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Lewes and Eastbourne

Agenda item

Serco Ltd, Serco Yard, Bedfordwell Road. Application ID: 130907 (PPP)


130907 (PPP) - Serco Ltd, Serco Yard, Bedfordwell Road - Residential development of 102 dwellings (flats and houses), including the conversion of the existing Pump House into flats, together with access roads and parking spaces – UPPERTON.


The committee was reminded that consideration of this item at the Planning Committee on the 4 March 2014 had been deferred in order to secure improvements to the scheme.


Members had previously expressed a view that the scheme could be enhanced if some or all of the following could be incorporated into the proposal:-


·         Improved access onto main highway network

·         Increase in resident and visitor parking within the scheme

·         More on site public open play space within the scheme

·         More on site community facilities/buildings

·         Improved cycle access through the site to Eastbourne Park


All of the above points had been put to the applicants Orbit Homes whose comments were summarised within the report.


Officers considered that the scheme remained acceptable on all material planning grounds.  Further comments were detailed in the report.


RESOLVED: (By 5 votes to 2) That permission be granted subject to an agreed Section 106 legal agreement.  If a satisfactory Legal Agreement cannot be reached within 9 months from the date of this application then the application be refused, and subject to the following conditions: 1) Time limit. 2) Drawing numbers.

Prior to Commencement

3) Materials and samples 4) Construction Environmental Management Plan 5) Construction Traffic Management Scheme 6) Updated phase 2 soil investigation and remediation 7) Details of SUDS (Southern Water) 8) Foul sewage disposal details (Southern Water) 9) Changes to ground levels and finished floor levels 10) Lighting Strategy 11) Details of windows or reconfigured layout to 3rd floor of Pump House 12) Details of new external doors (Pump House) 13) Full details of windows, glazing, ventilation and section showing floor levels 14) Standing building survey recording 15) Updated noise and vibration report 16) Details of refuse facilities and recycling 17) Details of reptiles receptor site, badgers 18) Submission of drawing C115345-01-02 (exclusion fencing layout) 19) Programme of archaeological work 20) Road construction details.

Prior to Occupation

21) Boundary treatment 22) Turning spaces 23) Details of cycle parking provision 24) Parking spaces provided 25) Comprehensive landscape plan and biodiversity enhancement 26) Details of acoustic fence to railway boundary 27) Locations of affordable housing units on site 28) Details of secure cycle storage for flats 29) Installation of 230 fugia and monitored by Ecologist 30) Archaeological site investigation and post investigation assessment.

In Perpetuity

31) Restoration and renewal alterations like for like (Pump House) 32) Works cease if Great Crested Newts discovered 33) If work not started in 2 years, all surveys updated and submitted 34) New roads in accordance with Highway standards 35) Development implemented in accordance with the FRA 36) Utility pipes, soil stacks to be run internally (Pump House) 37) Contamination not identified 38) Wheel washing facilities 39) Retained trees 40) Details of work to trees 41) No bonfires 42) Working hours 43) No contaminated material deposited. 44) left turn only in/out of development.


Supporting documents: