Agenda item

Sovereign Harbour Community Centre. Application ID: 170162.


The erection of a single storey building (Community Centre) – SOVEREIGN.


The East Sussex County Council Ecologist consultation response was reported as follows:


The Reptile Mitigation Strategy (dated 13 March 2017) was broadly acceptable. The receptor site was relatively small, when considering the development of the whole of site 6 not just the Community Centre Site, but provided it was managed in accordance with the mitigation strategy and including the proposed enhancements, the carrying capacity was considered sufficient.


The only points raised were that it should be made clear that the minimum capture effort was 60 suitable days (i.e. not necessarily 60 consecutive days from the start of the translocation exercise), and that suitable precautions must be taken to protect breeding birds during habitat manipulation/scrub clearance to increase efficiency of trapping (e.g. should be done under ecological supervision once checks for nesting birds have been carried out). If nesting birds were encountered, scrub clearance must stop until the young had fledged.


An objection had been received from Bespoke Cycle Group and was reported as follows:


·         Bespoke were disappointed that the plans fail to provide cycle access from the Harbour. The proposal only offers access via a 1.4m footpath and offers no cycle access.

·         The path should be at least 3m wide to accommodate all users.

·         Bespoke would also like consideration given to Toucan Crossing being added across the access road to the retail park. Vehicles exit the roundabout at speed which makes it difficult to stop.

·         Providing an improved cycle and pedestrian access would also help the Council reach their target of a reduction in traffic pollution by providing realistic alternatives to driving to the community centre.


RESOLVED A: (Unanimous) That permission be granted subject  to a deed of variation to the S106 of the 2013 planning permission to develop sites 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Sovereign Harbour being signed within a reasonable timeframe in relation to:-

  • Amendments to the location of the Community Centre (previously proposed on site 5 or 7a)
  • To include a financial contribution towards pedestrian improvements, footpath provision and assistance with changes to other highway infrastructure via Traffic Regulation Order
  • The applicant shall be required to submit a planning application for the provision of a new access road connecting Pacific House with this application site
  • Details of reptile translocation site ensuring fit for purpose retained in perpetuity


And the following conditions: 1) Time for commencement of development 2) Approved drawings 3) Materials to be as stated 4) Details of proposed vehicular linking Pacific House and the site and pedestrian access linking The Waterfront carpark to the site and that these to be implemented in full prior to the first beneficial use of the building and retained as such thereafter 5) Submission of detailed landscaping plan showing position of any trees 6) Details of hard and soft landscaping 7) Retention of existing trees and tree protection measures 8) Before commencement the submission of a survey of the site showing the location and species of trees 9) Submission of details of the design of the building foundations and services in so far as they may affect trees and hedgerows 10) Soil levels within the root spread of trees/hedgerows to be retained shall not be raised or lowered 11) Development to be undertaken in strict accordance with the Reptile Mitigation Strategy 12) Submission of a surface water drainage scheme 13) No part of the development shall be occupied until the car parking spaces have been provided 14) No part of the development shall be occupied until a surface water drainage scheme preventing water draining onto the public highway or adjacent sites has been submitted 15) Submission of a construction traffic management plan 16) No part of the development shall be occupied until a vehicle turning space has been provided 17) No part of the development shall be occupied until cycle parking has been provided in accordance with approved details 18) Prior to the commencement of development a foundation design, and a risk assessment taking into account the adjacent mound and any of its infrastructure shall be submitted 19) No fill material shall be imported to the site unless agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Any fill material shall be clean and inert 20) Site clearance shall be implemented outside of the bird nesting season.


RESOLVED B:  (Unanimous) That should the deed of variation to the S106 agreement not be signed within a reasonable time period 8 weeks from the date of the Committee resolution (unless an extension of time has been agreed) the application should be refused on the grounds that there is no legal mechanism in place to secure the improvements to pedestrian access to the site.




1)   Pre commencement conditions information

2)   Information in relation to requirements of the Surface water drainage system conditions.

3)   SGN Informative

4)   Southern water informative in relation to connection to the sewer

5)   Southern Water informative in relation to wastewater grease trap.



Supporting documents: