Agenda item

Land within Site 6, Pacific Drive, Innovation Mall. Application ID: 130967.


130967 - Land within Site 6, adjacent to Pevensey Bay Road, Pacific Drive - Harbour Innovation Mall - Construction of new building consisting of three storeys totalling 2,323m2 net internal area for use within use classes B1(a) (b) and (c), occupying a site of 0.64ha and incorporating 130 car parking spaces – SOVEREIGN.  One letter commenting on access to the site had been received.


The relevant planning history for site 6 was detailed within the report.


The observations of Economic Development, Specialist Advisor – Arboriculture, Specialist Advisor - Planning Policy, Health and Safety Executive, Sovereign Harbour Residents Association, Environment Agency, County Ecologist, Minerals and Waste Unit, Local Highway Manager and Southern Water were summarised within the report.


RESOLVED: (Unanimous) That permission be granted subject to the following conditions: 1) Time limit for commencement 2) In accordance with drawings 3) Materials 4) Parking to be laid out prior to occupation 5) Details of cycle parking and refuse storage to be submitted for approval and provided out prior to occupation 6) T4 Tree and natural feature protection fencing 7) T5 Tree Protection: No burning 8) T6 Tree Protection: Excavations regarding the bund associated with TPO 77 9) T8 Tree Surgery 10) T10 Landscape design Proposals relating to species and size of hedging and trees 11) T15 Landscape maintenance 12) Submission of reptile mitigation strategy 13) Removal of scrub outside bird breeding season (March-August) unless demonstrated absence of breeding bird species 14) Submission of detailed landscaping plan 15) Details of means of foul and surface water sewage disposal 16) Standard hours of construction conditions 17) Construction method statement 18) Provision of wheel-washing facilities 19) Submission of layout plan which shows provision of a footpath/cycle path linkage through the site 20) Contaminated land 21) Prior to the commencement of development details of the proposed surface water drainage to prevent the discharge of surface water from the proposed site onto the public highway 22) Submission of a Traffic Management Scheme 23) Before building commences, the new roads shall be completed to base course level, together with the surface water and foul sewers and main services to the approval of the Planning Authority in consultation with this Authority 24) The Highway Authority would wish to see the roads within the site laid out and constructed to standards at, or at least close to, adoption standards 25) The development shall not be occupied until cycle parking areas have been provided in accordance with the approved plans 26) A Travel Plan is required in association with this development to ensure that private car trips to and from the site are reduced 27) The development shall not be occupied until a turning space for vehicles has been provided and constructed in accordance with the approved plans and the turning space shall thereafter be retained for that use and shall not be used for any other purpose 28) Submission of a flood risk assessment specific to the proposed development.



Proposed advertisements may require advertisement consent.  Southern water informative on connection to sewer.


Supporting documents: