Agenda item

Courtland Hotel, 3-5 Wilmington Gardens. Application ID: 140711 (PPP).


Change of use to convert a 45 bedroom hotel to a 14 bedroom guesthouse hotel and 15 residential apartments – MEADS.


The committee was advised that this application had been delayed in reporting to Planning Committee as officers sought the views/opinion of the District Valuers Office (DVO) into the financial assumptions that had been made by the applicant.


The response from the DVO had not yet been received; however in discussions with the Chair of Planning Committee it deemed appropriate to bring the application forward to committee so that the main principles in the case could be aired.  Members noted that no decision would be issued until the DVO had responded and that should the District Valuers Office (DVO) hold a different opinion regarding the financial information submitted, the application would be reappraised and reported back to Planning Committee.


Notwithstanding the DVO issue detailed above, this application rests on whether the evidence supplied by the applicant is sufficient to comply with the relevant policies and thereby justifying the loss/reduction of hotel accommodation.


Members will know that any planning decision needs to be based upon material planning considerations and the assessment of these material considerations will lead the decision maker to an informed decision.


The four main issues for consideration by the committee in determining the application were summarised within the report.


The relevant planning history for the site was detailed within the report.


The Council’s Estate Manager and Housing Services Manager made no response to the consultation.  The observations of the Specialist Advisors for Policy and Economic Development, the Tourism Manager, the East Sussex County Council department for Economic Infrastructure, the East Sussex County Council Highways Department, Eastbourne Hotels’ Association and Eastbourne Chamber of Commerce were summarised within the report.


The committee expressed their concern at the potential loss of bed spaces in an area earmarked for considerable investment in the near future with the development of Devonshire Park and improvements to the conference offer.  The committee were keen to retain the tourism offer in Eastbourne.


A revised recommendation was tabled at the committee and in the event of the  application being appealed on ‘Non Determination’ grounds, in accordance with the wishes of members, a “minded to refuse planning permission reason” was also tabled, accepted by members and is  reported below:-




Revised Recommendation:

1.That no decision is issued until such time as the District Valuers Office (DVO) have ratified the financial evidence accompanying the application.

2. Delegated authority be given to the Senior Specialist Advisor to evaluate the response of the DVO.

3. If the DVO’s response is deemed to support the financial evidence accompanying the application the Senior Specialist Advisor be authorised to issue planning permission subject to a S106 and Planning Conditions as outlined below. The S106 should cover the delivery of affordable housing, the tariff based contributions for ESCC and controls over the timing of the delivery of the refurbishment of the hotel/guest house, the S106 should express that no more than 7 of the residential units hereby approved shall be sold/occupied until such time as the retained hotel/guest house has been fully refurbished in accordance with conditions.

Suggested Conditions:-

·         Time Limit

·         Car park layout supplied

·         Car parking provided before first beneficial us

·         Cycle parking

·         Details of the refurbishment measures to the hotel/guesthouse shall be submitted to and approved in writing prior to any development commencing. The details as submitted shall include details of redecorations and internal fixtures and fittings and also details of new stair access between the ground and lower ground floor.

4. If the DVO’s response is deemed not to support the financial evidence accompanying application the Senior Specialist Advisor shall reappraise the application and report back to Planning Committee for decision.


Members did not endorse the recommended delegation to officers and requested that any decision should be made by Members at Planning Committee.


RESOLVED: (Unanimous) .That no decision is issued until such time as the District Valuers Office (DVO) had responded to the application and that following the receipt of this information/advice then officers to evaluate its content and report to Planning Committee for decision.


In the event that Members were in fact later asked to determine this application, rather than it going to appeal on the grounds of  non–determination, they felt it appropriate to record that at this stage, prior to receiving the requested financial input from the DVO,  they would have been  minded to refuse planning permission for the reason below:-


That permission be refused on the grounds that the proposed development is considered unacceptable by virtue of the failure to demonstrate that the existing hotel is not viable. As such, it is considered that the proposal would result in the undue loss of tourist accommodation within the designated Tourist Accommodation Area and within this prominent tourist area contrary to Policies T01 and T02 O of the Eastbourne Borough Local Plan 2007, Policy D3 of the Eastbourne Core Strategy 2006-2027 and Assessment of Financial Viability of Tourist Accommodation Supplementary Planning Guidance.



Should the applicant appeal regarding this application, the appropriate course of action to be followed, taking into account the criteria set by the Planning Inspectorate, is considered to be written representations.



Supporting documents: