Agenda item

Eastbourne College, Marlborough House, Old Wish Road, Application ID: 140194 (PPP) 140196 (LBC) 140397 (PPP).


a) 140194 - demolition of existing buildings and the re-development of the site to provide the following development: (i) Sports facilities consisting of a sports hall, swimming pool, squash courts, fitness suite, multi-purpose studio and changing facilities; (ii) 31 classrooms (net increase of 7); (iii) School shop; and (iv) Dining hall (b) 140196 - creation of a new access through the listed wall facing College Road and closing of existing access (c) 140397 - location of 12 temporary classrooms across the College campus to accommodate students during the construction period – MEADS.

The Conservation Area Advisory Group at its meeting on 1 April 2014 welcomed the detailed consultation undertaken by the applicants to address previous concerns raised.  It considered the project to be imaginative, forward looking and one that would have a positive impact on the surrounding conservation area.

The Council’s Specialist Advisors for Planning Policy and Economic Development raised no objections to the proposal.  East Sussex County Council’s Highways, Archaeologist and Ecologist and Southern Water raised no objections subject to a number of conditions.  English Heritage raised no objections to the demolition or the concept of a contemporary design at the site, provided that it respects the historic context.  The Council’s Specialist Advisor for Arboriculture requested an additional condition in relation to the application for temporary buildings to prevent damage to any trees on site 1 adjacent to Grassington Road which are subject to a Tree Preservation Order.

A letter of support was reported from Mr S Lloyd MP stating that the development will be a major additional asset to the College and requesting that through the construction phase the contractors be encouraged to offer local apprenticeships.  The Committee was advised that the applicant had agreed to a Unilateral Undertaking in relation to employment initiatives.

A letter of support was reported from Mr N Howell, Planning Advisor to the Eastbourne Society supporting the contemporary design and scale of the proposal which is considered imaginative, impressive and respectful to the Conservation Area.

The Committee was advised that a Fire Consultant has been instructed as part of the project and the scheme will be fully compliant with the Building Regulations in terms of fire safety.

The Chairman reported on the comments of support received from Councillors Ansell and Elkin.

Mr Forbes-Wastie a local resident addressed the Committee ins support of the proposal which will provide excellent facilities for both the school and Eastbourne.

Mr H Drake from the Devonshire Park Hotel welcomed the proposal which will complement and improve the area and blend well with the existing buildings and the Devonshire Park development.  

RESOLVED: (Unanimous) (1) That planning permission and relevant demolition in a conservation area  be granted in respect of 140194 subject to the completion of a Unilateral Undertaking relating to employment initiatives and to conditions: 1) Time for commencement; 2) Approval of drawings; 3) Submission of all external materials ; 4) The demolition and construction shall be carried out in accordance with biodiversity statement; 5) To avoid disturbance to nesting birds, any demolition of buildings or removal of scrub/trees that could provide nesting habitat should be carried out outside the breeding season (generally March to August); 6) No development shall take place until the developer has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work; 7) The development hereby permitted shall not be brought into use until the archaeological site investigation and post investigation assessment has been completed; 8) The development shall not be occupied until the existing access shown on the approved plans to be blocked up has been stopped up and the kerb & footway reinstated; 9) The new access shall be in the position shown on the submitted plan; 10) The development shall not be occupied until a turning space for vehicles has been provided ; 11) Prior to demolition works commencing on site a Traffic Management Scheme shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority; 12) Provision of wheel washing facilities; 13) The development shall not be occupied until disabled parking area has been provided in accordance with the approved plans; 14) Prior to the commencement of development the developer must advise the Local Planning Authority (in consultation with Southern Water) of the measure which will be undertaken to divert the public sewers; 15) All existing trees, shrubs and other natural features not scheduled for removal shall be fully safeguarded during the course of the site works; 16) No bonfires or burning of materials shall take place within 6 metres of the furthest extent of the spread of the canopy of T4 and T5; 17) Details of works and impacts on trees T4 and T5; 18) The soil levels within the root spread of T4 and T5 of the applicants tree report (Ref: BM-1041tr) to be retained shall not be raised or lowered; 19) No works or development shall take place until full details of both hard and soft landscape proposals have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority; 20) Details of tree planting; 21) Any such trees that are removed, die or become, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, seriously damaged or defective within five years of planting shall be replaced; 22) Standard construction time condition; 23) Demolition method statement; 24) Standard unknown contamination condition; 25) Details of temporary structures or hoardings; 26) The terrace shall not be used other than between the hours of 0700 and 2200 on any day.

That an Informative be attached to the decision notice advising the applicant as follows:

1) Your attention is specifically drawn to the conditions above marked ++.  These conditions require the submission of details, information, drawings, etc. to the Local Planning Authority PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF ANY DEVELOPMENT ON THE SITE and or PRIOR TO OCCUPATION OF THE BUILDING. Failure to observe these requirements will result in a contravention of the terms of the permission and the Local Planning Authority may take appropriate enforcement action to secure compliance. You are advised that sufficient time for the Authority to consider the details needs to be given when submitting an application to discharge conditions.  A period of between five and twelve weeks should be allowed. A fee of £97 is payable for each submission to discharge conditions.

2) The applicant/developer should enter into a formal agreement with Southern Water to provide the necessary sewerage infrastructure required to service this development. Please contact Southern Water, Southern House, Sparrowgrove Otterbourne, Hampshire SO21 2SW (Tel: 03303030119) or

(3) That Listed Building Consent be granted in respect of 140196 subject to conditions 1) Time for commencement; 2) Approval of drawings; 3) Materials to match the existing.

(4) That planning permission be granted in respect of 140397 subject to conditions 1) Time for commencement; 2) Approval of drawings; 3) The temporary buildings hereby permitted shall be removed and the land restored to its former condition on or before 31 December 2017; 4) That a method statement to be submitted prior to commencement of development hereby permitted in relation to site 1 adjacent to Grassington Road; and thereafter the construction/installation of the temporary buildings shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved method statement. The statement should give due consideration to all trees on the site; (i) detailing access and installation of the classrooms in order to prevent damage to trees; (ii) the location of any site office, access routes, ground protection and material storage areas before commencement of construction to prevent damage to trees; (iii) details of proposed and existing functional services below ground (e.g. drainage, power communication cables and pipelines) indicating positioning to ensure any new services are installed in a location to avoid damage to the trees; and (iv) details of any tree protection fencing or hoarding to the root protection areas of the trees if necessary.

Reason:  To ensure that trees, shrubs and other natural features to be retained are adequately protected from damage to health and stability throughout the construction period in the interests of amenity.

Supporting documents: