Issue - decisions

Business rate pilot

07/02/2019 - East Sussex Business Rates Pilot 2019/20

(Non-key decision):


(1) To agree that Wealden District Council be nominated as the lead authority.


(2) To agree that Eastbourne Borough Council pilots 75% business rates retention, resulting in an additional anticipated gain of £0.2m over current pooling arrangements.


(3) To agree the basic principle that no authority would receive a lower level of funding than they would have received without the pool.


(4) To agree to split resources gained on the growth in business rates on the basis of the split being 26% to East Sussex County Council, 5% to the Fire authority and the remaining 44% split amongst the District/Borough Councils;


(5) To agree the financial stability and economic development split of funding.


(6) To agree that the finalisation of the Memorandum of Understanding (appendix A) is delegated to the Chief Finance Officer.