Agenda item

Planning Applications for Consideration

Specialist Advisor (Conservation) to report on applications.


The Chair invited Chris Connelley, Conservation Specialist, to present his report regarding two applications and the Group then proceeded to consider each in turn.


7 Holbrook Close, Eastbourne, BN20 7JT - Ref: 240190 (PP – planning permission)


Proposal: Erection of 2 hip to gable roof extensions and dormers to front and rear elevations.


CAG Comment: The Group felt that the host property was an attractive contemporary development and welcomed the more modest revised design for the front elevation.  However, the Group felt that the approach to the front elevation would benefit from further revision and invited the conservation officer to liaise with the applicant/ agent to generate further modifications that would help maintain the character and appearance of the conservation area. As a result, the Group withheld judgment on whether the proposal preserved the character of the conservation area in favour of inviting a third revision.



St John’s Parish Hall, 77 Meads Road, Eastbourne, BN20 7QL – Ref: 240299 (PP – planning permission)


Proposal: Replacement roof covering, repairs to external facades, window and door repairs, installation of access doors, erection of single storey extension, provision of accessible/disabled parking space, removal of noticeboard and section of boundary wall.


CAG comment: The Group warmly welcomed the proposals to rehabilitate this important and much-loved building for sustainable community use. It applauded the contemporary, but sympathetic, approach for the new extension and felt that the application enhanced the character and appearance of the conservation area. The Group requested consideration be given to installing a new timber window to the highly visible south elevation and using traditional guttering on all elevations.


Supporting documents: