Register of interests

Councillor Lesley Boniface

I, as a Member of the Council named below, give notice to the Monitoring Officer of the following disposable pecuniary interests as required by Section 30 of the Localism Act 2011, and of my other interests which I am required to disclose by the Council's Code of Conduct.

1. Name and Council
Councillor: Council:
Lesley-Anne Boniface Newhaven Town Council
2. Employment - Please state your employment, office, trade, profession or vocation.
Myself My Spouse or Partner
Self-employed - Community Engagement Bus Driver - Brighton & Hove Bus Company
Civil Servant (part-time) -
3. Sponsorship - Do you receive payments or other financial benefit to carry out your duties as a Councillor or towards election expenses, other than from the Council?
Myself My spouse or Partner
None None
4. Contracts - Do you have any contracts with the Council?
Myself My spouse or partner
None None
5. Land - Do you have land or property interests in the area of the Council named above?
Myself My spouse or partner
Councillor Boniface has registered an interest but details are withheld. Councillor Boniface has registered an interest but details are withheld.
6. Licences - Do you have any Licences to occupy land within the area of the Council?
Myself My spouse or partner
None None
7. Corporate Tenancies - Do you have any corporate tenancies?
Myself My spouse or partner
None None
8. Securities - Do you have any beneficial interest in securities of a body to be declared?
Myself My spouse or partner
None None
9. Membership of Organisations - Have you been appointed to any Outside Bodies by the Council?
Name of Organisation Position
Egrets Way Project Member
10. Membership of Organisations - Do you hold membership of public body?
Name of Authority Position
Lewes District Council District Councillor
11. Membership of Organisations - Are you a member of any body directed to charitable purposes?
Name of Body Position
Greenhavens Network CIO Trustee
Denton Community Garden CIO Trustee
Friends of Riverside Park & Valley Ponds Chair
Haven Young Creatives CIO Trustee (pending)
12. Membership of Organisations - Do you hold membership of a body whose principle purpose is to influence public opinion or policy?
Name of Body Position on Body
Liberal Democrats Member
13. I have declared appropriately gifts and hospitality received in my capacity as a Councillor
Agree Disagree
Yes (none declared). -
14. Date of Declaration
Date declared:
16 September 2024