Agenda item

Land to the rear of 11-23 Eshton Road. Application ID: 140781. (PPP).


Construction of two one-bedroom single storey houses – DEVONSHIRE.  17 objections had been received.


The relevant planning history for the site was detailed within the report.


The observations of the Council’s Housing Manager, East Sussex County Council Archaeologist and East Sussex County Council Highways Manager were summarised within the report.


Members were advised that a revised response had been received from the East Sussex Highways Officer.  In summary the revised response referred to a recommendation for refusal due to the lack of on site parking.  National guidance stated that not all developments had to provide off street parking, where the additional demand could be catered for on street.   The applicant had previously submitted information showing that there were adequate spaces available on street to cater for the extra demand, however this information was recorded last year (2013) and was not submitted as part of the application. The applicant had sent in further/more up to date information which again showed there were enough spaces on street close to the site at peak usage times, i.e. evenings.  The Highways Officer requested that should the application be approved, an additional condition relating to the closing of the existing driveway which would provide additional on street parking, be added.


The Senior Specialist Advisor (Planning) advised the committee that in light of the revised response from County Highways it was recommended that the second reason for refusal (stated in the report) could therefore not now be substantiated and should be withdrawn.


Mrs Wilkinson, addressed the committee in objection stating that the on street parking was limited throughout the daytime and any development would exacerbate this.  The proposed bungalows would be out of keeping with the surrounding properties.  Mrs Wilkinson also expressed concern about access for emergency services.


Mr Wilson, applicant, addressed the committee in response to the objector, highlighting the revised response of the East Sussex Highways Officer.  Mr Wilson also referred to a covenant for the site restricting any buildings to one storey.


The committee agreed that the proposed development would be out of keeping and an overdevelopment of the site.  Members agreed that the second reason for refusal (detailed in the report) should be removed in light of the East Sussex Highways Officer revised response.


RESOLVED: (Unanimous) That permission be refused on the grounds that 1) the proposals, by reason of their position, size, design and external appearance, limited external amenity area would be an intrusive development, out of scale and character with the prevailing pattern of development in the locality, as well as having a serious and adverse effect on the amenities enjoyed by occupants of neighbouring property and would be contrary to Policies UHT1, HO1, H06 of the saved Policies in the Local Plan and Policy  D10a of the Eastbourne Core Strategy Local Plan 2) the application fails to deliver (mechanism for delivery) the affordable housing contribution required by this development and as such development would have an adverse impact local infrastructure provision.



Should the applicant appeal the decision the appropriate course of action to be followed, taking into account the criteria set by the Planning Inspectorate, is considered to be written representations.


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