Register of interests

Councillor Paolo De Paolis

I, as a Member of the Council named below, give notice to the Monitoring Officer of the following disposable pecuniary interests as required by Section 30 of the Localism Act 2011, and of my other interests which I am required to disclose by the Council's Code of Conduct.

1. Name and Council
Councillor: Council:
Paolo De Paolis Glynde and Beddingham Parish Council
2. Employment - Please state your employment, office, trade, profession or vocation.
Myself My Spouse / Civil Partner/ Cohabitee
Marketing Consultant None
3. Contracts - Do you have any contracts with the Council?
Myself My spouse, civil partner or cohabitee
None None
4. Land - Do you have land or property interests in the area of the Council named above?
Myself My spouse/ civil partner / cohabitee
Owner of The Stables, Little Dene Lane, Glynde, GN8 6LA Owner of The Stables, Little Dene Lane, Glynde, GN8 6LA
5. Licences - Do you have any Licences to occupy land in the within the area of the Council?
Myself My spouse/ civil partner / cohabitee
None None
6. Corporate Tenancies - Do you have any corporate tenancies?
Myself My spouse/ civil partner / cohabitee
7. Securities - Do you have any beneficial interest in securities of a body to be declared?
Myself My spouse/ civil partner / cohabitee
None None
8. Sponsorship - Do you receive payments or other financial benefit to carry out your duties as a Councillor or towards election expenses, other than from the Council?
9. Any other Interest as specified in the Council's Code of Conduct
Member My spouse/ civil partner / cohabitee
None None
10. Date of Declaration
Date declared:
16 May 2023