Agenda item

Devonshire Park Players Building, Devonshire Park. Application ID: 160475.


Demolition of the existing Fitness Centre adjacent to College Road (incorporating former bandstand). Erection of a Tennis Players Village Building (666m2), Plant Room, PV Panels and Associated Hard & Soft Landscaping Works – MEADS.


The committee was advised that page 54 of the report stated that ‘Historic England and the Eastbourne Society both noted that the long term success and durability of the building would depend on the choice of timber cladding’. Members were advised that both Historic England and the Eastbourne Society were concerned about the principle of using timber to clad this building and would prefer that the building was faced in brick to match the other buildings within the Western Cluster and the Devonshire park complex more broadly.


A further consultation response had been received from Southern Water who did not object to the proposal but had requested a condition requiring further details of foul and surface water disposal from the development. This had already been included as draft condition 7 on the decision notice.


Mr Howell, Eastbourne Society, addressed the committee in objection raising concerns regarding the loss of the original bandstand and requesting that any salvageable items be kept, with the possibility of being relocated elsewhere on the site.  He also expressed concern regarding the proposed timber cladding to the new building due to its limited lifespan.


The committee discussed the application and whilst they did not like the timber cladded effect, it was preferable to a bare pre fabricated building.  They agreed that the red colour of the new cedar cladding would be more appropriate to the ‘weathered’ sliver look and requested that a maintenance condition be added to retain its original colour.


RESOLVED: (By 6 votes to 1)(Councillor Taylor voted against the application) That permission be granted subject to the following conditions:1) The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of permission. 2) You must implement this planning permission in accordance with the following plans approved as part of this planning permission:(TBC)3) The following details must be submitted to and approved by the local authority: A) A demolition method statement shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority demonstrating how the two existing heritage electric lampposts located on the site are to be dismantled and how the bandstand will be recorded prior to the clearance of the site in advance of redevelopment.  You must not start work on any demolition of the site or existing buildings connected to the implementation of this planning permission until we have approved what you have sent us. You must implement the planning permission in accordance with the details that we have approved under the terms of this condition.  B) A schedule of the salvaged material (from the bandstand) shall be forwarded to the Local Planning Authority as soon as is practicable following the demolition of the structure and no later than the first occupation of the building hereby approved.  C) Any salvaged material shall be donated to the Eastbourne Society for their potential re-use or reinterpretation elsewhere (either on or off site). 4) The following details must be submitted to and approved by the local authority: a) Samples of the proposed timber cladding.  You must not occupy any of the relevant parts of this development until we have approved what you have sent us. You must implement the planning permission in accordance with the details that we have approved under the terms of this condition 5) The following details must be submitted to and approved by the local authority: a) Detailed plans showing hard and soft landscaping surrounding the proposed building and its relationship with the surrounding area.  You must not occupy any of the relevant parts of this development until we have approved what you have sent us. You must implement the planning permission in accordance with the details that we have approved under the terms of this condition 6) The following details must be submitted to and approved by the local authority: a) Detailed drawings showing the boundary treatment adjacent to College Road.  You must not occupy any of the relevant parts of this development until we have approved what you have sent us. You must implement the planning permission in accordance with the details that we have approved under the terms of this condition.  7) Drainage – The applicant shall submit details of the foul and surface water disposal from the site. If soakaways are to be used then the applicant is required to provide evidence of their appropriateness in terms of function (given ground conditions/geology). You must not start work on any relevant parts of the development until we have approved what you have sent us. The details as approved shall be implemented at the site and retained as such thereafter.  8) The applicant shall implement the programme of archaeological works in accordance with the written scheme of archaeological investigation reference N.G.R TV 6104598442 by Christopher Greatores BA MCIFA, which has been approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. A written record of the archaeological works undertaken shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority within 3 months of the completion of any archaeological investigations unless an alternative timescale for submission of the report is first agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority 9) The following details must be submitted to and approved by the local authority; a) details of the design of the retained wall design and building foundations and the layout, with positions, dimensions and levels, of service trenches, ditches, drains and other excavation on site, insofar as they may affect tree number 1075 of the applicants arboricultural report.  You must not start work on any part of this development until we have approved what you have sent us. You must implement the planning permission in accordance with the details that we have approved under the terms of this condition.  10) The following details must be submitted to and approved by the local authority; a) Detailed landscaping plans including a plan at not less than 1:200 scale, showing the position of any trees proposed to be retained with root protection areas plotted, and the positions and routes of all proposed and existing pipes, drains, sewers, and public services, including gas, electricity, telephone and water. No services shall be dug or laid into the ground in the course of this development other than in accordance with the approved details. This shall ensure any proposed routes shall not be within the root protection area of tree 1075 of the applicant’s arboricultural report.  You must not start work on any part of this development until we have approved what you have sent us. You must implement the planning permission in accordance with the details that we have approved under the terms of this condition.  11) All existing trees shall be retained, unless shown on the approved drawings as being removed. All trees on and immediately adjoining the site shall be protected from damage as a result of works on the site, to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority. This should be in accordance with its Supplementary Planning Guidance and relevant British Standards (BS 5837: 2012) for the duration of the works on site.  In the event that trees become damaged or otherwise defective within five years following the contractual practical completion of the development, the Local Planning Authority shall be notified as soon as reasonably practicable and remedial action agreed and implemented. In the event that any tree dies or is removed without the prior consent of the Local Planning Authority, it shall be replaced as soon as is reasonably practicable and, in any case, by not later than the end of the first available planting season, with trees of such size, species and in such number and positions as may be agreed with the Authority.  12) The following details must be submitted to and approved by the local authority; a) An Auditable Arboricultural site monitoring system shall be approved prior to any works on site and implemented for all works undertaken within the Root Protection Areas of trees 1075 of the applicant’s arboricultural report.  You must not start work on any part of this development until we have approved what you have sent us. You must implement the planning permission in accordance with the details that we have approved under the terms of this condition 13) Prior to commencement of the construction of the new building hereby approved the details of the external maintenance regime shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The details shall include the colour of the wood-stain and the frequency of the re-staining for the life of the development. The details as approved shall be implemented at the site and be retained as such for the life of the development. 



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