Agenda item

Rose Corner, 34 Dillingburgh Road, Eastbourne. Application ID: 181008


Planning permission for proposed single storey side extension to provide a ground floor flat. OLD TOWN


Councillor Coles addressed the committee (from the public gallery) on behalf of Councillor Ungar, Ward Councillor, who was unable to attend.  She addressed the committee in objection of the application,stating that the application proposed a self-contained flat which would be small, overcrowded and not provide good living conditions to the resident.


Mr Foster addressed the committee in support of the application, stating that the accommodation this extension would provide was required within the town.


Mr Bennett, applicant,was present but chose not to speak.


The committee discussed the application and agreed that the extension looked like part of the existing building and were pleased that it would provide the resident with an outside space area.


Councillor Murray proposed a motion to approve the application subject to the following conditions. This was seconded by Councillor Miah.


Resolved: (Unanimous) That the planning application be approved subject to the following conditions:


1.      The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of three years from the date of permission.


Reason: To comply with Sections 91 and 92 of the Town and County Planning Act 1990 (as amended by Section 51 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004).


2.     The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved drawings:

·       Drawing No. 2018-76-03a- Proposed Floor Plans- Submitted 28 November 2018

·       Drawing No. 2018-76-09 Proposed Layout Plan and garden layout-

·       Submitted 5 November 2018

·       Drawing No. 2018-76-05-Proposed Site Location Plan- Submitted 31 October 2018

·       Drawing No. 2018-76-08- Proposed Refuse and Cycle Storage-

·       Submitted 31 October 2018

·       Drawing No. 2018-76-04- Proposed Elevations- Submitted 31 October 2018


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and ensure that development is carried out in accordance with the plans to which the permission relates


3.     No part of the development shall be occupied until the Bin and Recycling Storage facilities have been provided in accordance with the approved plans. The area shall thereafter be retained for that use and shall not be used other than for the use of bin/recycling storage,


Reason: to provide adequate refuse disposal for the future occupants.


4.     No part of the development shall be occupied until the Cycle parking spaces have been provided in accordance with the approved plans. The area shall thereafter be retained for that use and shall not be used other than for the parking of cycles.


Reason: to provide alternative travel options to the use of the car in accordance with current sustainable transport policies.


5.     No part of the development shall be occupied until the private amenity space to the rear garden is provided in accordance with the approved plans. The area shall thereafter be retained for that use and shall not be used other than for the approved new dwelling.

Reason: to provide adequate amenity space for the future occupiers.


6.     The boundary fence hereby approved to the centre of the existing rear garden to provide separate amenity space should be no higher than 2m and retained as such.


Reason: To prevent adverse impact to the residential and visual amenity of neighbouring properties in accordance with policies D10a and UHT4.


Supporting documents: