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Lewes and Eastbourne

Agenda item

Victoria Drive Bowling Club, 153 Victoria Drive. Application ID: 160788.


Outline application for the development of a medical centre with all matters reserved except access (revised scheme) – OLD TOWN.      


A petition of objection signed by 485 signatures, 48 letters of objection and 15 letters of support were received during the first round of consultation.  During the second round of consultation two letters of support and no letters of objection had been received.


A further objection was submitted by Moore Planning on 25th November 2016 on behalf of the Victoria Drive and Eastbourne Ladies Bowls Club. The objections reinforced their earlier comments and were summarised as follows:


·    The loss of playing field space was considered inappropriate.

·    The applicant’s assessment was considered to be insufficient in demonstrating why the loss of the playing field was justifiable as only Bowling facilities were assessed in the application enclosures, not all playing fields across the town.

·    The loss of playing fields without adequate assessment were not permitted by Eastbourne Borough Council policies.

·    In the interests of the wider community, the application should be refused.


Mr Moore addressed the committee in objection stating that the scheme was not acceptable in principle as the site was designated as a playing field and development on this site was contrary to Council policy.  Mr Moore also felt that there was insufficient information available regarding the development.


Mr Henty addressed the committee in objection stating that the bowling green was important for the local community, which hosted many County tournaments.  Mr Henty also referenced the petition objecting to the medical centre signed by 485 people.


Dr Gaffney addressed the committee in support stating that the nearby surgery was no longer fit for purpose and that a new medical centre would be able to cater for a large number of residents and provide specialist clinics to cater for changing patient requirements.


Mr Weis addressed the committee in support stating that it was essential to be able to provide the right services of the right quality for the residents of Eastbourne that were DDA compliant.   Community facilities away from hospitals were increasing in demand and a medical centre would provide this vital service.


David Onions, agent for the applicant, addressed the committee in response stating that the current scheme was an outline application at this stage to establish if the site was suitable.  The aim was to improve facilities for residents. 


The committee was advised that the land was privately owned and that a notice to quit had been served to the Bowls Club.  The landowner did not intend on granting a licence to bowl after 2017.


RESOLVED: (By 5 votes to 2) That subject to a S106 Legal Agreement regards the Highway issues and Local Labour Initiatives, permission be granted and be subject to the following conditions: 1) Time 2) Drawing 3) Reserved matters 4) Materials 5) Access construction 6) Parking provision 7) Detailed surface water drainage 8) Foul water drainage 9) SuDS management and maintenance plan 10) No unauthorised infiltration of surface water 11) Infiltration testing 12) Winter groundwater measures 13) Development evidence submitted (drainage) 14) Construction traffic management plan 15) Wheel washing 16) Turning space 17) Cycle parking areas 18) Visibility splays (access) 19) Travel plan (linked to S106) 20) Arboricultural assessment 21) Tree protection plan 22) No materials, machinery or equipment onsite until authorised tree protection is in place 23) Hard and soft landscaping (incl. boundary treatments) 24) Design and details of foundations 25) Tree planting 26) No bonfires 27) Archaeological works 28) External plant or equipment 29) External lighting



1) S106 between applicant and ESCC (Highways)

2) S106 between applicant and EBC (Regeneration)

3) Licence (Highway access)



Supporting documents: