Specialist Advisor (Conservation) to report on applications.
1) 220129 (PP) 27 Gildredge Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 4RU
Cons Area: Town Centre and Seafront
Proposal: Change of use from F1 use to residential C3 (a) use providing 5 self-contained dwellings and associated facilities with roof dormers to front and rear roof slopes, conservation rooflights, partial removal of concrete slab forming a stair landing at rear, raising some internal floor levels, new windows and opening and other alterations as part of the conversion.
CAAG Comments: The Group were supportive of the change of use, and the conversion of this property to residential use, but were concerned at the introduction of a dormer to the front elevation on the basis that it detracted from the character and appearance of the conservation area. In conclusion, it was agreed that it did not preserve or enhance the conservation area andthe Group invited the applicant to remove this element.
2) 220014, (PP) Moira House, Upper Carlisle Road, Eastbourne, BN20 7TE
Cons Area: Meads
Proposal: Partial demolition and change of use of vacant private school to C3 (residential) to enable conversion of Moira House, Boston House and Dunn House to 33 apartments and 2 houses with associated excavation to facilitate construction of covered parking area. Erection of 17 new family houses, along with dedicated parking for houses and associated landscaping, communal amenity space and play-space
The Group were strongly supportive of this application, which was applauded as an exemplar of an ambitious yet sensitive conservation scheme redevelopment that successfully blended the old with the new to bring this important site back into use. The application balanced the protection of a much-loved heritage asset with the provision of distinctive new housing and ambitious planting to create an attractive, high- quality and sustainable new residential community.
3) 210906, (PP) 1-2 The Avenue, Eastbourne, BN21 3YA
Cons Area: Upperton
Proposal: Erection of part 3 storey, part 2 storey rear extension to provide 5 one-bedroom flats at 1 and 2 The Avenue
CAAG Comments: The Group were concerned that the proposed further extension of this building would present awkwardly and, therefore, would detract from the character and appearance of the conservation area. The applicant was advised to consider a different, less intrusive design.
4) 211032, (PP) The Tiled House, Chesterfield Road, Eastbourne, BN20 7NT
Cons Area: Meads
Proposal: demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a 4 bedroom single storey detached dwelling
CAAG Comments: The Group welcomed the innovative design of the proposed new property as an opportunity to create a distinctive new dwelling in this protected conservation area setting. Recent modification of the tabled scheme invited commendation, and its green credentials were applauded. The Group also focused on a number of specific points linked to the external presentation of the site, and invited the applicant to think carefully about the detail of the development, especially as regards planting (e.g. use of native species; practicalities of maintenance) and the finishing of the tiled exterior.
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