Agenda item

Reimagining Newhaven Programme - Project Update

Report of Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Regeneration and Planning

Lead Cabinet member: Councillor James MacCleary


(This report contains an exempt appendix. Any discussion of this must take place at item 15 following exclusion of the public.)


(Key decision):


(1) To note the progress of the Reimagining Newhaven Programme.


(2) To recommend a new budget of up to £2.5m to develop the proposals for 5-8 Newhaven Square as set out at Appendix 1 to the report (Exempt), subject to Full Council approval.


(3) To recommend a new budget of up to £4m, additional to the existing co-funding, to develop the extended proposals for 10 Newhaven Square as set out at Appendix 1 to the report (Exempt), subject to Full Council approval.


(4) To delegate authority to the Director of Regeneration and Planning, in consultation with the Lead Member for Finance & Assets, Lead Member for Regeneration & Prosperity, and the Chief Finance Officer, to further the programme as follows including determining the terms of, and authorising the execution of, all related documentation:


• to make allocations within the General Fund Capital Programme, subject to agreed terms, leases, and business cases;


• to acquire vacant / under-utilised commercial property up to £1m within Newhaven town centre using existing approved budgets, including negotiating terms, subject to a business case;


• to progress programme delivery including feasibility, procurement, professional appointments, development, and award of contracts;


• to make investment(s) of up to £250k in new renewable energy solutions, within existing approved sustainability budgets, to support the programme, also the wider objectives of the Council, including any opportunities for the acquisition of third party company shares, subject to a business case, further legal advice, and full due diligence;


• to take all necessary steps to conclude leases, including financing and negotiation.


(5) To waive compliance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules in the event that the agreed rent for those leases exceeds £25,000 per annum for the reasons set out in this report.


The Cabinet considered the report of the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Regeneration and Planning, providing an update on the progress of the Reimagining Newhaven Programme, including proposals for new health, leisure, and wellbeing services.


Policy and Performance Advisory Committee (PPAC), held on 26 January 2023 considered the report and made the following recommendation to Cabinet:


To support the officer recommendations in the Cabinet report subject to amendments to the following recommendations:

(2)  To approve a new budget of up to £2.5m, subject to production of a detailed business case, to develop the proposals for 5-8 Newhaven Square as set out in Appendix 1 (Exempt);


(3)  To approve a new budget of up to £4m, additional to the existing co-funding and also subject to production of a detailed business case, to develop the extended proposals for 10 Newhaven Square as set out in Appendix 1 (Exempt);


and removal of the following recommendation;


• to make investment(s) of up to £250k in new renewable energy solutions, within existing approved sustainability budgets, to support the programme, also the wider objectives of the Council, including any opportunities for the acquisition of third party company shares, subject to a business case, further legal advice, and full due diligence;


Councillor Boorman, Chair of Policy and Performance Advisory Committee, was in attendance to present PPAC’s discussion. It was agreed that where appropriate, PPAC would be updated on the proposed £250k investment in new renewable energy solutions, which would support the programme.


Following discussion, the Cabinet rejected the recommendations made by PPAC but agreed to make revisions to resolution (2) and (3) to reflect that the recommended budgets would be subject to Full Council approval in February 2023. The remaining recommendations were voted on as set out in the officer’s report.


Resolved (Key decision):


(1) To note the progress of the Reimagining Newhaven Programme.


(2) To recommend a new budget of up to £2.5m to develop the proposals for 5-8 Newhaven Square as set out at Appendix 1 to the report (Exempt), subject to Full Council approval.


(3) To recommend a new budget of up to £4m, additional to the existing co-funding, to develop the extended proposals for 10 Newhaven Square as set out at Appendix 1 to the report (Exempt), subject to Full Council approval.


(4) To delegate authority to the Director of Regeneration and Planning, in consultation with the Lead Member for Finance & Assets, Lead Member for Regeneration & Prosperity, and the Chief Finance Officer, to further the programme as follows including determining the terms of, and authorising the execution of, all related documentation:


• to make allocations within the General Fund Capital Programme, subject to agreed terms, leases, and business cases;


• to acquire vacant / under-utilised commercial property up to £1m within Newhaven town centre using existing approved budgets, including negotiating terms, subject to a business case;


• to progress programme delivery including feasibility, procurement, professional appointments, development, and award of contracts;


• to make investment(s) of up to £250k in new renewable energy solutions, within existing approved sustainability budgets, to support the programme, also the wider objectives of the Council, including any opportunities for the acquisition of third party company shares, subject

to a business case, further legal advice, and full due diligence;


• to take all necessary steps to conclude leases, including financing and negotiation.


(5) To waive compliance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules in the event that the agreed rent for those leases exceeds £25,000 per annum for the reasons set out in this report.


Reasons for recommendations:


(1) To drive forward the Reimagining Newhaven Programme in delivering interventions that continue to best serve the town and the wider community, in the context of the changing landscape and current operating environment. This includes the opportunity to incorporate health services and an enhanced leisure and wellbeing offer in the town centre.


(2) To further the programme proposals through the re-use of vacant land and property assets within Newhaven town centre.


(3) To accelerate the delivery of renewable energy solutions within the district, supporting local training and upskilling opportunities, in-line with the Council’s Climate Change and Sustainability Strategy.


Notes: (1) Appendix 1 remained exempt. (2) Exempt information reason 3 - Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).

Supporting documents: