Specialist Advisor (Conservation) to report on applications.
Two applications were considered in turn, following a presentation for each by Chris Connelley, Specialist Advisor, Conservation.
1) Eastbourne Bandstand, Grand Parade, Eastbourne - 220770 (LBC)
Proposal: Structural repair works to the stage, mortar and faience tiles repair and roof repairs to this Grade 2 listed building.
CAG comment: The Group welcomed and approved this application which would replace the defective stage and undertake repairs that would allow the building to come back into commission. The majority of the Group expressed a preference for the use of natural timber for the floor finish and requested that full specifications of all materials (including metals, flooring and finishes) be included in all future reports in order that the most rounded assessment can be made and to allow considerations of longevity, maintenance, aesthetics and cost to be balanced in the best interests of the building.
2) The Waterside, 11-12 Royal Parade, Eastbourne - 220656 (PP)
Proposal: Conversion of no.10 and no.11-12 to become one property for use as hotel (Class C1) to include erection of single storey rear extension, two storey rear extension along with other external alterations
CAG comment: The Group welcomed this application, especially the removal of the conservatory at the front of The Atlanta, and unanimously agreed it was an enhancement of the Town Centre and Seafront Conservation area.
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