles) – Agreed to implement.
(v) Licensee Self Reporting (Appendix 3, Paragraph 15 and Appendix 6, Section 6.3) – Agreed to implement.
(w) Sharing Licensing Information (Part 4, DBS) – Agreed to implement.
(x) Private Hire Vehicle Operators (Part 5, DBS Disclosures) – Agreed to implement.
(y) Private Hire Vehicle Operators (Part 5, DBS Disclosures) – Agreed to implement.
(z) Operators (Part 5, Complaints about drivers) – Agreed to implement.
(aa) Operator records (Appendix 4, Records) – Agreed to implement.
(bb) Use of PCV licensed Drivers (Appendix 4, Section 5) – Agreed toimplement.
(cc) Convictions Policy (Appendix 6) – Agreed to implement.
(dd) Penalty Points Scheme (Appendix 7) – Agreed to implement.
(ee) Common Law Police Disclosure/Referrals to the Police/DBS (Part 4) - Agreed to implement.
(Unanimous) That the Committee delegate the Senior Specialist Advisor to take the necessary steps to implement the changes outlined above, produce a final Guidance for publication and implement it on a date to be agreed with the Chair of the Licensing Committee, subject to consideration at a future Licensing Committee meeting of the date of introduction for CCTV.
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