Agenda item

72 Sancroft Road. Application ID 130404 (PPP)


130404 (PPP),  72 Sancroft Road - Erection of new dwelling adjacent to 72 - a replica version of 72 Sancroft Road with matching materials – OLD TOWN.  22 letters of objection had been received.  Four further letters of objection had been received.


The Council’s Arboriculturalist raised no objection subject to conditions requiring tree protection and landscaping.


Paul Honeyford, objector, addressed the committee stating that the proposals were contrary to Council Policy and would increase the driving dangers experienced on this road during the winter months.


Martin Catterick, objector, addressed the committtee reiterating the previous speakers comments and stating that it would be an overdevleopment of the site with narrow parking entrace and no where for plant storage during any proposed build.


Riad Thomas, applicant, addressed the committee in reposnse stating that the site was not a greenfield site, the buidling had been designed to be a copy of the surrounding properties and the removal of a parking space would increase the viewing aspects for drivers approaching the junction.


NB: Councillor Taylor was no longer present for this item.


RESOLVED:  (Unanimous) That permission be refused on the grounds that 1) The proposed development is considered unacceptable by virtue of its excessive footprint and massing which would dominate this constrained corner site, requiring significant alterations to ground levels to facilitate the development. As such, it is considered that the proposal would be inappropriate, unsympathetic and would fail to harmonise with the character, appearance and development pattern of the local area contrary to Policies UHT1, UHT4 and HO6 of the Eastbourne Local Plan and Policies B1 and B2 of the Eastbourne Core Strategy and the National Planning Policy Framework. 2) The proposed development would significantly harm surrounding visual and environmental amenity of existing and future residents by virtue of its inappropriate and obtrusive siting resulting in the potential loss of existing trees, bushes and planting and the open nature of the garden on this sweeping corner on a prominent junction. As such, the proposal would be contrary to Policies H06 and HO20 of the Eastbourne Local Plan and Policy B2 of the Eastbourne Core Strategy.3) The proposed development is considered unacceptable by virtue of its failure to provide sufficient off-street parking spaces for the proposed and existing houses which is likely to add to increased overnight on-street parking stress in the local area and highway safety concerns on a busy junction. As such, the proposal would be contrary to Policy TR11 of the Eastbourne Borough Local Plan and East Sussex County Council parking standards SPG. 4) It has not been demonstrated that the proposed development would address principles of sustainable development or meet the minimum requirement of Code Level 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes. As such, it is considered that the proposal is unacceptable and fails to accord with Policy D1 of the Eastbourne Core Strategy and the requirements of the Sustainable Building Design Supplementary Planning Document. 5) It has not been demonstrated that the mandatory requirements of the Councils policy in respect of affordable housing cannot be met and therefore the proposal fails to comply with Policy D5 of the Eastbourne Core Strategy 2006-2027 and the Affordable Housing Implementation Technical Note 2013.



Appeal: Should the applicant appeal the decision the appropriate followed, taking into account the criteria set by the Planning Inspectorate, is considered to be written representations



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