Agenda item

P R Autos, Downs Garage, 44-48 East Dean Road. Application ID. 130397


130397 (OSR) - P R Autos, Downs Garage, 44-48 East Dean Road - Proposed demolition of existing buildings and erection of a 3 storey 47 bedroomed home for the elderly – OLD TOWN.  15 objections had been received.


The relevant planning history for the site was detailed within the report.


The observations of the Planning Policy Manager, Cleansing, Highways Dept, Downland, Trees and Woodland Manager, Economic Development, Environmental Health, Estate Manager, Southern Water and South East Water were summarised within the report.


Mr Whatley, local resident, addressed the committee in objection stating that the height of the proposed building would be intrusive, and would result in residents of the proposed care home having eyeline views into his property.  Mr Whatley also stated that many people from outside Eastbournewould be unaware of the entrance/exit and it would therefore become a traffic hazard.


Mr Coffey, Planning Consultant for the applicant, addressed the committee in reposnse stating that the principle of the change of use was acceptable and that the proposal had been designed to take into consideration when planning height levels throughout the site.  The windows would be at a 45 degree angle from existing properties to avoid overlooking.


NB: Councillor Taylor withdrew from the room whilst this item was considered.


RESOLVED:  (Unanimous) That permission be refused on the grounds that 1) the proposed development is considered unacceptable by virtue of its inappropriate siting, excessive footprint, height and massing which fails to adequately address the difference in ground levels and proximity between the application site and the rear of houses along the south west side of Longlands Road where it would result in a visually dominating and overbearing structure in relation to these houses. As such, it is considered that the proposal would be contrary to Policies UHT1 and UHT4 of the Eastbourne Local Plan and Policy B2 of the Eastbourne Core Strategy. 2) By virtue of the inappropriate siting, excessive footprint, height and massing, it is considered that the proposed development would result in an unacceptable loss of sunlight in the early evening and overshadowing to rear windows and gardens of houses on the south west side of Longlands Road. As such, it is considered that the proposal would be contrary to Policy H020 of the Eastbourne Local Plan and Policy B2 of the Eastbourne Core Strategy. 3) The proposed development is considered unacceptable by virtue of its inappropriate positioning of windows at first and second floor level to the north east corner of the building which would directly overlook the rear gardens and  habitable rooms of houses along the south west side of Longlands Road. As such, it is considered that the proposal would result in an unacceptable loss of privacy to these houses, adversely affecting the amenities of the residential occupiers, contrary to Policy H020 of the Eastbourne Local Plan and Policy B2 of the Eastbourne Core Strategy.  4) The positioning of parking spaces adjacent to the north east boundary to the rear of nos. 5 and 7 Longlands Road is considered to be unacceptable by virtue of their inappropriate location and close proximity to the rear elevations of these residential houses at an elevated level which could potentially cause noise and disturbance to the residential occupiers from revving engines, doors closing, beaming headlights and noise emanating from drivers and passengers. As such, it is considered that the proposal would adversely affect the amenities of adjacent residential occupiers, contrary to Policy H020 of the Eastbourne Local Plan and Policy B2 of the Eastbourne Core Strategy.


Appeal: Should the applicant appeal the decision the appropriate followed, taking into account the criteria set by the Planning Inspectorate, is considered to be written representations.


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