Agenda item

Newhaven Town Deal - Update

Report of Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Regeneration and Planning

Lead Cabinet members: Councillors Zoe Nicholson and James MacCleary


(Key decision):


(1) To note the Newhaven Town Deal offer of £19.3 million from Government.


(2) To delegate authority to the Director of Regeneration and Planning, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, Lead Member for Finance and Assets and Lead Member for Regeneration and Prosperity to:


(a) Review and sign-off completed business cases for each of the 7 Strategic Programmes within the Newhaven Town Deal, to unlock funding from Government.


(b) Enter, or authorise entry into, all necessary documentation with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to receive the advanced funding (as specified in paragraphs 4.1 to 4.3 of the report) and the subsequent Town Deal funding.


(c) Enter, or authorise entry into, all necessary documentation with Delivery Partners, to ensure that appropriate monitoring and evaluation of target outcomes is undertaken in line with the Council’s procedures and processes.


The Cabinet considered the report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Regeneration and Planning, providing an update on the Newhaven Town Deal, following its successful £19.3 million bid from government and to seek delegated authority to sign off business cases to unlock grant funding.


Officers had prepared detailed business cases for the each of the Town Deal’s seven strategic programmes and would be scrutinised by government before funds were released.


The government had offered all towns an advance of up to 5% of funds, equating of £965,000 for Newhaven, which would be taken out of the £19.3 million offer, with the objective of commencing projects quicker. The first investment would likely be a new pedestrian crossing and a boat slipway.


Policy and Performance Advisory Committee (PPAC), held on 3 November 2021, considered the report and were supportive of the officer recommendation in full. Councillor Linington, Leader of the Conservative Group, was in attendance and commented that whilst Newhaven was a priority, in future the Council should also look at funding for other areas of the District. It was added that it was important that costs associated with maintaining projects, following completion, did not have a significant impact on the Council’s finances. The Cabinet urged Cllr Linington to make these points directly to government ministers, given the current process for acquiring funding.


Following discussion, Cabinet unanimously agreed to a minor amendment to resolution 2, replacing Leader with Lead Member for Finance and Assets and this was set out below.


Resolved (Key decision):


(1) To note the Newhaven Town Deal offer of £19.3 million from Government.


(2) To delegate authority to the Director of Regeneration and Planning, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, Lead Member for Finance and Assets and Lead Member for Regeneration and Prosperity to:


(a) Review and sign-off completed business cases for each of the 7 Strategic Programmes within the Newhaven Town Deal, to unlock funding from Government.


(b) Enter, or authorise entry into, all necessary documentation with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) to receive the advanced funding (as specified in paragraphs 4.1 to 4.3 of the report) and the subsequent Town Deal funding.


(c) Enter, or authorise entry into, all necessary documentation with Delivery Partners, to ensure that appropriate monitoring and evaluation of target outcomes is undertaken in line with the Council’s procedures and processes.


Reasons for decisions:


(1) The Council received an offer of £19.3million for the Newhaven Town Deal on 15 July 2021. Following this offer, Heads of Terms for the Newhaven Town Deal were signed by the Chief Executive, as well as the Chair of the Newhaven Town Deal Board.


(2) To unlock funding, detailed business cases in line with the HM Treasury Green Book must be provided for each of the 7 Strategic Programmes outlined in the Town Investment Plan.


(3) DLUHC requires the Council – as the Accountable Body for the funding – to follow its usual assurance processes to sign-off all business cases and allow the funding to be unlocked.


(4) DLUHC has offered the Council an advance of 5% of the total funding offer to be spent before the end of the 21/22 financial year.


(5) Newhaven remains a regeneration priority for the Council, building upon the Enterprise Zone, FHSF and other funding secured. The regeneration programme fits strongly with the Council’s Community Wealth Building focus.

Supporting documents: