Issue - decisions

Housing development update

14/07/2021 - Housing development update

(Key decision):


(1) To note the progress of the project including the appropriation of the proposed development site from the General Fund into the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) on 31st March 2021. This is set out at the Exempt Appendix 1 to the report.


(2) To authorise entering into a construction contract to bring forward the development of the Southfields Road Car Park site, including formalising the appointments of the project professional team, in accordance with the Contract Procedure Rules, subject to ensuring a sound and financially viable business case and to let the homes to new tenants.


(3) To authorise the Director of Regeneration and Planning, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Housing, to carry out all necessary actions to deliver the project and these recommendations including determining the terms of, and authorising the execution of, all necessary documentation, subject to further legal, finance, and market advice.


(4) To delegate authority to the Director of Regeneration and Planning, in consultation with the Lead Member for Finance and Chief Finance Officer, to make an allocation within the Capital Programme of up to £6m and within the tolerances of the HRA Business Plan.